Circular hair loss: what is it and what helps against it?

Circular hair loss (alopecia areata) is the second most common form of hair loss. Sudden round or oval bald patches on the scalp are characteristic of this form of hair loss. The bald patches can increase in size and even lead to complete hair loss. Circular hair loss is not limited to the scalp, but can also affect the beard, eyelashes, eyebrows or pubic area. It is believed that this is an autoimmune reaction of the body. How to treat Alopecia Areata, we at Alterix explain in this article.

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What are the causes of circular hair loss?

To date, the exact causes of alopecia are still largely unknown. However, it is assumed that an erroneous reaction of the body's own immune system is the trigger. This leads to an immune attack on the hair roots. The body's own defense cells normally fight dangerous viruses and bacteria, but in the case of circular hair loss, this defense is now directed against the body's own hair follicles. The result is that inflammation is triggered at the hair roots. In this case, due to the damage or the resulting inflammation, the hair can no longer grow properly and eventually falls out.

It is not uncommon for circular hair loss to occur together with other autoimmune diseases. These include, above all, thyroid diseases (Graves' disease and Hashimoto's thyroiditis) or white spot disease. Children and young adults in particular are affected by this disease. It is also striking that circular hair loss occurs more frequently in some families, which suggests that alopecia areata is a hereditary predisposition.

The symptoms of circular hair loss

As the name suggests, this type of hair loss forms circular or oval bald patches. However, this round appearance is mainly found on the scalp, while other parts of the body lose hair evenly.

Alopecia Areata occurs either very quickly with the formation of circular bald patches, or it occurs in episodes. The edges of the bald patches in circular hair loss are also characteristic. They are usually lined with short and broken hairs. It can be clearly seen that the hairs become significantly thinner from the root to their still existing end, i.e. they taper.

After the onset of the disease, the hairs grow back on their own - in many cases within about six to twelve months. However, a new outbreak of circular hair loss is quite possible. Pigmented hair is particularly affected. If gray hair is already present, it is almost not affected at all. This effect easily creates the impression that the affected person has turned gray within a very short time.

In addition, the individual circular bald patches can flow together and thus ultimately affect the entire head.

In many cases, circular hair loss is curable, since the hair follicles remain intact.

The diagnosis of circular hair loss

The typical appearance in circular hair loss is of course the first indication of this disease. Equally important, however, is the edge of the bald patches, since short, thick hairs that can be easily pulled out, as well as hairs that become narrower towards the root (exclamation mark hairs), are typical for circular hair loss. In the anamnesis, the patient's fingernails are also examined and questions are asked about other diseases such as neurodermatitis, psoriasis, allergic asthma, thyroid diseases and the like.

During these examinations, other causes, such as a fungal disease, must be ruled out.

The circular hair loss treatment - What are the therapies?

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Each and every affected person would of course like to finally find an answer to what really helps with circular hair loss. Even if the causes of Alopecia Areata have not yet been conclusively clarified, the various treatment options aim to stimulate new hair growth. Possible effective remedies and therapies are:

  • Minoxidil
  • Cortisone
  • Topical immunotherapy
  • Zinc
  • Radiotherapy
  • Cytostatics


This active ingredient is usually used for the treatment of circular hair loss and hereditary hair loss. While hereditary hair loss is quite successful, there is little success in the treatment of circular hair loss. However, minoxidil in combination with a medium-strength cortisone preparation for external use is used in the treatment of children.


Glucocorticoids ("cortisone") in the form of creams or solutions are mainly used here. If it is a matter of small foci of circular hair loss, cortisone injections are applied. However, this treatment is not suitable for the temporal and parietal areas.

Topical immunotherapy

Topical immunotherapy with the active ingredient diphencyprone (diphenylcyclopropenone, DPCP) is often used for large areas of circular hair loss. Its effectiveness has been scientifically proven. In about 80 percent of the patients treated, it was found that hair actually grew back thanks to topical immunotherapy. However, it was also found that shortly after the end of therapy, a relapse of circular hair loss occurred in every second patient. This means that topical immunotherapy shows an actual success rate of 40%.

Important: The rather complex topical immunotherapy should only be performed by specially trained physicians!

The highly concentrated active ingredient is applied to the bald spots and is intended to trigger an inflammation here, thereby sensitizing the patient's defense system to the active ingredient. The treatment is repeated after approximately one month in a low dosage. In this way, allergic skin irritation is induced. Topical immunotherapy is repeated weekly over a period of about three months. The allergic skin inflammation that has now developed attracts immune cells, which in turn displace the immune cells that attack the hair root cells. In this way, new hair growth begins after three months.


Zinc preparations are also frequently recommended for circular hair loss. However, this also applies to other types of hair loss, as the trace element ensures a strong immune system and healthy skin and hair, among other things. However, zinc rarely helps with circular hair loss. Nevertheless, it is worth a try, as there are no side effects.


PUVA stands for Psoralen plus UV-A and is a treatment method used for various skin diseases such as psoriasis and neurodermatitis, but also for circular hair loss. First, in this treatment, a phototoxic psoralen is applied to the bald areas of circular hair loss. After an application time of fifteen minutes, the area is irradiated with UV-A light. In this way, damage to the hair follicles by immune cells is inhibited. The success of this radiation therapy is as high as that of topical immunotherapy, and the risk of relapse is also lower.


Cytostatic drugs are herbal or chemically produced substances. These destroy the body's cells and prevent or delay their proliferation. Cytostatic drugs are mainly used in cancer therapy, but they are now also useful in the treatment of autoimmune diseases. Circular hair loss also belongs to the latter in the broadest sense.

Are there any side effects to the therapies?

With the exception of treatment with zinc, side effects can also occur with the various forms of therapy.

In the case of cortisone, the following are frequently reported

  • increased susceptibility to infections
  • Water retention in the tissue (edema)
  • menstrual disorders

are observed. The risk of such side effects increases especially with internal administration. Topical immunotherapy carries the risk of exuberant eczema. Radiation therapy carries a higher risk of skin cancer.

Treatment for children

In children, the main thing is to strengthen the immune system. Above all, no drugs should be used here. In addition, an immediate and drastic change in diet is advised. Ready-made meals, chocolate, potato chips and the like should be avoided at all costs. In addition, dairy products, packaged baked goods and sausage can be the cause of circular hair loss. Tight hair elastics are also taboo. A healthy diet and treatment with essential oils such as thyme, lavender and cedarwood are also worth a try.

Basically, a healthy diet with plenty of iron, biotin, folic acid, zinc and B vitamins is advisable. Regular use of hair care products containing thiocyanate, Rezilin or minoxidil can strengthen the hair follicle and promote growth. If hormonal or metabolic disorders, medications, nutrient deficiencies or stress are the cause of hair loss, it is essential to eliminate the cause in order to stop hair loss. In severe cases, treatment with autologous blood or hair transplantation may be considered. </p>

As a rule, the hair grows back when the causative factors are reduced or eliminated. This can take several weeks or months, depending on the cause. The most important causes of circular hair loss include hormonal changes (for example, during menopause), the use of medications (such as antihypertensives or anti-rheumatic drugs), nutrient deficiencies due to an unbalanced diet, and psychological stress. Special hair care products, a healthy diet and sufficient sleep can support the growth process. </p>

The most important causes include hormonal changes (for example, during menopause), the use of medications (such as antihypertensives or antirheumatic drugs), nutrient deficiencies due to an unbalanced diet, and psychological stress. The autoimmune disease „Alopecia areata“ is also characterized by circular hair loss. Likewise, hereditary predispositions can contribute to the development of bald or thinning areas on the scalp. </p>

The autoimmune disease „Alopecia areata“ can cause circular hair loss. However, hair loss often has other causes, such as stress, nutrient deficiencies, taking certain medications, or hormonal imbalances. </p>

Basically, good facial hygiene is important, because excessive sebum production clogs the hair follicles and stunts the development of the beard hair root. Beard care should be avoided. In addition, an undersupply of the beard hair roots due to a nutrient deficiency should be excluded. In the case of the immune disorder „Alopecia areata“ (inflammatory, circular hair loss), transplantation of the beard hair can be considered. However, there is a risk that the newly transplanted hair follicles will be rejected by the immune system. </p>

If nutrient deficiencies, stress or metabolic disorders are the cause of hair loss, the hair will grow back as soon as the loss disappears. Supportive measures may include the consumption of foods containing biotin, folic acid, zinc, iron, selenium and B vitamins, as well as the use of special hair care products containing caffeine, minoxidil or Rezilin. Hereditary hair loss progresses with age. This process can only be slowed down, but not stopped. </p>

Shampoos with ingredients such as nettle extract, castor oil or caffeine can promote hair growth. Hair care products containing thiocyanate, Rezilin or minoxidil are also said to strengthen hair. </p>

In the case of circular hair loss, round or oval, hairless patches form in the hair of the head or in the body hair. In women, the cause is often a disturbed hormone balance during menopause or after discontinuation of the contraceptive pill, thyroid dysfunction, psychological stress or iron deficiency due to heavy menstrual bleeding or a vegetarian diet. </p>

Circular hair loss can be triggered by stress, medication, hormonal disorders or nutrient deficiencies, among other things. Round or oval, hairless patches form in the hair of the head, rarely also in the beard or body hair. Inflammatory, circular hair loss occurs in the autoimmune disease „Alopecia areata“ in which the immune system attacks hair root cells. </p>

Circular hair loss is neither dangerous nor contagious. However, it often has a stressful effect on the psyche of those affected. </p>

A dermatologist should be consulted first, especially if, in addition to bald patches, areas of scaling or swelling develop. Another important contact is the endocrinologist. He can detect hormonal disorders, including thyroid dysfunction. Expert für hormonal hair loss in women is the gynecologist. </p>

Hair loss is not a contagious disease. It is caused by stress, medication, hormonal imbalances or nutrient deficiencies. The hair grows back after the cause is removed. Circular hair loss also occurs in the autoimmune disease „Alopecia areata“, in which the immune system attacks the hair root cells. However, this is usually caused by a hereditary predisposition. </p>

Psychological stress can trigger circular hair loss. Round or oval bald patches appear on the scalp. Diffuse hair loss can also occur. In this case, there is a thinning of the hair on the entire head. Hair usually grows back when the precipitating factors subside or are eliminated. </p>

There are some home remedies for hair loss, but they do not work equally well for everyone. A scalp massage with jojoba juice, aloe vera juice or argan oil is said to stimulate hair growth. A hair rinse with beer or a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water is also said to make the hair more resistant. A massage with lukewarm coffee can stimulate blood flow to the scalp and thus hair growth. </p>

Tension in the muscles of the skull can impede blood flow. Targeted gymnastics and stretching exercises can counteract this. To improve blood flow, the scalp can also be gently massaged with aloe vera juice, jojoba oil or argan oil. This will promote nourishment of the hair follicles. </p>

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own cells (including the hair root cells). Often there is a familial predisposition for this malfunction of the immune system. Treatment is difficult and usually involves anti-inflammatory drugs that suppress the immune system. However, the therapies are only effective until they are discontinued. There is currently no cure. One of the last possibilities is hair transplantation. </p>

Homeopathy, Schüßler salts or other natural healing methods can help patients with circular hair loss, even if the effect is not scientifically proven. Thus, homoeopaths recommend taking globules of Arsenicum album, Lycopodium clavatum, Phosphorus or Vinca minor. Among the Schüßler salts, especially No. 5 (Kalium phosphoricum), but also No. 11 (Silicea)and No. 21 (Zincum chloratum)are considered helpful. </p>

The course of circular hair loss is unpredictable. It often progresses in stages. Sometimes there is an initial improvement, only to worsen again. In some cases, circular hair loss heals spontaneously on its own. The primary goal of treatment must be to eliminate the cause of hair loss (such as stress, nutrient deficiency, or hormonal imbalance). </p>

A loss of 100 hairs per day is considered normal. If children lose more hair than usual, this is usually due to a nutrient deficiency or, in the case of girls, to improper combing or too tight hairstyles. However, hair loss in children can also occur due to a fungal infection of the scalp or as a side effect of medication for pre-existing conditions. </p>

In cases of proven zinc or iron deficiency, taking nutritional supplements can reduce hair loss. In some patients, treatment with the active ingredient minoxidil has proven effective. It slows down hair loss and stimulates hair growth. Those who are open to this can also try Schüßler salts (No. 5, No. 11 and No. 21) or homöopathic globules (Arsenicum album, Lycopodium clavatum, Phosphorus, Vinca minor) in addition to classical medications. </p>

Creatine and collagen are essential for healthy hair. Since the trace element zinc is significantly involved in their formation, a zinc deficiency can cause hair loss. However, zinc supplements should only be taken if a deficiency is proven (blood test). </p>

Stress and emotional strain can cause circular or diffuse hair loss. If the sources of stress are identified and the triggering factors are reduced, the hair usually grows back. A healthy lifestyle, sufficient sleep and relaxation methods such as yoga or meditation can help. </p>

Stress-related hair loss can be stopped by identifying the sources of stress and avoiding the factors that cause it. The heißt: more relaxation in everyday life, a healthy lifestyle and sufficient sleep. Scalp massages and relaxation methods such as yoga or meditation can also help. </p>

If the bald patches are caused by a disease,  the cause must first be eliminated. Special hair care products containing minoxidil, thiocyanate or Rezilin can help to strengthen the hair roots and thus reduce the loss. Hereditary baldness, on the other hand, progresses with age. This process can be slowed down, but not stopped. </p>

The gynecologist is an expert in hormone-related hair loss in women (e.g., due to taking or discontinuing birth control pills). Another important contact is the endocrinologist. Among other things, he can identify a thyroid dysfunction. If gerötete or scaly areas develop in addition to bald patches, a dermatologist should be consulted. </p>

A malfunction of the thyroid gland can cause hair loss. With appropriate medication, the hormone balance settles again and hair loss is stopped. </p>

The thyroid gland produces the hormones tetraiodothyronine (thyroxine), also known as T4, and triiodothyronine, or T3. Thyroid dysfunction can cause hair loss. The cause of increased hair loss in women can also be a Östrogen deficit (usually during menopause). The hair follicles stop growing due to the deficiency, causing hair to fall out on its own or to be detached from the scalp by mechanical stimuli such as hair washing, brushing, or hair stretching. In the case of a long-term deficit, androgen levels can rise, which also leads to hair loss. </p>

Circular hair loss is also called „Alopecia areata“ or „Alopecia“. </p>

Biotin, folic acid, selenium, zinc, iron and virtually all B vitamins are important for healthy hair growth. In particular, a deficiency of vitamin B5 can cause hair loss. It is found mainly in foods such as chicken, dairy products, cereals and salmon. </p>

Bacteria, a fungal infection or parasites (such as flöhe and mites)  cause severe itching, whereupon the dog scratches the affected areas. This irritates the skin and causes the hair to fall out. </p>

Alopecia Areata is an autoimmune disease in which the immune system attacks the body's own cells, including the hair root cells. This causes the hair to fall out. A malfunction of the thyroid gland can also cause hair loss. Likewise, hair loss can occur as a side effect of medications for pre-existing conditions, such as rheumatism medications or antihypertensives. </p>

The therapy depends on the respective cause. In the case of bacterial infections, the dog must be treated with anti-inflammatory shampoos, in severe cases the administration of antibiotics is necessary. Against hair loss due to a parasite infestation can be used Halsbänder or Spot-Ons. If it is an allergy, the triggers must be identified and eliminated. Sometimes medications with cortisone are necessary to stop fur loss. </p>

Bald patches in the coat can have various causes, such as a food allergy or a parasite infestation. Female dogs suffer from hair loss when they become pregnant (due to hormonal changes). Neutering also changes the dog's hormones and can lead to temporary hair loss until the body adjusts to the new situation. During the normal change of coat in the spring and autumn dogs also lose fur. </p>

Rezilin is a natural hair care product based on basil. According to the manufacturer, the product should strengthen the hair structure and stimulate hair growth when used regularly. Whether the testimonials on the Internet are credible, can not be überpruefc. </p>

Menopause or a malfunction of the thyroid gland can lead to hormone fluctuations and cause hair loss. Appropriate medications bring the hormone balance back into equilibrium. Due to the weakened hair follicles, a nutrient-rich diet should be followed and mechanical stimuli such as hair washing, brushing or hairdrying should be minimized to reduce hair detachment from the scalp. In individual cases, hormone therapy may be performed. </p>

Ferritin levels below 40 µg/l cause hair loss. However, hair loss can also occur at concentrations of 40 to 70 µg/l. At ferritin levels ü above 70 µg/l, growth usually normalizes. </p>

Low testosterone levels shorten hair growth phases, which is why it is often associated with hair loss. However, genetic predispositions can also be responsible for hair loss. </p>

The dermatologist can use various examination methods (scalp inspection, pluck test, hair friction test, blood test or trichogram) to make the correct diagnosis and thus recommend targeted treatment. </p>

The treatment of hair loss depends on the cause. Basically, a healthy diet with plenty of iron, biotin, folic acid, zinc and B vitamins is advisable. Hair care products containing thiocyanate, Rezilin and minoxidil are said to promote hair growth. If hormonal imbalances due to the use of birth control pills or fluctuations during menopause are the reason for hair loss, it is essential to eliminate the cause in order to stop hair loss. This also applies to iron deficiency due to heavy menstrual bleeding or vegetarian diet. </p>

Hair loss in women may be due to thyroid dysfunction, stress, medication, or iron deficiency (especially with heavy menstrual bleeding or vegetarian diets). Hormonal fluctuations during pregnancy or due to discontinuation of the contraceptive pill as well as a Östrogen deficit or androgen surplus during menopause can also cause hair loss in women. </p>

Hair loss triggered by hormonal fluctuations subsides as soon as the hormonal balance has returned to normal (for example, at the end of menopause). Even before hormonal changes, the cell metabolism of the hair follicles can be strengthened by regular use of hair care products containing thiocyanate. In addition, attention should be paid to a healthy diet with plenty of iron, folic acid, biotin, zinc and B vitamins. </p>

A visit to the gynecologist is useful. He or she may recommend nutritional supplements or consider a change of preparation. In addition, other causes of hair loss should be ruled out. </p>

To clarify hair loss, the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) are determined by means of a blood count. They indicate under- or overactivity of the thyroid gland. Ferritin, transferrin, and iron levels are also determined. </p>


The most important thing is to first determine whether it is really Alopecia Areata, or whether there is another type of hair loss. In any case, a healthy diet with the adequate nutrients and trace elements is extremely important. Which type of treatment is best for the individual patient should be determined by the doctor.

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