Stop coloring hair

Gray hair is part of getting older. Nevertheless, most men and women feel the pressure to look young for as long as possible. To conform to a certain social image, many of them regularly dye their hair or gray roots. But in recent years, a trend reversal can be observed. More and more people, including celebrities, are consciously opting for their natural hair color. However, to put the gray splendor in the scene, it needs good care and the right styling!

Why do we get gray hair in the first place?

Responsible for the individual hair color of each person is the pigment melanin. With increasing age, the body can produce less and less melanin. Instead of pigments, air bubbles are now incorporated into the hair. The result is a graying of our hair. This is usually an optical illusion: due to the interaction of white (colorless) and still pigmented hairs, they appear gray overall.

At first there are only single strands, later more and more are added. In men, they often first appear at the temples and on the beard, because the hairs in these places have a shorter lifespan and are accordingly formed more frequently. The age at which we turn gray is, among other things, genetically determined. In Central Europeans, the first gray hairs usually become visible from the mid-30s, but there are also people for whom the process does not begin until the age of 50. Sometimes diseases or stress also cause us to get gray hair at an early age. Unfortunately, it cannot be prevented.

Leave the tweezers in the cupboard

Before the gray really sets in, many men and women pluck out the first white hairs with tweezers. But the saying goes: For every hair plucked, two new ones follow! Fortunately, this is only a myth. Only one hair can grow from a hair follicle at a time. So in principle, there is nothing to be said against plucking. But be aware that they will always grow back and you can't win the battle. So it is better to get used to it at an early stage. Especially since frequent plucking can also damage the hair root in the long run. In the worst case, the hair will not grow back at all.

The "Clooney Effect

Men usually react more calmly than women at the sight of the first gray hairs. The silver strands are subconsciously associated by many with maturity, wisdom and competence. Gentlemen therefore benefit from the image of the charming, life-experienced man. Stars such as George Clooney or Richard Gere also show the male world how great mottled gray hair can look. But: gray hair alone does not make you attractive, it should be well-groomed. Because an overgrown mane tends to be off-putting to the environment. The right haircut gives the graying appearance a stylish look. A short haircut with short sides and longer main hair looks particularly youthful. For styling, there is a wide range of products available in stores, such as wax, gel or hairspray.

Granny haircut is out

Women in the second half of life today want to be just as chic as the younger generation. Perms are out, softly falling hair and cheeky cuts are in. Our mothers and grandmothers liked to have a short haircut when they reached a certain age. This can look quite attractive in combination with graying hair, as Birgit Schrowange, for example, proves. But longer hair can also be a real eye-catcher (such as the long bob, which ends just above the shoulders). The only important thing is that the hairstyle fits the shape of the face. The hairdresser you trust can provide assistance in determining which cut is flattering for the respective wearer and whether it can be realized with the corresponding hair structure. By the way, bangs can perfectly conceal wrinkles on the forehead.

Proper care is important

When caring for old and young hair differ. Gray hair has special requirements. Due to the lack of melanin, the hair is less protected from UV radiation and can be damaged more easily. The hair structure changes, because the hair bulbs are now no longer so well supplied with nutrients. The hair is more susceptible to split ends and hair breakage. In addition, the hair loses elasticity, it becomes thinner and less malleable. Even the scalp sometimes becomes dry and brittle as it produces less sebum. Hair care should therefore be specially tailored. Important when blow drying: Do not set too hot! The heat can attack the cuticle and make the hair dull and brittle.


Gray hair easily gets a yellow tinge, which looks unkempt. Mainly UV radiation, but also chlorinated water and nicotine can be to blame. Special silver shampoos and conditioners help to prevent this. There is a good selection of products with purple color pigments, which neutralize or mask the yellow. In addition, classic home remedies, such as rinses made from vinegar water or lemon juice, are considered a miracle weapon against the yellow cast in gray hair. However, because of the acidity, these should always be used in a highly diluted form.

Influence of eating habits on hair

The hair must also be sufficiently supplied with nutrients from the inside. A nutritional deficiency or hyperacidity can lead to brittle and dull hair. Coffee, alcohol and sugar are nutrient robbers. In addition to zinc and selenium, biotin is particularly important for healthy hair. It promotes the build-up of keratin, which is the main component of hair and nails. Biotin is found in fruits, vegetables, nuts and cereals, among other things. A look at the diet is worthwhile in old age, even with hair loss. Unless a disease is the cause, a  deficiency of trace elements may be behind it.

Repigmentation against gray hair

This involves the use of an artificial melanin substitute that reacts with oxygen. This creates color pigments that resemble natural ones. These are incorporated into the hair and are intended to restore the hair's own color. Good results are achieved especially with formerly light brown to dark brown hair. For this purpose, the product is massaged into the scalp daily to stimulate the hair follicles. Disadvantage: Until a result is visible, it takes several applications. In addition, the method only works as long as it is applied regularly. If you want to try it, you can get the appropriate products at the hairdresser, pharmacies or drugstores.

The young generation shows the way

For some years now, more and more young women, who actually don't need to think about gray hair yet, have their hair voluntarily dyed gray by the hairdresser. And they wear the so-called "Granny Hair" quite fearlessly and with pride! On the net, there are increasingly styling and make-up tips for gray-haired people, bloggers and magazines report on the hair trend. Also in the trade there are more and more products specifically for gray and silver hair. Can now also finally the naturally gray over 40 rethink their self-image and stop seeing their gray hair as a flaw?


Gray hair has become socially acceptable in recent years, almost even a way of life. Instead of painstakingly coloring their hair, the older generation confidently stands by their silver or white hair. Of course, gray hair is a matter of taste and also a question of type. But with good care and a suitable cut, they can certainly be seen. The main thing is that the silver hair is worn with conviction and a good feeling!

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