Loneliness in old age

Loneliness in old age: What's in store for me? Loneliness quickly catches up with you in old age. Find out what you can do about it here. No one has to spend their life in loneliness. There are ways and possibilities to help you get out of loneliness. The way you deal with loneliness in old age should be consciously recognised, changed and minimised. Loneliness and sadness do not have to become part of everyday life.

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Loneliness - My friends all die before me!

At some point, the age comes when we are obviously approaching the end of life. The older we get, the more often we think about it. Your friends, with whom you have spent much of your life, are gradually dying. You can no longer go out with them, but pay your last respects at the cemetery. - Time to rethink! Be glad that you can still experience life here on this earth and concentrate on yourself. What have you always wanted to do? What were you never crazy enough for? What have your friendships kept you from doing because they didn't understand you?

Every parting is hard!

The feeling of loneliness increases the more people die around me. Why don't you take the chance and write to them as if they were still alive. Write down what touches you and what you have not said before. Writing letters to friends who have died can be a relief and make room for something new in your mind. When loneliness catches up with you, go to a place of comfort and talk to them. The soul of a deceased person is still present for some time after death, so you should get rid of previously unspoken things either in writing or verbally. Saying goodbye to friends is often difficult to understand. This heaviness can increase the feeling of loneliness. "We still had so much to do!" What is stopping you from tackling these activities now? The sadness? The loneliness? The courage?

The way out of loneliness!

Live! Live what you wanted to experience with your friends and family. Then tell them about it in your own way. This will not only ease your soul regarding grief and loneliness, but it will do you good and positively influence your lifetime. Take a piece of paper and write the name of your friendship on it. Then put the piece of paper in a visible place and use it as a contact point for the issues that are moving you at the moment. This is a way to create more space for yourself and your soul - even if it sounds a bit crazy - try it out! Loneliness does not mean giving up, it means getting up! You know that none of the deceased wanted your loneliness.

My family is dying out!

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Loneliness has many faces! Your parents are long gone, your brothers and sisters and your relatives are only in younger generations. The feeling of loneliness rises up and leaves you feeling helpless. This does not have to be! - You can change it! Talking to family members who are still alive can give you new impetus. Talk about your experiences and the crazy memories. Share the joy of life with your loved ones and it will bring you strength, courage and a new zest for life. Don't wash dirty laundry, but revive the positives of your life. There are certain issues that you just don't talk about anymore because you can't change them. But what you can change is your attitudes towards certain chapters of your life. Everyone deserves a second chance and if you don't try to move with the times, loneliness will torment you with the thoughts: you missed something.

Let the younger ones benefit from it!

Especially when it comes to younger generations, you certainly have a lot to tell them, report to them or give them as useful advice. But don't try to tell anyone what to do. Stay with yourself and listen to your heart. It will lead you out of loneliness and you will not regret it. Invite your children and your children's children to dinner for no reason at all. Telling them what you think of them and how you feel (e.g. that you are proud) can contribute to the peace of the family in general and to your personal happiness in the first place. Family celebrations that make you happy! When was the last time you consciously experienced this?
Accept what is there and don't think too much about when, how and why "the end" is coming or has already come for some. Everyone has their time to experience here and everyone decides for themselves how this time will be shaped. It is not too late! Remember positive experiences with the family. Relive these experiences in your memory and laugh again as if you were experiencing them together. The important thing is not to get stuck or involved in arguments and disagreements, but to keep the positive issues very high and you will feel better. Try it out, the way out of loneliness.

My children don't know me anymore ...

It is not nice to be excluded from one's family. This creates the feeling of loneliness and the mind is heavy. Unfortunately, you are not the only person dealing with this fate. Everyone is doing their best and does not want to waste away alone and in loneliness at home. The more time you spend brooding and thinking, the worse the feelings of loneliness become. There are several ways to not let the thoughts control you. The first way is to accept the situation as it is and to find other things to do to give your life new impetus. You will soon realise if this is the right way for you. Often the thoughts come back. Mostly when there is a need behind it. - So how can you express your need more and make it heard? Loneliness is not exclusively negative, even if the feeling can be associated with a certain heaviness. The need that often shows itself in loneliness is often longing. Longing for closeness, warmth and security.

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