Inspire yourselves, network and see what you are made of

Senior Ursula-Maria uses her golden years for intensive blossoming on all levels. She doesn't have to go anywhere, because she is on an online portal. Do you also want to learn something new, for inspiration, contacts, ideas and challenges? Find the right portal platform for you for exchange, partners and the best possible leisure activities for seniors.

Just like Ursula-Maria [1], more and more seniors 50 plus feel like reinventing themselves or making the most of the time they have left in life.
The following needs and desires have become particularly apparent among seniors on the Internet:

1. to find contacts, exchange, partners and like-minded people
2. inspiration, growth and learning new things

n the golden years, we see issues differently than we used to. For some topics you even need a certain age to be able to understand them at all. For example, it is sometimes the case with great works of literature. Sophisticated works, such as "Waiting for Godot" by Samuel Beckett, have a different effect on young adults than on older people who have a deeper level of experience.

It takes a little life experience to be able to set social and emotional priorities and also to put them into practice. Seniors are naturally more aware that they can take nothing to the grave except the feeling of having truly lived and loved. Seniors who take the path of the heart and see life as an adventure want above all good relationships - a strong network of alert people who feel things the same way they do.

But what motivates seniors on online portals?

It's very simple: recreational activities, for example, or senior citizens' meetings on the internet. Often, however, they can no longer care so intensively, because self-care and health are often in the foreground.
Otherwise, seniors suffering from illnesses are particularly interested in topics such as spiritual development. Often it is about coming to terms with oneself in order to be able to live happily and peacefully. Because of health restrictions that demand a lot of attention and time, the following two aspects are also of interest to seniors with limitations:

  • Finding services for seniors and senior companions
  • Overcoming challenges and sharing

Senior companions can be the right people to talk to when it comes to emotional and mental problems. They do not provide nursing services, but are more like companions. There are still volunteer senior carers, but in the meantime senior care has become more and more of a profession.

You are a senior citizen and would like to be amazed once again?

On the Homodea platform [2] you can learn to do this right from your own home. Yes, amazement has to be learned. In everyday life you might be amazed by unexpected news here and there, but here we mean a touched amazement where you see something like this for the first time. The platform's countless live meditations and online courses invite you to experience something new in the area of your choice. There are, among others, the areas of:

  • Self-love, love and relationships
  • Women's and men's issues
  • Meditation - the power of silence
  • Work, profession and vocation
  • Fasting, detoxification, health
  • Yoga
  • Become an author

The founders and operators, Andrea and Veit Lindau, as well as many community members find that the offer goes far beyond a course platform. They call the platform a living (virtual) place of encounter, complemented by the possibility of live group meetings and exchange on site. The live meetings are organised by so-called team leaders on their own initiative.

Like-minded people and seniors - leisure partners tinker with a more loving and sustainable world

Ursula-Maria is a very active senior citizen. She works as a coach and counsellor and also uses platforms like Homodea, formerly Humantrust, for inspiration and motivation for her own work. In her review of the coaching community Humantrust, she writes:
"I have experienced many courses and teachers. My criticism has always been that everyone cooks their "own soup" instead of creating a "delicious stew" together. In Humantrust we have this opportunity and I want to do my part to make "this stew" a success. That's why I'm involved in this community and I very much want it to continue to grow and connect even more people around the globe." It has grown and is now called Homodea.
What Ursula particularly appreciates is that on the platform and the online courses there, common values such as sincerity, appreciative communication, self-love, etc. play a big role and she experiences the operators as people who really live what they teach on their online
portal and in seminars, guided meditations, books and YouTube videos [3].

Seniors on the internet: together through the time of change

To help you decide which online portals are interesting for you for networking, coaching or as a seniors' meeting place on the internet and where you might want to register, we have created this overview for you.

Website Target group and costs Topics Possibilities for you Usability Any age / 98 € a year Dating, Travel Partner, Like-Minded Numerous profile criteria allow you to present yourself as clearly as possible and find exactly the right person expandable Any age / 15 € a month Love, good living, sharing and networking, spirituality, meditation, success, gender Participate in online courses and online live events improving steadily Exclusive for seniors 50 plus / 99,90 per year or 24,90 per month Partner, romance and friendship Find partner and contacts very good, easy and übersichtlich Senioren 50 plus / kostenlos anmelden Vernetzung, Interessen-Gemeinschaft, Anregung, Anerkennung, Nähe und Austausch rund um die Uhr, Spiel und Unterhaltung Beiträge online schreiben, Kommunikation, Hilfe finden gut, etwas unübersichtlich, da sehr umfangreich


There are several contact and/or coaching online portals. Homodea offers by far the greatest opportunities for personal growth and development. However, if you are more or perhaps exclusively interested in contacts and networking, online portals such as Lebensfreude are in good hands.

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