Wheelchair ramps: Barrier-free in and around the house

Steps, door and floor thresholds or steps - all of these can restrict your freedom of movement if you are dependent on a wheelchair or even a rollator. A wheelchair ramp helps you to overcome these obstacles without any problems. However, it has to be the right ramp for the right purpose. For small steps and very shallow steps, you can use wedges. However, as soon as the steps get higher, these wedges are no longer sufficient. For this purpose, ramps are available in a wide variety of designs: There are ramps for indoors and outdoors and special ramps for cars. We will give you a brief overview so that you know what is important.


Surface ramp and rail ramp

Basically, a distinction is made between surface ramps and rail ramps. A surface ramp is very stable and convenient to use. As the name suggests, it consists of a large surface that is simply placed and fixed at the appropriate location. However, a surface ramp is heavy and therefore usually permanently installed at a certain place. A rail ramp, on the other hand, is light. But you have to accept that the two narrow rails are adjusted exactly to the distance between the wheels. Because they are so light, rail ramps are mostly used on the road and not permanently installed in or on the house.

Regardless of whether it is a surface or rail ramp: the shape of the ramp must always be adapted to the obstacle to be overcome. The amount of space available for the ramp on site is also decisive. There are also permanently installed ramps and mobile ramps. Which one is right for you depends on a number of factors.

You know?

The driving surface of wheelchair ramps should be non-slip, even when wet.  That is why ramps made of wood or composite materials are often coated with rubber. Ramps made of metal are usually grooved so that the tyre grips even in wet conditions.  You should definitely avoid road salt on a wheelchair ramp in winter. It can damage the material.

Permanently installed wheelchair ramps

If you are renting, you need the landlord's permission to install a fixed wheelchair ramp. This also applies even though most fixed wheelchair ramps are only fixed with a few screws. With these fixed ramps, kerbs, stairs or the threshold at the terrace or entrance are no longer a problem. There are ramp systems for almost every location. For special constructions, however, it is important that the obstacle and the available space on site are first carefully assessed and measured. It is important that the slope of the ramp is not too steep. Therefore, measure exactly which height you have to overcome at which point in each individual case.

You know?

Rail ramps are not suitable for the rollator or for the electric wheelchair or the electric scooter. This is because the front and rear wheels of rollators are not at the same distance from each other. Therefore, they do not fit through the two narrow rails running parallel to each other. With electric wheelchairs, the ground clearance and the width of the wheels are the problem. So in these cases it is better to use a surface ramp! Basically, it is advisable to use rail ramps only with the help of a second person.

How much does which wheelchair ramp cost?

Different ramp systems are available for every need. The costs also differ accordingly. Depending on the processing and material, they can vary greatly.


A wheelchair ramp can also be equipped with railings. Especially when there is a large height difference to overcome, a railing gives the user a safe feeling. Ask if you would like to have a railing on your permanently installed ramp. However, you will have to pay about 300 euros extra for this.

Surface ramp: fixed or mobile?

  • Permanently installed surface ramps are available in plastic or light metal. Depending on the design, they cost between 150 and 600 euros. Mobile surface ram ps are usually made of aluminium, carbon or fibreglass and are therefore lighter. However, they are also narrower because they can be folded up as small as possible to take with you. Therefore, you should make sure that you have some space left and right next to the wheels of the wheelchair. Ten centimetres should be enough.
  • Mobile surface ramps include folding ramps, collapsible ramps and telescopic ramps. The so-called "suitcase ramp" can be carried by a handle like a suitcase. If they can be folded very small, it is even possible to transport them in a wheelchair. If you are interested, ask your specialist dealer whether such a ramp is available to suit you and your wheelchair. These ramps in particular are very light, but no less expensive.

The price differences for mobile surface ramps are considerable. Depending on the material, you can spend between 150 and 1,500 euros or more on a mobile surface ramp. Therefore, get good advice on which version is sufficient for your needs.

Remember: The load-bearing capacity of a ramp is especially important if you use a power wheelchair. This is because a power wheelchair usually weighs around 130 kilograms. Find out in advance exactly what the total weight of a ramp is designed for.

Rail ramp

  • Rigid rail ram ps are made of aluminium and cost between 200 and 350 euros per pair.
  • Mobile rail ram ps have the advantage that you can push them together quite small (telescopic rail ramps) or fold them and transport them easily. Telescopic rail ramps are very practical because you can adjust their length very well to the respective local conditions. Inexpensive models cost a little more than 100 euros, but depending on the model, they can cost several hundred.
  • Step ram ps are also called wedge bridges. You attach these small ramps to a step with dowels. But be careful: These mini ramps are only suitable for individual steps or landings, not for an entire staircase. They cost between 200 and 350 euros.

Sleeper bridge

As the name suggests, threshold bridges bridge a threshold, for example at a door. You can also find them under the name threshold ramp. While a so-called "wedge bridge", for example, bridges a step in one direction, the threshold bridge leads over an obstacle - up on one side and down on the other. You can get threshold bridges for indoor use made of aluminium for about 200 euros. In some cases, however, simple wedges made of rubber are sufficient. These sleeper wedges are much cheaper and cost a maximum of 40 euros each.

Wheelchair ramp for the car

To get into a vehicle with a wheelchair, there are special ramps that are fixed in the floor of the car. You may be familiar with such ramps from corresponding driving services or special taxis for wheelchair users. Either the ramps are fixed in the vehicle with screws (folding ramp) or the ramp is retracted and extended via rails. Such ramps can be easily installed in a vehicle of the appropriate size. An inexpensive model with rails costs around 500 euros, but a good ramp can quickly cost more than 2000 euros. Attention: Fixed wheelchair ramps in the car are not subsidised by health or long-term care insurance!

Subsidy for the wheelchair ramp?

Health insurance or long-term care insurance - who contributes to the costs of a wheelchair ramp in the living area depends largely on why and how long you need the ramp. In the event of an accident, the accident insurance institution may also be responsible.

When does the health insurance pay?

Basically, the health insurance fund is the right contact if you only need a wheelchair ramp in your home temporarily. This may be the case, for example, if you have suffered a stroke and are dependent on a wheelchair or rollator - but this condition will probably not be permanent. Basically, a prescription from your doctor is mandatory.

When does the long-term care insurance pay?

If you are permanently dependent on a wheelchair or rollator and have therefore been classified in a care degree, then the care insurance fund is responsible. You can receive a one-time subsidy of up to 4,000 euros for the entire conversion measure. It doesn't matter which care level you have been classified in. .

Renting a wheelchair ramp

If you do not need a wheelchair ramp permanently, you can rent one. Ask your health insurance company or medical supply store what options are available - this may save you a lot of effort. Renting a wheelchair ramp can also be useful if you want to try out which system suits you best before you buy it. Depending on the provider, there are different rates at which a ramp is rented, for example, short rates for daily rentals, weekly or monthly rates.


Wheelchair ramps are available in a wide variety of versions - depending on where and what you want to use them for, the design, material and prices differ considerably. Always bear in mind that the local conditions are one of the factors that determine which wheelchair ramp comes into question. You should always discuss this with a knowledgeable expert - because it is also about your safety. Especially the slope and the correct installation are important so that you don't skid, both literally and proverbially. If possible, try out a few models first by temporarily renting a ramp only. Then you can be sure that you are making the right decision when buying.

About the author

Susanne is a trained editor, qualified caregiver for people with dementia (according to § 43b, 53c SGB XI), has completed the course to become a hospice companion and also has a husband who has been working as a geriatric nurse for 25 years and has been the owner of an outpatient care service for several years. For several years, Susanne has therefore been writing mainly on the topic of care for various media. To ensure that her texts are correct in terms of content and, above all, practical and suitable for everyday use, she obtains the information from her network of experts in the field - and always has someone who is very familiar with the respective topic proofread before publication.

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