Choosing the right insurance

Dog liability, dog health insurance, OP cover, full cover, accident cover, and all that in basic or premium quality! The range of offers is large and every insurance company advertises the best dog insurance. Where can you get information, which benefits are important for you and where can you find a cheap insurance? And is the cheapest also the best dog insurance?


Decision-making aids

As a dog owner, you have to take care of many things, including whether and how you insure your dog. Especially in the area of dog health insurance, the decision should be well thought out, because the insurance companies often entice you with low premiums, which, however, can quickly climb to 100 € and more per month as the age of the dog increases.

For a healthy dog, you only need to plan one visit to the vet per year for vaccinations, the costs are around 50 €. In addition, you may have to pay about 30 € per year for a worming treatment. If you decide to have your dog neutered, the cost will be between €150 and €400, and the cost will be higher for a female than for a male. If your dog gets sick, it can be expensive. For the most common operations and examinations, you can expect the following costs:

  • Tumour operations range from €400 to €1000.
  • Treatment for a torsion of the stomach costs around 1200 €.
  • Treatment of a torn cruciate ligament costs about 1600 €.
  • A blood test costs about 100 €
  • The costs for an MRI are about 500 €, for an ultrasound about 100 €.

For each treatment, the costs are fixed in the scale of fees for veterinarians GOT, but the veterinarian can charge two, three or even four times the rate. The diagnosis cannot be planned either: in the best case, the doctor will recognise what is wrong with your dog at first glance; in the worst case, he will have to approach the diagnosis through several examinations.

Most insurance companies offer different tariffs with different premiums. Depending on the protection you want and the monthly premium you want to invest, you can determine benefits, deductibles and benefit limits. With deductibles and low benefit limits, you can lower your premium, but you will have to pay a proportion of the costs in the event of a claim.

You know?

Four steps to the right insurance
The following four steps will help you choose the right insurance.

The first step: Gathering information

The articles in this series already offer you a lot of information on the topic of dog liability and dog health insurance. But dog magazines, books, various websites or animal programmes can also give you helpful tips on dog insurance. Stiftung Warentest published a test on animal health insurance in February 2016 (Finanztest 2/2016) and a test on dog liability insurance in March 2016 (Finanztest 4/2016). The articles can be found on the internet [1], [2]. However, not all rates and premiums are up to date.

Maybe you have a personal insurance broker with whom you have already taken out an insurance policy? They can also give you a lot of information and make you an offer. If you prefer one or more insurance companies, you can also call them for information.

The second step: determine personal needs

Dog liability insurance

Dog liability insurance is already compulsory in some federal states and is generally recommended, because as a dog owner you are liable with all your assets and income for the damage caused by your dog. Medical and hospital costs, rehabilitation, compensation for pain and suffering and loss of earnings: the costs can add up to several hundred thousand euros. The question is therefore not so much whether your dog will be insured, but under what conditions. What benefits are important to you: is the defined basic cover  sufficient for you or do you need higher coverage? What additional benefits make sense for you? (See also article "Dog liability insurance")

Dog health insurance

With dog health insurance, the decision is more difficult because there are more options for coverage and the premiums are significantly higher. Is OP insurance enough for you, or perhaps even pure accident insurance? Or would you rather play it safe and opt for full cover? (See also the article "Dog health insurance").


  • OP insurance is significantly cheaper than full insurance
  • the older the dog, the higher the premium
  • the more benefits your plan includes, the higher the premium
  • Deductibles or benefit limits reduce premiums

Very cheap insurance policies often have tightly defined benefit limits that are quickly exceeded in the event of a claim, in which case you will incur additional costs. So the cheapest insurance is not necessarily the best insurance.

The third step: price comparison

You know what you want? Then the next step is to compare the prices of dog insurance policies. Various comparison portals on the internet offer you the possibility to compare the current insurances. By entering some data about you and your dog, you will receive a comparison that is directly tailored to you. If you have questions about a specific tariff, some comparison portals also offer the option of contacting them by phone.

Dog liability insurance

For dog liability insurance, for example, you can compare the prices of different providers.

By specifying the breed of dog and your age, you will receive your personal offers, which you can compare and thus find the best dog liability insurance for you. Some insurers offer extra discounts if you work in the public sector or if your dog is marked, i.e. chipped or tattooed.

Dog health insurance

You can find cheap dog health insurance through online comparisons, for example:

In addition to specifying the breed and age of your dog, you can select the desired insurance cover, i.e. surgery cover or full cover. In the comparison, you can see all the details about treatments, operations, cost coverage and the contract.

Once you have a personal offer from your insurance broker, you can compare it with the

Insurance Tariff Monthly premium in euro
1 year
Monthly premium in euro
5 years
Monthly premium in euro
10 years
Petplan OP-Kostenschutz 10 14 24
Aeguron OP-Schutz 13 15 25 Tier-OP-Kostenversicherung mit 100 % Kostenübernahme 15 18 30
Allianz Komfort OP Schutz 17,5 k.A. k.A.
Uelzener OP-Versicherung 18 19 24
Barmenia Direkt Tier-OP mit 100 % Kostenübernahme 18 22 24
Helvetia OP-Kostenschutz 19 22 34
Gothaer Operationen Premium 21 27 36
HanseMerkur Top 5000 with 100% cost coverage 24 24
Agila OP-Kostenschutz exklusiv 25 34 34
Balunos Gold at 100% cost 26.5 27 27
R+V exzellent 28 28 28

The fourth step: taking out insurance

Once you have found the most suitable and cheapest insurance, you can apply for it directly online and the insurance cover will start immediately or the next day. If you prefer to have the documents in paper form before signing a contract, you can also request the offer by post or e-mail. Of course, you can also contact the selected insurance company directly and request a quote.


Haven't found the right one or not sure if you want to invest your money in dog insurance? Then simply set aside a small amount each month to fall back on when unforeseen expenses come up.

Dog liability insurance is a must for every dog owner, even if it is not compulsory in all federal states. You can find information on dog insurance on the Internet, in magazines, books and TV programmes, and insurance companies can also advise you. Various comparison portals on the Internet offer you the opportunity to compare different rates and find a cheap insurance policy. But be careful: the cheapest is not always the best dog insurance, because in the event of a claim, you may incur additional costs if the benefit limits are low.



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