Dog breeds for allergy sufferers

Many people want a dog because it is a companion, a cuddle partner and a comforter at the same time. Especially when the children are out of the house, retirement is approaching or daily exercise comes too short, many people increasingly think about getting a four-legged companion. But what if I myself or my partner suffer from a dog allergy? Is it possible to keep a dog despite an allergy?

This triggers the allergic reaction

In the case of an allergy, our body's defence system reacts to substances that are actually harmless with an immune response because it classifies them as harmful (similar to the fight against bacteria and viruses). Interesting: In the case of a dog allergy, the immune system does not react to the dog hair itself, but to proteins found on the hair roots and in skin scales. Allergens are also found in the dogs' saliva. When they lick their fur, these stick to it. Contact can cause itchy eyes, sneezing fits or a skin rash, among other things.

You know?

Seems logical, but it's not: short hair does not mean a lower risk of allergies! According to the Allergy and Asthma Association (Allergie- und Asthmabund e. V.), long-haired dogs sometimes even cause fewer allergies than short-haired dogs. This is because all dog breeds have the same allergens, but in different amounts.

What are the characteristics of allergy-friendly dogs?

One thing first: there are no completely "anti-allergenic" or "hypoallergenic" dogs. But the amount of allergenic proteins varies from dog to dog. Some animals shed hair all year round, while in other breeds it is only when they are combed out that the shed hair is revealed. Some dog breeds are more suitable for allergy sufferers because they do not change their coat, unlike their fellow dogs. In spring, the dogs shed their winter coat to prepare for the higher temperatures in summer. In autumn, they get rid of their airy summer coat and grow thicker fur for the winter. This change takes about six to eight weeks each time. Accordingly, the flat is then also full of hair and contaminated dandruff.

Small dogs for allergy sufferers

Havanese & Maltese: These small dogs do not have undercoat nor are they affected by shedding. Therefore, Havanese and Maltese are suitable for many people with an allergy to dog hair. However, its soft hair should be combed daily to prevent matting. Regular trimming is also recommended.

Yorkshire Terrier: The Yorkshire Terrier is a sweet companion dog and a lively runner at the same time! The small dogs with the long mane do not shed and are therefore considered "allergy-friendly". However, consistent grooming and regular haircuts are essential.

Bolonka Zwetna: The shedding hairs of the small, black and white spotted dog remain in the coat until they are brushed out. This prevents allergens from being spread around the home.

Shi Tzu: He is alert and stubborn, but also affectionate. He does not shed much, but his long hair can grow down to the ground. Therefore he needs intensive grooming.

Bichon Frisé: The eager-to-learn curly head does not shed and is also suitable for dog beginners. He likes to cuddle and can also be left alone for a while. He needs a thorough grooming at least once a week to prevent his wool from matting. The coat also needs to be trimmed regularly.

Which medium-sized and large dogs are suitable for allergy sufferers?

Poodle: These medium-sized dogs are eager to learn and like to be mentally stimulated. The main external characteristic of the Poodle is its curly coat, which does not shed much and therefore hardly causes dog allergies. However, it should be brushed regularly and clipped or trimmed every six to eight weeks.

Schnauzer: These loyal dogs are faithful companions and follow you everywhere! With good coat care and regular combing, they shed very little. Three times a year his coat needs to be trimmed.

Goldendoodle: He is a hybrid dog, i.e. a cross between a Golden Retriever and a Poodle. He is said to have a friendly and obedient nature. Because of its special coat structure, the Goldendoodle loses hardly any hair and is therefore suitable for many allergy sufferers.

Lagotto Romagnolo: There is hardly a hair to be found in the home of this playful, intelligent fuzzy head. With loving consistency he can be trained well, but he likes to move around and therefore needs a lot of exercise! His coat needs to be brushed regularly to avoid matting. Once or three times a year, the animals need to be clipped.

Which dog is the right one for me?

If you are thinking about getting a dog, you should inform yourself about the different breeds beforehand. You can find out more at the breeder's and make first contact with the dog. Observe your body's reaction. Sometimes it takes several test runs to determine how pronounced the allergy to the respective breed is. Before you decide on a dog, it also makes sense to have an allergy test at the doctor.

What do I have to consider in everyday life as an allergy sufferer with a dog?

Use a hoover with a HEPA filter. This reduces the concentration of allergies in the air. Air purifiers can also help.
2. vacuum blankets, carpets and sleeping areas daily and put them in the washing machine regularly. 3.
3. do not let the dog into the bedroom. Your own bed should be off-limits to the dog. Take off clothes outside the bedroom.
4. wash hands frequently. Especially after petting the dog, so that as few allergens as possible get on the face. 5.
5. leave grooming to another family member if possible.

If the allergy worsens after acquisition

If you only show mild symptoms of a dog allergy at first, you can't be sure that it will stay that way. It can happen, for example, that puppies do not cause allergies, but adult dogs do! If the symptoms are severe, the only solution is to give the dog into other hands. Otherwise, an asthma disease can be the result. Although medical treatment with antihistamines in the form of tablets or sprays is possible, this is not a permanent solution.

Some people are helped by what is called hyposensitisation to get the immune system used to the allergens. The doctor gives the patient injections, tablets or drops of the allergen over a period of time. In this way, the immune system is supposed to get used to the allergen and classify it as harmless. Unfortunately, the success with animal allergies is rather low and side effects must be expected.


Sniffling instead of cuddling? That doesn't have to be the case. In the course of time, some dog breeds have been bred that cause fewer allergies than others. If the dog's allergy is only mild and basic hygiene rules are observed, there is nothing to prevent a long relationship between you and your new four-legged friend!

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