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©Roman Samborskyi/shutterstock_1130415878

When the children are out of the house is the best time for your own dreams

When the children are out of the house, it's the best time for your own dreams.
Even as a little girl, she always dreamed of galloping across a stubble field on a horse in the backlight of the sunset ... He always wanted to fly in a glider ... Always wanted to see the Grand Canyon, but never had enough time or money ...
There has never been a better time in life to finally turn his dreams into reality than now. Neither in school days, when most big dreams were born, nor when starting a job and finally building a career and often at the same time starting a family and maybe even building and financing a house, was there enough time to devote to these innermost desires. They are forgotten, and when the children move out, many people feel empty, which in the worst case can lead to depression.
Yet the best time to realise one's dreams is right now. Once physical ailments make certain activities, such as riding, impossible, it is definitely too late. A big dream that never came true - a sad fate that could have been avoided simply by taking action.

You can't believe what else you're capable of until you jump in at the deep end

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But what prevents us from finally doing what we have always wanted to do? Often there is a lack of self-confidence. When the children were small, it might have been there again in between, this feeling of what one can dare to do. That courage, for example, to jump from the three-person pool, just to prove to your offspring that it's not bad at all, that it's even fun - until the kids can't help themselves and don't need any more chaperones. You enjoyed the time when you could relax at the edge of the pool. Why can't we get away from there? The poolside, the TV chair, the whirlpool and co. have a firm grip on us. It's so pleasant because the back is so tense, because the knee has always hurt so much lately, because ... And that's precisely the crux of the lack of exercise that has been allowed to go on for once too long. Tension leads us to take it easy, and taking it easy becomes a habitual ritual. But the less we move, the greater the tension becomes and it feeds the inner bastard and so it can go on and on until the bitter end ... And for some people that is indeed the case - they have stopped living when half their life was still ahead of them.

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Why am I actually in the world?

It can be that the innermost desires are buried so deep that we don't find them right away. But you can do something about that. A good strategy to get creativity going is to break out of established routines. If you take a different route to work or choose a different means of transport, you will get completely different ideas, gather completely new impressions and can thus find an answer to the question why you are actually in the world again, what is the meaning of life now that the children are out of the house. One thing in advance: even before the children came into the world, there was this meaning - I swear.
Another good way of tracking down your own desires is to write down all the things that you like to do, that fascinate you or that define you as a person.

What about my dream of riding now?

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©Evgeny Atamanenko/shutterstock_668307886

In the German Equestrian Federation (FN), you can ride into old age. And even at 50 plus, it's not too late to start riding. The only contraindication is an allergy to horse hair. Great caution should be exercised with artificial hip joints, but with an OK from the doctor, all those willing to ride can start immediately and realise their dream.
In the first riding lessons, the horse is lunged, which means that at first it walks in the slowest gait (walk) on a long leash in a circle around the riding instructor. The pace becomes faster the more confident the rider is. Before the classical riding lessons, there is a warm-up with gymnastic exercises. Such exercises also continue on the horse. Because as a rider you need a basic tension in your body, otherwise you would slip out of the saddle. Balance exercises are also important. Riding is good for your posture and makes you happy - for many people, happiness on earth actually lies on the back of a horse.
Riding lessons are available at various riding schools. The best place to look is the FN website. And who knows, maybe you'll find something even more beautiful while riding than you dreamed of as a little girl. Why not afford your own horse now, the first time in your life when you can actually afford it?

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@Valeri Potapova/shutterstock_33436534

Viewing the world from a glider

Experience boundless freedom above the clouds - that's what glider pilots can do when the thermals are optimal. They can fly leisurely circles as well as loops - real aerial acrobats and wonderfully silent and elegant at the same time... What's stopping us from just doing it? There are gliding clubs all over Germany, and you should be able to try them out everywhere. It could well be that you taste blood and take flying lessons and then get a pilot's licence and finally take part in competitions such as long-distance gliding flights... It is seldom too early and never too late. The best time to start is now.

I've never been to New York, I've never been to Hawaii

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Everyone knows the Udo Jürgens hit "I've never been to New York" - a single invitation to melt into longing. The only question is why that seems to be more fun for many than working towards the goal. Strolling through San Francisco in ripped jeans? Why not, actually? The nearest travel agency is the first address to find out how many dollars such a pleasure will cost. And if you've already got the money for the plane ticket, you can start booking right away. Why not?
It's the same with all imaginable wishes and dreams. They want to be lived and you have to do something to make them come true. And let's face it: pretty much anything is better than sitting in a TV armchair watching actors live their lives invented by a scriptwriter, while valuable life time passes by unused. Of course you can watch television. But you can't leave it at that and you have to get active again. Life is guaranteed to hold more than work and television. Life is full of adventures. You have to seek them out and experience them. Have fun with it!

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