Diffuse hair loss: how do I recognize it?

Every day, an adult loses up to 100 hairs on the head and body, which grow back again. If the number that falls out is significantly higher than the number that grows back, this is called alopecia, which we know as hair loss. Unlike so-called receding hairline, circular hair loss on the top or back of the head or the crown of the head, in diffuse hair loss the hair becomes thinner and thinner. This form of hair loss affects both men and women, while the crown of hair or joking forehead, which reaches the nape of the neck, is a peculiarity of men. You can learn more about the topic of "diffuse hair loss" in the following content.

The development of diffuse hair loss

The growth phases of each hair are precisely determined. The hair follicle, which surrounds the colloquial hair root with papilla, forms a hair germ from the glass skin in the catagen or transition phase, from which a new hair is formed by cornification to keratin. If this sensitive phase, which lasts only three weeks, is disturbed, no new hair is formed.

The anagen or growth phase of a hair is two to eight years. If the hair falls out during this time without a new hair being formed, the follicle is in the telogen or resting phase, which lasts three to four months. Of course, of the 80,000 - 150,000 teminal or long hairs, as the hair on the head is called, not all are in the same stage of development at the same time, so the onset of telogen effluvium, as diffuse hair loss is called in a sonorous foreign word, is difficult to observe and determine.

When is hair loss a symptom of disease?

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In addition to the natural, hereditary process of a hair follicle no longer forming terminal hair, external as well as endogenous influences are among the triggers for diffuse hair loss: While hormonal disorders can indicate diffuse hair loss both in the body due to hyperthyroidism or hypothyroidism as well as externally due to medication or radiation exposure, external factors such as stress, infections, unbalanced and malnutrition as well as simply care errors should be mentioned. Internally, anemia, iron deficiency or allergies can also be detected.

The trip to the doctor for increased hair in the shower?

Whether the delayed regrowth is diffuse hair loss or angrogenetic alopecia - hereditary hair loss - the affected person knows through the knowledge of their parents and grandparents. Androgenetic alopecia runs in the family; hair loss can be counteracted by early intervention and the effects mitigated or delayed. In men, drug (hormonal) treatment is paid for by statutory health insurance, women also have the prospect of having the cost of a wig paid for in the absence of success, as thinning hair and baldness in men is socially accepted.

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Solutions for diffuse hair loss

Once it has been diagnosed, the next step is to find out the causes in order to counteract them and thus stop diffuse hair loss. Once the triggers are found and eliminated, hair growth regenerates within five months. It takes up to a year for the hair to regain full strength because of the varying lengths of the phases.

Reduce stress levels

Even if it is a cliché, primary reason in diffuse hair loss is stress. The sensitive hormonally controlled phases of hair growth react like the whole organism with symptoms of an illness or even with illness itself. If the well-being of the affected person increases, diffuse hair loss will disappear just as it came.

Change diet

We want to eat a balanced diet, but do not manage to do so as desired. This in turn is responsible for increased stress and is the main cause of diffuse hair loss. As with dieting, the same applies: maintain discipline. Find out what your nutritional needs are. Instead of a quick snack, plan your food purchases and make sure you get enough fiber and minerals. If hormone balance is in order, hair follicles will recover and begin forming hair again.


Today's lifestyle puts a strain on the organism and metabolism, which includes mineral and nutrient balance, as well as intestinal flora and the immune system. Four basic concepts are a step for a new beginning in diffuse hair loss: detoxification, purification, deacidification and remineralization, and intestinal cleansing. In relation to the preceding keywords, these measures sound drastic, but they can be implemented quickly and have a correspondingly high acute perception.

The terms and explanations do not constitute medical advice. Inform yourself about these points and the prospects for improvement of hair growth.

Men or women - who is more likely to be affected by diffuse hair loss?

Diffuse alopecia (diffuse hair loss) is a type of hair loss that affects both sexes, but for different reasons. In men, hereditary predisposition predominates, while in women acute hormonal changes play a role. A widespread opinion is that testosterone influences hair growth in addition to the male drive; however, the ratio of estrogens and progestins in the body, which are considered female hormones, also play a role in diffuse hair loss.

Again the hormones are the triggers

Many women use an oral form of chemical contraception, in other words, the pill. A chemical mix affects hormone levels to prevent ovulation by fooling the body into thinking it is pregnant. This method is indisputably very reliable for its purpose, but a side effect of the artificial hormone alteration can be diffuse hair loss.

Likewise, women in menopause, the menopause, may suffer from diffuse hair loss due to the hormone change until the hormone balance is stabilized again.

Too much of a good thing

It is a myth that frequent trimming affects hair growth, but not that, in addition to hormones that work from the inside, hair care products do so from the outside. The removal of unwanted facial hair in women by creams and peels illustrates that the time required to check hypersensitivity to certain agents may be difficult, but a change in hair care - shampoo, conditioner, hair treatment and coloring - is an option for diffuse house loss.

Dermatology with chemical and radiation exposure

The hair base is located in the largest organ of the human being: the skin. The medical field is called dermatology. If the diffuse hair loss is based on an event that is medically recorded, the treating physician will take preventive or curative action. In oncological therapy, radiation or combined drug treatment is used. This affects the processes of cell division in the body in order to curb the development of tumors, since cancer cells have a shorter cycle than healthy cells. In addition to the enormous burden on the immune system and the entire body, this type of cancer treatment also affects the parts of organs that also have short development phases: the hair follicles in the skin.

In a so-called chemotherapy, the growth of hair is restarted after successful completion, if necessary under the guidance of the attending physician with the help of preparations.

As a rule, diffuse hair loss ends when the cause has been eliminated. Auslöser can be hormonal or metabolic disorders, Nährstoffmangel, psychological stress or certain drugs. </p>

A loss of up to 100 hairs per day is considered normal. If more hair is lost from the head than normal, this is diffuse hair loss. This is often more noticeable when washing and combing the hair. Unlike hereditary hair loss, diffuse hair loss does not cause the hair root cells to die. After the cause (such as hormonal or metabolic disorders, nutrient deficiency, psychological stress or medication) is eliminated, the hair grows back. </p>

Diffuse hair loss can result in balding. However, diffuse hair loss is usually noticeable by a thinning of the hair on the entire head. Unlike hereditary hair loss, diffuse hair loss is reversible. </p>

In women, hair loss often occurs during hormonal changes, i.e. during pregnancy, lactation or menopause. The birth control pill can also cause temporary hair loss. Hair usually grows back when the hormone balance has returned to normal (for example, at the end of menopause). After consultation with a doctor, dietary supplements can be useful to promote hair growth. Hair care products containing the active ingredient minoxidil can also help. The active ingredient penetrates the scalp to the hair root and strengthens it. As long as the hair loss persists, the hair should only be carefully brushed and, if possible, not colored or dyed. </p>

Shampoos with ingredients such as nettle extract, castor oil or caffeine stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth. Hair care products containing the active ingredient minoxidil also dilate the blood vessels and thus prolong the hair growth phase. In addition, foods containing biotin, iron, zinc, selenium and B vitamins can support the hair growth process in a natural way. In severe cases, special medications or treatment with the body's own blood plasma may be necessary to stop hair loss. </p>

To clarify hair loss, the thyroid hormones triiodothyronine (T3) and tetraiodothyronine (T4) are determined by means of a blood count. They indicate under- or overactivity of the thyroid gland. Ferritin, transferrin, and iron levels are also determined, as well as concentrations of folate, vitamin B9, and zinc. </p>

Unlike hereditary hair loss, in diffuse hair loss the hair root cells do not die. This means that once the cause has been eliminated, the hair grows back again. Auslöser can be hormonal or metabolic disorders, Nährstoffmangel, psychological stress or certain drugs. </p>

When taking the drug heparin (blood thinner), the hair is less supplied with nutrients due to the altered blood circulation and therefore dies. In long-term therapies, the supply of vital substances should therefore be increased with food and special hair care products should be used. This can reduce hair loss. Often the loss does not occur during the treatment but months later. As a rule, a few weeks after hair loss, the first fine hairs grow back. </p>

Hereditary hair loss progresses with age. This process can be slowed down, but not stopped, by eating foods containing biotin, zinc, iron, selenium and B vitamins, and by using special hair care products containing caffeine or minoxidil. In diffuse hair loss, on the other hand, the hair grows back when the outgrowth falls away. Eliminating the cause is therefore the first priority in the treatment of diffuse hair loss. </p>

In women, hair loss often occurs during hormonal changes, i.e. during pregnancy, lactation or menopause. The birth control pill can also cause temporary hair loss. In vegetarians and women with heavy menstruation, iron deficiency can occur, which also has a negative effect on hair growth. A malfunction of the thyroid gland can also cause diffuse hair loss. </p>

Hereditary hair loss usually begins between the ages of 20 and 30 in the area of the Schläfen or the vertex. The typical receding hairline forms. Diffuse hair loss is caused, among other things, by metabolic disorders, stress, nutrient deficiency or as a side effect of medication. </p>

Causes of diffuse hair loss can be hormonal or metabolic disorders, nutrient deficiencies, psychological stress or certain medications. In contrast to hereditary hair loss, in diffuse hair loss the hair grows back after the loss has ceased. The sooner the cause is eliminated, the sooner the hair will grow back. Special hair care products containing nettle extract, castor oil, caffeine and minoxidil, as well as the consumption of foods containing biotin, iron, zinc, selenium and B vitamins can support this process. </p>

The ferritin level in the blood provides information about the iron reserves in the body. Particularly in women, iron deficiency is a frequent cause of diffuse hair loss. Blood levels below 40 µg/l are especially critical, but hair loss can also occur at concentrations of 40 to 70 µg/l. At ferritin levels ü above 70 µg/l, hair growth usually normalizes. </p>

A distinction must be made between genetic and diffuse hair loss. Hereditary hair loss usually begins between the ages of 20 and 30 and progresses with age. This process can be slowed down, but not stopped. Diffuse hair loss is caused, among other things, by metabolic disorders, stress, nutrient deficiency or as a side effect of medication. The hair grows back as soon as the cause is eliminated. </p>

Hair loss may occur after changing or stopping the contraceptive pill, which is due to the changed hormone concentration. When discontinuing, the problem regulates itself, but this may take a few monthly cycles. During this time, women should comb their hair carefully, use few styling products, and avoid coloring or dyeing. If birth control pills have been changed, the gynecologist may recommend appropriate supplements or consider a different präparate. </p>

Basically, a hair loss of up to 100 hairs per day is considered normal. If bald patches form or the hair becomes increasingly thinner, there is either hereditary hair loss or diffuse hair loss requiring treatment. </p>

The endocrinologist gets to the bottom of the cause of hair loss. By means of a blood test, he can detect hormonal disorders, such as thyroid dysfunction. Metabolic disorders or certain medications are also possible causes. The subsequent treatment depends on the cause. </p>

In genetic hair loss, the hair roots (hair follicles) die, causing the hair to gradually fall out. This process can be slowed down with an adjusted diet, medication or commercially available hair care products, but it cannot be stopped. In the case of diffuse hair loss caused by hormonal or metabolic disorders, nutritional deficiencies, psychological stress or medication, the hair grows back when the loss disappears. This can take several weeks or months, depending on the cause. </p>

In the case of hormonally induced hair loss, the hair grows back when the hormone balance has returned to normal (for example, at the end of menopause). If hair loss occurs as a side effect of medication or as a result of a nutrient deficiency, an improvement occurs when the medication is changed or the diet is changed. In the case of stress-related hair loss, the hair usually grows back when the psychological stress subsides or disappears. Depending on the cause, it can take several weeks to months before the hair becomes fuller again. </p>

Shampoos with ingredients such as nettle extract, castor oil or caffeine stimulate blood circulation and promote hair growth. They are often combined with biotin, magnesium, calcium and zinc. Products with the active ingredient minoxidil also have a positive effect on hair growth. However, the products must be applied regularly and over a longer period of time before results are visible. </p>

The hair root goes through a cycle at the end of which the hair falls out and a new one starts to grow. In diffuse hair loss, this rhythm is disrupted. Causes can be diseases such as diabetes or flu, but also metabolic disorders, hormonal fluctuations, psychological stress or nutrient deficiencies. Hair loss can also occur as a side effect of medications, such as antihypertensives, antibiotics or rheumatism medications. </p>


Diffuse hair loss is the development of a thinning and thinning hair pattern that occurs in individuals regardless of age and gender, and can be distinguished from other types of hair loss. If this is acceptable and if it is a known hereditary predisposition, measures can be dispensed with. The overall social acceptance and the individual psychologically different burden are the factors to be considered besides the matter itself. However, if the hair loss represents a symptom or a disease, medical clarification of the underlying changes leading to the hair loss is recommended.

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