Being alone

The feeling of being alone is nothing negative! Being alone is a process that is part of a person's development. Your soul wants to tell you something. Here we look at being alone in more detail in order to be able to use this time of being alone meaningfully for your own development. Become aware that you are not alone!

Being alone - one of many feelings that are sometimes unpleasant and difficult to bear. The soul is calling - what does it want to tell you? It makes sense to heal body, mind and soul during the time of being alone. Here you can find out how and in what ways this can be achieved. We take the time to look behind the feelings that arise during this time.

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Being alone - I am alone - what can I do?

There are times when we feel alone. Being alone does not have to be a reason for sadness. On the contrary! If you can use this time meaningfully for yourself, the initially strange and sometimes lousy feeling of being alone will take a positive and pleasant turn. For most people, this is a time to deal with various issues. One topic, for example, is forgiveness. This is a difficult subject. It touches the soul and is difficult to deal with, among other things.
That is why we exist. We want to help you and support you on this path. One of the most difficult tasks for human beings is to regulate their feelings themselves. This is because you cannot touch the feelings. Another difficulty is that when you talk to other people about feelings, they may claim to know how you feel - but you can be sure that their feeling is not how you feel. Feelings arise through a person's development and everyone feels and explains their feelings to themselves. There is nobody who can control it. Nobody can check whether you are really sad or happy. In this respect, a counterpart is always dependent on your statements and either he believes it or not. Thus, feelings are always a very personal matter.

Aloneness and fear - allowing feelings can be painful

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Man is a creature of habit. Running away from oneself out of habit is a widespread human characteristic. Being able to show and allow feelings is not easy. But one thing you might have noticed is that unprocessed feelings keep catching up with you until you have dealt with them. This is a very normal process in human development. How else are we supposed to know or feel that there is more behind them that should ignite curiosity. What is behind the feelings we experience and to what extent is there an underlying feeling at all? The feeling of being alone hides a lot of new things that can be discovered and explored in time. It starts with the fact that you can use the time intensively for your own development. Being alone does not mean that you have to meditate all the time to find yourself. We show you ways to tackle difficult issues with fun and joy. Stop running away from yourself and face your life. You are the author of your book about your life or the director of your life film. You alone decide how your life goes and only you can change your life the way you like it.

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No one has to be alone! - The WE wins!

We will support you with all our knowledge, which consists of experience and extensive research including recommendations. We have lots of tips, advice, hints, exercises and experience reports for you, from which you can take what you need and can apply to your life. We are sure that you will find the right path for you. The only thing you need to bring with you is patience and tolerance towards yourself. We are talking about different development processes that you will go through in the course of time. In these processes you should never ask yourself how long it will take. Do not set yourself a time limit! It takes as long as it takes. You cannot put a time limit on healing the soul. We are happy to support you on this path to yourself. One theme follows the next and the feeling of being alone encompasses different feelings with different processes. The only thing that is definitely up to you is the decision to do it and you alone decide when you want to start.

Being alone - How can I use the time wisely?

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©Ruslan Guzow/shutterstock_293474573

One person needs so long, another needs twice the time and a third wonders why other people have needed so long. Therefore, the first and most important hint is that you should give yourself unlimited time. Only when it is coherent again and feels good, only then have you completed "something". Entire processes that have their headings such as: forgiveness, respect, love, appreciation or similar, will always take a certain amount of time with some stage goals before the process is apparently finished. Every end is a new beginning and completing a process means that new processes are released. That's life! Make room for the new by working through the old, what is deep inside you and calls for processing.

Before we go into detail, there is something important to say. Once a process is set in motion, it will not be possible to stop it completely. You can always distract yourself from time to time, but the intervals for doing so will become narrower and narrower. That is why you should take the time you need for your initiated process as often as possible. Don't worry, you should not stay alone forever, but you should always take time for yourself at regular intervals.

Alone with me! - Who am I?

Maybe you are one of those people who have become quite quiet and don't do much outside of work. That's not a bad thing! The more intensive the time you take for yourself, the more noticeable the developmental steps will be. The developmental phases we are talking about here are completely normal feelings that every human being has. There are people who like to repress and don't want to know what is behind a feeling, and there are you! You are reading this text because you are curious and we want to support you because you are bored with being alone or no longer "like" being alone. The fact is, you want to change something in your life and that's exactly why you've landed here with us. Get involved in the world of feelings and experience something new in your life. Create new feelings, grasp new thoughts and release new ideas, your own abilities and qualities that you never even imagined before.

Being Alone - The Journey to Myself ...

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©Rainer Fuhrmann/shutterstock_725437336

A journey into the depths of your self with all its ups and downs, which make life more worth living and more attractive. The intensity and resources that lie dormant in you want to be lived and the joy of life that lies within you wants to be carried into the world. Why not start an experiment? If you consciously smile at the people you meet on the street and perhaps say "hello", most people smile back with a surprised look. If you are lucky, they will greet you as well. While you carry your joie de vivre into the world, the other person who met you on the street thinks about whether he knows you - because you smiled at him and greeted him like that. Joie de vivre is contagious! Be the virus of joie de vivre that brings peace and love into the world.

Alone, but not lonely ...

Who doesn't know the feeling of being alone? You certainly know the feeling that friends and family would like to spend time with you, but it just doesn't fit due to time constraints. Then the feeling of being alone often arises. An inner emptiness that makes you think about yourself. In most cases, you think about your own self-worth. You often don't know where to begin and many things feel chaotic and unclear. Somehow, everyone in your immediate environment seems to have a life, except you. You don't have a plan at the moment. Everything you want to do or start doesn't work out or goes wrong. Nothing wants to work. The feeling of being alone is often a harbinger that wants to tell you: Now take care of yourself!

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Being alone has many faces ...

There are other forms of being alone. You probably know this from your professional work, from an association or an honorary office. Everyone around you appreciates your qualities in your field of work, but no one is interested in who you really are, with all your strengths and weaknesses. Only your field of work is appreciated and not your person as such. This can also cause a feeling of being alone, even though you have your colleagues and club people around you. The football club is a good example. Everything revolves around football, but no one is interested in the fact that your girlfriend has left you or that you are longing for a partnership. Another example is the knitting coffee, where everyone is knitting socks for their grandchildren, while your daughter or son is off with the children to find a new home somewhere else. Being among people and yet feeling alone is unfortunately no longer a rarity in our society. But it is a clear sign that you should deal with yourself. Before being alone becomes loneliness, you should take time for the processes of your own development.

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