Retired, and now? 10 hobbies for the small purse

A hobby gives you joie de vivre. But what if your monthly budget doesn't allow for expensive leisure activities? Don't panic, there are plenty of free or low-cost alternatives that are just as exciting and entertaining. Fun and social participation are also available for little money!

Bargain hunting at the flea market

Unpopular furniture and decorative items have to give way. And that means the finds you got at the flea market! Hunting for special furniture or rare antiques is an exciting hobby. You never know what to expect and whether you'll find something. The advantage: second-hand goods are much cheaper than new goods in the shops. In many regions, such flea markets are held weekly. You can find the dates in the press or in your city's calendar of events.

As flea markets usually start early in the morning, this hobby is particularly suitable for early risers. Because of the small prices, you should always have enough small change with you and pay as appropriately as possible. A large bag also makes sense. Because a visit to the flea market naturally ends with some bargain purchases.

You can also get rid of your own things at the flea market and earn some extra money. Many things can still be sold second-hand, such as kitchen utensils, tablecloths, porcelain or jewellery. As a hobby junk dealer, you will meet nice people who stroll past your stall or ask about your goods. Occasional small talk is included.

Getting creative with "upcycling

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Human hands are unique tools. So why not use them for craft hobbies? Creativity and imagination are in demand when old objects are turned into new works of art or home accessories in a process known as "upcycling". Discarded objects can certainly be used for other purposes. They can be found in the storeroom, attic, cellar, garage, garden shed or even in bulky waste. This is how a vertical planting for the balcony is created from old pallets, a shelf from old wine crates, a lantern from empty food cans or a side table from an old suitcase.

It's fun to make something with your own hands and see it take on more and more shape. Furniture can also shine in a new light this way. That old chest of drawers is functional, but it's the wrong colour and that's why it's sitting in the basement? Simply sand it down, repaint it, seal it and screw on different knobs or handles. You've already created a new favourite piece with an individual look! By the way: This hobby can be wonderfully combined with the hobby "flea market".

Solve exciting puzzles

Word puzzles, number puzzles, joke questions & Co. put you in a good mood and train your brain. You can play quizzes alone, in pairs or in groups. Even small competitions are possible. For those who find classic crossword puzzles boring, there are challenges of a different kind. You can be a detective in short story puzzle books, where you solve cases and identify perpetrators in the manner of Sherlock Holmes. Escape room puzzle books contain many exciting types of puzzles that have to be solved with the power of deduction and logic. They often have a historical background. With the map puzzle book you solve tricky tasks and discover geographical secrets in the process. This hobby can keep you busy for hours!

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Slipping into other roles when playing theatre

Are you a theatre enthusiast and would like to be on stage yourself? If you enjoy taking on different roles and are willing to learn texts by heart, then theatre is the right thing for you! In many villages and towns there are amateur theatres that are happy to welcome new members. Some adult education centres also offer theatre courses. This hobby stimulates your imagination and improves your power of expression. Fine-tuning certain scenes trains patience and stamina, and stage presence and impersonating certain characters make you more self-confident. In theatre you become part of a group of like-minded people who learn and practise together, encourage each other and try out new things.


The brave can also try improvisational theatre. In contrast to classical theatre, there is no script with predefined dialogue. The actors react spontaneously and creatively to the situation or the audience.

Learn a foreign language

Learning a new language in old age is a special challenge. Nevertheless, many seniors who have not had the time for this for professional or family reasons want to fulfil this long-cherished wish. And that has many advantages! For example, the opportunity to finally talk to the locals on holiday and to read the menu in a restaurant. Or meeting like-minded people in a learning group and thus making new social contacts. Many educational institutions offer language courses especially for seniors. It is also possible to learn a foreign language on a language study trip. In this case, the holiday is combined with a visit to a language school. The newly acquired language skills can then be used directly on site.

Hunting for motifs as an amateur photographer

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Good cameras are now available at affordable prices. But since our smartphones have better and better photo cameras, great photos can be taken even without professional equipment. If you walk through the world with your eyes open, you can capture extraordinary motifs everywhere with your lens, take snapshots and capture special memories. The blossoming cherry tree, a reflection in the water or the ice-smeared grandchild - with just a snap, these moments are captured forever.

Advanced photographers also think about the composition of the picture before pressing the shutter release. What should be in focus? How should the objects be arranged? What do I want to express with the photo? Later, it's time to select, sort and edit the pictures. There are various software programmes for this. After events or holidays, you can print out the best ones or create photo books. This way you always have your snapshots at hand.

Learn to play the guitar

You would like to make music, but your budget doesn't allow for expensive lessons at the music school? Then think about buying a guitar. It is comparatively inexpensive (entry-level models are already available for less than 100 EUR) and only needs new strings from time to time. A tuner is also unnecessary; there are now various apps for smartphones. The guitar is easy to transport and can be used in almost any musical genre.

You can find free instructions and exercises on YouTube to teach yourself how to play the guitar. But you can also find instructional books for beginners in bookshops. The first successes come quickly. As soon as you have mastered the basic chords, you can play simple songs. After that, you can improve your skills at your own pace.

Singing in the choir

Singing is your passion? When you join an amateur choir, you become part of a group of amateur singers. They are all united by the joy of music and a special sense of community. Because for a good result, everyone has to pull together! After all, the audience wants to be professionally entertained at concerts. There is sure to be a choir near you where you can try it out without obligation. This way you can find out whether you feel comfortable in the existing group and whether singing outside the shower is really your thing.

This hobby can (depending on the choir) involve numerous practice sessions and  performances. If you can stand this pressure to perform, you will have a lot of fun singing in a choir. Many new friendships have already been made during social gatherings after rehearsals and joint excursions.

On a treasure hunt with geocaching

Geocaching is becoming increasingly popular. In this modern form of treasure hunting, you have to find a hiding place at an unknown location using GPS coordinates. There you will find a container with a small gift inside. After finding it, you can take the "treasure" with you and leave behind an item you brought with you. What do you need for this? Good shoes, a replacement object for the hiding place and a smartphone with a GPS app.

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Get on your bike and into the countryside!

Breathe in fresh air, discover nature, move your body - cycling is fun and clears your head. The cardiovascular system is trained and the leg muscles strengthened. The knees are only subjected to a small amount of strain because most of the body weight is absorbed by the saddle. This is easy on the joints and protects against signs of wear and tear. This hobby is therefore also well suited to overweight people.

Expensive equipment is not needed for smaller tours. All you need is a comfortable and properly adjusted city or mountain bike, a helmet and possibly a saddle bag for provisions and drinks. Look out for worthwhile destinations in your area and explore them on two wheels. Information on cycle paths and route suggestions are available on the internet.


Hobbies can be challenging or relaxing, a source of strength or a sorter of thoughts. In short: they make you happy. Many activities do not require a fat wallet. Even those who have little money available each month will find a favourite activity that suits their interests and character. Because fun and happiness do not cost money!

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