Suddenly retired, what now? Volunteering: a meaningful task in old age

Our society would be unthinkable without people who volunteer for social or ecological projects. They don't get paid, but they get appreciation, gratitude and the feeling that they are making a difference. Would you like to make a contribution? There are plenty of opportunities both in the cities and in the countryside!

Temporary grandma and grandpa

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Grandparents play an important role in the lives of our children. There is often a special connection between them. They are caregivers, role models, transmitters of values, listeners, advisors, comforters and fun-makers. Most of the time, they have fewer obligations than the parents and can therefore take a lot of time for the children. Unfortunately, many older people do not have grandchildren or they live far away. Nevertheless, they want some family connection, interaction with children and the feeling of being able to pass on some of their life experience to the younger generation.

With an honorary position as a surrogate grandma or surrogate grandpa, you can fulfil this wish. You can go on little outings, play, do handicrafts, bake or read books aloud. In this way, beautiful bonds can develop that are beneficial for everyone involved. The children have fun, the substitute grandparents feel needed and the parents are relieved. Contact points for finding a godchild can be the youth welfare office, the municipal administration, charitable institutions or special agencies.

Helpers with a heart at the Tafel

We are always looking for hands to lend a helping hand! Whether as a driver, in the warehouse or at the goods distribution - there are many opportunities to volunteer at the Tafel. You become part of a community of solidarity, get to know new people and your work is appreciated. You make sure that food doesn't end up in the rubbish and at the same time you help people in need. That is a satisfying feeling. You don't need any previous experience for this work. If necessary, volunteers receive further training in special courses. On the homepage of Tafel Deutschland e. V. you can find more information and contact points in your area.

Second-hand shops and clothing donations

What actually happens to the old clothing donations from charitable clothing collections? Unfortunately, many of them have to be sorted out and disposed of because of poor quality. The remaining textiles go to social institutions. That's where the volunteers come in. This task is something for you if you would like to be socially involved and have several hours a week to spare. The Deutsche Kleiderstiftung (German Clothing Foundation), for example, needs support in sorting and sorting donations or in delivering them to the clothing stores. In the shops, the clothes are ironed and labelled, the clothes racks are stocked and customers are advised. It is precisely this interpersonal contact and exchange with colleagues that is enriching for many volunteers and provides a feeling of being needed.

The German Red Cross (DRK) also provides people in need with second-hand clothes, shoes and bedding free of charge or for a small donation at its clothing stores throughout Germany. In addition, the DRK offers cheap goods for sale in second-hand clothes shops. If you keep your eyes open, you are sure to find opportunities to get involved in this area in your neighbourhood.

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Commitment to animal welfare

If you want to spend time with animals and do something good at the same time, an animal shelter is the right place for you. There you can help care for the animals while they wait for a new, loving home. Cleaning boxes and cages, feeding, walking, petting - all this is part of your job. Gardening, preparing for events or, if you know your way around, small repair jobs are also part of the job. Sometimes you may also be needed to help raise orphaned wild animal cubs.

Animal shelters depend on volunteers, because the employed staff can only provide basic care. Requirements for this job? You must like animals, be empathetic, like to lend a hand and have time on a regular basis. The staff members are specially trained for special tasks in dealing with the protégés. The best thing is to ask directly at a facility near you.

Active for the environment and nature

You can also volunteer for nature. For example, with the environmental organisation NABU (Naturschutzbund Deutschland e. V.), which has been active in nature conservation for more than 100 years. As a member of the NABU family, you contribute to the preservation of the local flora and fauna and ensure that the next generation can also enjoy the beauty of our nature. Together with other environmentalists, you will experience nature at first hand. For example, you take care of the practical protection of species and biotopes on site, clean water and the careful use of resources. Volunteers also work on campaigns and projects related to nature conservation. It doesn't matter if you only want to volunteer for a few hours or on a regular basis. For more information, contact your local NABU group.

Become a volunteer reader

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As a reader, you are active in kindergartens, primary schools or libraries. There, you read books to children of different ages by the hour, thus introducing them to language in a playful way. Scientific or technical topics can also be taught to children with suitable stories. To do this, you should enjoy storytelling and reading and, of course, enjoy working with children. If the little ones fall under the spell of the story, sit in front of you and listen enthusiastically, this will also transfer to you. In many towns and cities there are initiatives that provide  volunteer readers. The local library is also a good place to start.

Reading fun knows no age limit! That's why senior citizens' institutions are always looking for volunteer readers. The eyesight of many senior citizens has deteriorated and independent reading has become too strenuous for them. They are particularly happy about an entertaining reading session. Because of the physical and mental impairments of older people, it is of course a great challenge to make the reading session appealing. But the gratitude of the people and the special atmosphere are worth the "effort".

Learning mentorships and homework supervision

As a learning mentor, you support children and young people in learning and doing their homework. This should improve their school situation and motivation to learn. Help is particularly needed by low-performing pupils whose parents have little time or who lack the necessary knowledge. Volunteers are also needed in the context of  all-day care in schools to help with homework or to assist with games and handicrafts. Anyone who enjoys working with children will find an interesting and challenging job here.


Whether you save food, take care of children or help animals in need, volunteering for a good cause strengthens your personality and is fun. Think about the topic that interests you and where you can best use your skills. Once you have found the right project for you, you will be able to achieve a lot of positive things and make the world (for you and for others) a little better.

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