Fantasy journeys for seniors: A journey into the world of relaxation stories

"Once upon a time..." was yesterday! Because the guided relaxation journey / fantasy journey into the land of fantasy begins with: "Close your eyes and imagine ...". A few breaths later you are already in another world. This way please to the relaxation stories!

Fantasy journeys for seniors help with:

  • Relaxation & Recovery
  • Mental healing processes
  • Solving problems
  • Activation of creative & cognitive abilities

A fantasy journey is similar to a guided meditation. However, unlike mediation, it is more about having specific positive experiences. Like hypnosis, you receive suggestions but are free from suggestion and influence. 

Fantasy journeys are used in psychotherapy and in wellness. In the latter, they are used for relaxation and positive charge, such as strengthening self-esteem. Mostly, the topics of confidence and health are very popular with seniors.


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Entering one's own world of imagination - A taster paragraph

First, the atmosphere is created:

  • Fragrances
  • Sounds
  • Light

Fragrances are an excellent way to create images. Essential oils and incense sticks are suitable for this. Sounds are also an important factor, whereby pleasant background music is recommended. The light is ideally dimmed.

Once the desired atmosphere has been created, make sure that no one will disturb you. It is best to travel lying down. So assume a comfortable position. Some people prefer to travel sitting with their head on the tabletop, some even keep their eyes open. They tend to be the exception.

Good storytellers already transport you into a trance-like state in the introductory phase. You become ready for the climax, the actual relaxation story. It usually lasts about 15 to 30 minutes; depending on the theme of the journey, you will be given suggestions and enough space for your own images to rise up. That's why the breaks are so important and sometimes last up to two minutes.

Finally, the landing phase to arrive in reality: stretch, yawn and breathe deeply. The circulation gets going again.

Afterwards, the experiences of the fantasy journey are reflected on and developed further. This is sometimes possible in the context of conversations or creative processes. The latter include, for example, painting and writing.

Fantasy needs form - The four forms of fantasy journeys

  • In a guided fantasy journey, each sentence becomes an impulse for one's own ideas and images. 
  • A semi-open guided fantasy journey leaves more room for one's own associations, but is still guided throughout.
  • The open fantasy journey offers a framework in the form of introductory images or a situation. The traveller goes his or her own way and decorates it with associations.
  • The simple fantasy story takes place completely internally. The story is not told. Instead, you have it in your head and go through it yourself.

Stories are as old as humanity

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Stories have healing potential. They move the listener to inwardly comprehend the action. Usually there is a hero who successfully masters situations. Because of this reliving of the hero's journey, storytelling is one of the most primal experiences of humanity. In many cultures, stories were told for healing purposes. Sometimes certain medicinal plants were also taken, which produced trance-like states.
The stories were usually told in special places accompanied by ceremonial rituals. One sacred place in Greece even developed into a therapy centre in antiquity: the sanctuary of Asclepius in Epidauros; a cult complex that resembles a large wellness centre.
With the dawn of the 20th century, the Swiss psychiatrist and neurologist Carl Gustav Jung discovered the value of stories for psychotherapeutic work. He asked himself why people of all cultures create inner images that appear irrational. He had noticed this fact during his research on archetypes (personality types).

Fantasy Journeys in Therapy & Medicine

Today we know: The subconscious processes thousands of times as much information as our conscious mind. Again and again, people have asked themselves how they can use this incredible capacity for their lives: How do I get into a relaxed state?

Because this is a prerequisite...

Fantasy journeys belong to the imaginative processes. In the early 1970s, the American doctor O. Carl Simonton discovered the technique of imagination and used it in cancer therapy. After that, more and more behavioural therapists began to work with it for anxiety and psychosomatic complaints. Anxious experiences can be changed by creating new inner images. It could be proven that the patients' fears actually decreased and their behaviour also changed, provided that they visualised the new images for at least three weeks.

Imagination in action - an overview

Fantasy journeys are best known as a time-out with a feeling of well-being and muscle relaxation. Although the benefits are obvious, they are sometimes associated with dubious advertising promises. A critical look is recommended, especially with esoteric packaging.
Life-changing or even healing effects should rather be targeted in the context of therapy. On the other hand, in our opinion, don't expect too much from those who want to be inspired by their own images.

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Fantasy journeys, on the other hand, are very suitable for self-optimisation: for example, in the case of addiction problems and dependencies, hypnotic fantasy journeys activate healthier ideas. Considerable success has been achieved in this way, especially with smokers and overweight people.

The group of senior citizens in particular is supported by phantasy journeys in the case of the following complaints:

  • Increased blood pressure
  • Psychosomatic complaints
  • Headaches & migraines
  • Digestive problems
  • Fears of death, loneliness & loss
  • Motor restlessness
  • Declining concentration & onset of dementia

Elementary function in hypnosis therapies

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"Imagination is better than knowledge." - Albert Einstein

Fantasy journeys are now firmly established in hypnotherapy. They help the hypnoclient to put themselves in a certain situation: For example, into a lift when one is afraid of using one. The fantasy journey enables a pleasant experience in the lift with all the senses. Similar to a (waking) dream, the impression increases through hypnotic deepening to the feeling of a real experience.

The brain makes no distinction between what is experienced and what is imagined and so the hypnosis client does a kind of dress rehearsal before the actual lift ride. His brain learns to respond differently in the feared situation - without fear.
In hypnosis/hypnotherapy, fantasy journeys are more intense than usual. A good hypnotherapist is able to turn every (difficult) situation of his client into a hypnotic fantasy journey.

Fantasy journeys in hypnosis can...

  • related to a burdened topic, such as the fear of riding in a lift.
  • used in a problem-oriented way to raise awareness, for example to explore causes.
  • future-oriented in order to practise an unknown situation and to gain security.
  • ...stimulate free association to explore possibilities.

Conclusion: Relaxation with all senses

When travelling in the imagination, as is often the case, practice makes perfect. If you go on a fantasy journey regularly, you will gradually reach deep relaxation more quickly. Despite the potential hurdles at the beginning, it will get better over time if you keep at it. Try out which form works best for you: Guided, semi-open or open? We at Alterix have prepared a few programmes for you...

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