Food for healthy hair

We all dream of strong and shiny hair. But whether our hair looks healthy is influenced not only by genes and daily care, but also by nutrition. It is not for nothing that the saying goes: hair is the mirror of health. Certain foods are particularly suitable for counteracting hair problems. Many of them can even be enjoyed without time-consuming preparation. So which foods should end up in the shopping cart in the future?

How our food affects hair health

The nutrients taken in with food are transported via the blood to the so-called hair papilla, which is responsible for the formation of new hair cells. If it is well supplied, the hair can grow back strong and healthy. However, several months may pass before the effect becomes visible. So it takes a little patience. However, since some of the foods presented here are also good for skin and nails, it is definitely worth a try!

Walnuts for shiny hair

The delicious shell fruit contains zinc, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, sulfur, iron, calcium and vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B5 and C. The B vitamins activate important metabolic processes in the hair root and thus strengthen the hair already at the base. They are also rich in omega-3 and omega-6 fatty acids, which provide shine and fullness. Walnuts are suitable as a snack between meals, as an ingredient in bread, chopped into small pieces as breading on meat and fish, as a topping on desserts, to refine salads or as nut oil for cooking.

Eggs for powerful hair

Eggs are important sources of protein and protein. They are needed for the formation of keratin, a basic building block of our hair. Eggs also contain zinc, iron and biotin. This combination boosts hair growth and the formation of new hair cells. The hair structure is strengthened and is thus better protected against damage (such as solar radiation). The nail structure and skin appearance are also improved. A lack of biotin can cause hair to discolor prematurely, i.e. to turn gray. In addition to eating eggs as fried or boiled breakfast eggs, there are many other ways to incorporate eggs into the diet.

Meat for hair loss

Meat is one of the most important suppliers of the trace element iron, which is needed for the transport of oxygen to the hair roots. Too little iron intake through the diet can lead to hair loss and thus to a thinning head of hair. Vegetarians in particular are at risk unless they have an alternative source of iron. Women with heavy menstrual bleeding also belong to the risk group. To meet the daily iron requirement, lean meat varieties are to be preferred.


For vegetarians: Instead of minced meat, a nut bolognese is also suitable for the spaghetti! Chop 150 g of nuts, mix them with tomato sauce and add garlic, onions, herbs and spices. Done!

Salmon for healthy scalp

The edible fish is rich in protein and vitamin D, which stimulates hair growth and improves its strength. In salmon there are also valuable omega-3 fatty acids, which provide the scalp with sufficient moisture and thus counteract dryness and itching. Besides salmon, other fish also contain omega-3 fatty acids, including mackerel, herring or trout.

Carrots for dry hair

Carrots are good for the eyes and for the hair! They contain large amounts of beta-carotene, a precursor of vitamin A, which has a positive effect on fat synthesis in the hair follicles. The natural sebum production is stimulated, which ensures a smooth hair surface. A deficiency can lead to dry, brittle hair. Vitamin A also supports the action of iron in the body.


Vitamin A is fat-soluble! So that your body can absorb and process it well, always add some cold-pressed oil to your food (such as carrot salad). The vegetable also tastes delicious as a steamed version, in a soup or as carrot juice.

Blackcurrants for hair structure

IIn addition to iron, calcium and potassium, black currants are particularly rich in[nbsp]vitamin C, which is important for the formation of collagen in the hair. Collagen protects hair cells from free radicals and repairs damaged cells. The hair is less prone to split ends and hair breakage. Since free radicals also inhibit the formation of melanin (the pigment in our hair), collagen can delay the formation of gray hair. 100 g of black currants contain about 189 mg of vitamin C, which is five times more than red currants. Blackcurrant seeds also contain gamma-linolenic acid (GLS), an essential fatty acid that is important for a healthy scalp and can inhibit hair loss. So: In summer, just nibble a few berries from the bush, enjoy on the cake or smear as jam on's roll!

Oatmeal - the all-rounder

Oatmeal contains abundant biotin, zinc, copper, iron, calcium, magnesium and B vitamins. Especially the combination of biotin and zinc can prevent hair loss, as it strengthens the hair from the inside and promotes hair growth. The B vitamins ensure a healthy scalp (the basis for beautiful hair) and prevent inflammation. Copper improves hair structure, which can reduce hair breakage. It is ideal if the oatmeal is regularly integrated into the diet for a long time. For example, in the morning in muesli with nuts, berries or fruit. However, oats also taste good in baked goods, sweet dishes or as oat milk.

Avoid these 3 nutrient robbers

  • Alcohol: A glass now and then? No problem! But frequent alcohol consumption has a negative effect on the condition of our hair. Dull, lackluster hair can be the result.
  • Sugar: It can inhibit protein absorption and weaken the hair roots. Especially in old age, this can lead to hair loss and promote thin hair. So only enjoy sugar bombs in moderation.
  • Fast food: Greasy food can cause oily scalp because it clogs the pores. Growth is inhibited and the hair becomes weak.

Why tablets are not an alternative

If you want to be beautiful, you can just swallow some beauty tablets? You should be careful with that because an overdose of some nutrients can have a negative effect on your health. An oversupply of vitamin A can lead to headaches or skin changes, for example. Other products lack scientific evidence of efficacy, so are more of a waste of money. Visit your family doctor before taking the product. With the help of a blood test he can find out whether and which dietary supplements are useful for you.


The secret to beautiful hair lies in the diet! A targeted food selection provides the hair with important nutrients and builds it up from the inside. Make sure you eat a varied diet with lots of vegetables, fruit, nuts and whole grains. A great side effect: Your skin and nails will also thank you.

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