Hair loss in old age - Unavoidable whim of fate?

The phenomenon that with age the hair becomes grayer and also less, knows each of us. Consequently, the question arises with most: Why is this actually so? In this category Alterix will tell you about hair loss, its background, the remedies and much more.

Numerous processes in the body slow down with age. This is due to the fact that the production of the body's own growth hormones becomes weaker. Often, this effect is first reflected in our skin: skin cells regenerate more slowly, causing the skin to slowly lose elasticity and tone. The same applies to our hair. In fact, this is not primarily hair loss (alopecia). Instead, the problem is that hair takes more time to grow back. At the same time, however, you lose the same number of hairs every day as you did in previous years. This creates an imbalance: you lose the usual amount of hair, but the hair grows back much more slowly.

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What are the causes of the phenomenon of hair loss?

On the one hand, the slowed regeneration plays a significant role, on the other hand, the male hormones in both sexes play a supporting role in hair loss in old age.

For men, it is almost an irrevocable fact that they lose more and more hair over the years. Basically, men who have little to no hair are all the more masculine. This is because they produce large amounts of male hormones.

However, in addition to men, women also have a certain, albeit significantly small, amount of male hormones in their blood. With the onset of menopause, however, this proportion increases significantly. The reason for this is the ovaries, which significantly reduce the production of the hair growth-promoting estrogen. The loss - or rather the significant reduction - of estrogen and the associated imbalance between female and male hormones then leads to hair loss or a significant slowdown in hair growth in the female body.

When does hair loss begin?

While everyone's biological clock ticks a little differently, over the roughest of thumbs, age-related home failure begins at about age 40. Overall, there are only a few people who are spared from this problem. In the majority, on the other hand, it becomes apparent that the strength of the scalp and the hair root is diminishing. Especially the male hormone testosterone, which is now increasingly released, attacks the hair root and robs it of energy. Men and women are equally affected here.

Another consequence, in addition to the loss of volume, is the loss of color of the hair. Either the hair now turns gray or white. This makes the hair appear even thinner, because gray hair often has less volume than hair that has dark pigments in it.

You can influence many things!

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You cannot completely prevent the course of events, or in this case hair loss in old age. However, you have the possibility to do something to slow down this process significantly.

First of all, be aware that you have less regenerative power than before and that you and your body deserve more attention and care overall. This may sound a bit strange, but remember for a moment what it was like when you used to go out partying: maybe there was alcohol involved and, most importantly, little sleep. The day after was exhausting - without question. But after a few hours you had long forgotten the sins of the night. If you go out partying in the same way today, you will certainly need a whole day to recover from the stresses and strains of partying. So does every cell in your body. In the past, you didn't need to take any supportive measures to get well quickly; but today, you certainly do! Now you should do the same with your body: Help it to regenerate.

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This is how you help yourself!

First and foremost, it is now important to place a lot of emphasis on a healthy diet. In women in particular, toxins and acids are no longer excreted through menstruation after menopause. Now they have to be permanently metabolized. Through these metabolic processes, the body loses minerals that form the basis for healthy hair growth.

Therefore, the ideal focus is on a low-fat and mineral-rich diet. The following foods are particularly recommended:

  • Lean meat
  • Poultry
  • Fish & seafood
  • Milk
  • Fruit & vegetables

In addition, your family doctor will tell you if taking zinc and iron supplements will also help in your case.

The wellness program for your hair

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But you can also do something externally to counteract hair loss in old age. Regardless of which treatment method you choose: They all have one thing in common... They all aim to reactivate your hair roots and increase blood flow to your scalp!

Products containing caffeine

Whether in the form of shampoo or hair tonic, caffeine provides blood flow to the scalp and activates the hair root. Of course, you need to use the preparations regularly so that the weakened hair roots are strengthened and the blood flow to the scalp is stimulated again. Caffeine shampoos such as Alpecin have proven to be particularly popular in use.

There are also hair growth products that combine caffeine with other substances. These simultaneously curb the negative influence of testosterone. Natural plant active substances (phytoflavones) are particularly suitable for this purpose. Widely spread opinions show that these combined preparations are very good at stimulating hair growth.

These plants will help you fight hair loss

If you are sensitive to chemical substances, burdock hair oil could well help you. Just like burdock itself, the oil makes your hair roots virtually hook into your scalp.

Another home remedy is castor oil. Here is a small recipe:

  • Mix 1:1 with boiled & warm water.
  • Now massage into the scalp
  • Leave to act overnight under a protective head covering
  • The morning after, wash your hair as usual

With this procedure, another effect besides faster growth is that your hair will get much more shine and also get a firmer texture.

Also a basil extract (such as Rezilin) increases blood flow to the scalp and thus equally provides a better supply of nutrients to the hair root. The preparation contains active ingredients based on basil and valuable vegetable oils and vitamins as additives. These strengthen and provide the hair with intense moisture. This makes it look much smoother and shinier.

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