True art of living: Relaxation for seniors in a sitting position

Hardly lying down for any length of time and all your bones ache? Standing doesn't work for long either and walking is only possible with a rollator? At some point in old age, sometimes only one thing is easy: sitting. It's good to have methods at hand to be able to relax while sitting.

Of course, we hope that you can enjoy your life in any position for as long as possible. Here, however, we will focus specifically on the sitting position. Seniors in particular spend a lot of time sitting - compared to walking and standing. Drinking coffee, playing games, reading, watching TV - they are actually sitting all the time; sometimes for far too long and in an awkward or one-sided posture. Those who are young simply get up and move around. Those who are restricted in doing so would do well to relax on the spot - exactly where he or she is sitting at the moment!

The following methods are suitable for this:
  • Progressive muscle relaxation
  • Autogenic training
  • Fantasy journeys
  • Breathing exercises
  • Senior gymnastics

It makes the most sense to learn the method of your choice in a course for seniors. You can also watch a video, for example on YouTube, and follow along. However, the course is definitely better because it is individually tailored to you. The health insurance companies usually cover the costs of a qualified course.

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The Progressive Muscle Relaxation Method for Seniors

This relaxation method unfolds its power through the principle of muscle tension and immediate subsequent relaxation. Once the exercises have been learned, they are easy for seniors to practise in everyday life:

Plan about 20 to 30 minutes where you are sitting undisturbed and warm enough. Start breathing in and out deeply. Then tense the various muscles one after the other, for five counts each. Keep all the other muscles of the body as relaxed as possible. And the tense muscle should not cramp either. So do not tense too much. After each contraction, let go and feel the relaxation in the muscle for at least 15 to 30 seconds. The breath should continue to flow normally even when tensing and not be held. Pay full attention to your body awareness.

Exercise sequence for progressive muscle relaxation

  • Clench the right fist and slowly count from one to five, release and feel the relaxation. Then do the same with the left fist.
  • Next, tense both upper arm muscles by folding your hands in front of your forehead and pressing your elbows together. Hold, count to five and relax again.
  • Now tense the forearm muscles by pressing the palms of your hands on your thighs. Relax again.
  • Tense the whole face: Frown by raising your eyebrows and pulling your eyes open.
  • Press your lips together and your tongue firmly against the roof of your mouth. Press the teeth together.
  • Keeping the tension, count to five again. Release everything - with a sound if you like - and feel into the face.
  • Now it's the turn of the shoulders: pull them up to the ears and also pull the shoulder blades back, pushing the chest out. After five counting steps, lower them again and relax your whole shoulder area.
  • Continue by inhaling and exhaling deeply, stretching and tightening the chest and remaining in this position for five counts. Then continue breathing normally and relax into the chest.
  • Turn your attention to the abdomen. Press it forward and hold the position. Continue to breathe. Release the abdominal muscles and relax the abdomen.
Buttocks and Legs
  • Tense the buttocks and make a hollow back. Hold this position. Relax again and trace.
  • Tense the thigh muscles, hold and then relax.
  • Tense the lower legs by pressing the feet to the floor, hold and then relax. Re-activate by pulling the tops of the feet upwards. Finally relax again.

You've done it! After a run like this, sit for a few minutes and feel how each muscle group feels.

Autogenic training - the supreme discipline among sedentary relaxation exercises for seniors

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Autogenic training is just as popular with seniors as the muscle relaxation method and at least as effective. To learn autogenic training, however, you need a little more time and a better ability to concentrate and remember. Therefore, it is not recommended to start Autogenic Training late in life.

The standard position is the so-called carriage driver posture. You sit relaxed and slightly bent forward on a chair, so that almost all muscles are loose. The suggestive formulas listed below complement this core of Autogenic Training. If you want to learn Autogenic Training at home, there are DVDs and books available as sources of information. To get used to the exercises and to enjoy the deep relaxation, twice daily practice sessions are recommended. One such session lasts about 10 minutes.

Insight into the exercise: About the formulas of autogenic training

This first stage of autogenic training consists of six statements of self-hypnosis aimed at deep relaxation:

  1. The heaviness exercise: "My arms and legs are very heavy." Say this sentence silently to yourself five to six times.
  2. The warmth exercise: "My arms and legs are very warm." Again, speak to yourself inwardly five to six times.
  3. Breathing exercise: "My breathing is calm and regular. Now you know: repeat the sentence several times, and do the same for all the other sentences.
  4. The heart exercise: "My pulse is calm and regular."
  5. The solar plexus exercise - focus on the solar plexus above the navel: "My solar plexus is flowing and warm.
  6. The forehead cooling exercise: "My forehead is pleasantly cool."

The formulas of autogenic training encourage you to imagine how the suggested state of relaxation feels in the respective part of the body. First about heaviness, then warmth, breath and so on. Through imagination, the body really begins to feel and relax just that, because thoughts have a direct influence on our body. Practice all six parts of the lower level until you can do them without strain and effectively. Then you can move on to the upper level. This is also about self-knowledge by processing the past. This is done in seven phases through experiencing colours and looking at values to autosuggestions with personal goals.

Far-reaching impact

Last but not least, an interesting piece of information: this form of self-relaxation while sitting for seniors even has an effect on the autonomic nervous system. This controls heartbeat, breathing, digestion and blood pressure. So you see, simply being able to influence yourself in this way while sitting is a true art of living! After all, it gives you countless benefits, including pain relief without chemicals or tablets.

And what else?

These two relaxation methods - progressive muscle relaxation and autogenic training - have been described to you. The other three methods mentioned at the beginning await you in our individual articles on fantasy journeys, breathing exercises and gymnastics for seniors. Get a comprehensive insight and educate yourself as much as possible in the field of "relaxation". Because it should be clear: With every bit of practical knowledge you get closer to a desirable goal - the ultimate relaxation in old age!

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