Addressing menopausal symptoms holistically & seizing opportunities

Alterix guides you through the topic of menopausal symptoms holistically: emotions, medicine, relationships and so much more flow hand in hand here! To help you get through menopause well - despite a variety of challenges - we present this comprehensive guide. Come with us on a journey from which you will emerge victorious and with new opportunities from the pre-programmed change!

melancholy emotionality chaos heat sensitivity excitement moods

Chasing Way Out Hectic Resume Realization

What you experienced...

The times when you wanted to date different men, your sexuality awakened and you wanted to live it out, are now a little further behind you. Now you have to bear responsibility and face the challenges of life more and more. Probably during the last decades you have met a person - life partner, husband and father of your children - with whom you have gone through ups and downs. With him you have gone the "far-away" and "very-close-together" of a long-term partnership.

You became a mother. During the time of the development of your children - both in the womb and after the birth - you have gone through fears and felt infinite joy. You felt yourself maturing as a woman, developing into a mother, and going through some changes and metamorphoses of your life yourself. You have had to deal with outside pressures and constantly revise your views as well as opinions. At the same time you felt sometimes or more often alone and at other times again strongly supported by the togetherness with your husband.

You have mastered these adjustments to the circumstances of your life, to changes and to the fact that you have to put your needs behind you for the time being, with flying colors. You did not avoid stones on your way. You courageously moved them aside. You were there first and foremost for others - your loved ones - but also for yourself. And you always tried to manage the balancing act between all the demands that life imposed on you in your private, family or professional life.

Where you stand now...

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Now - having arrived in the middle of your life - you are once again facing a transformation. This is a challenge that you will have to master for the most part on your own. Unlike the decisions in your family, it is now primarily about you personally: your feelings and fears - yes, even menopausal symptoms - are picking up speed and heralding a new phase for you. All these symptoms want to show you that you should take care of yourself, give yourself the chance to change and perceive a new beginning.

On this way you want advice and help, the experiences of other women, but also the attention of your family. Long suppressed facts about menopause suddenly become reality and you feel completely unprepared - like a child who has been thrown into cold water to swim. So you feel caught off guard, abandoned by the constancy of your hormones, alone with your sensations and feelings. Maybe you're overwhelmed by it. Suddenly the problems of the people around you seem small and insignificant, because your own problems come to the fore.

As you embark on a quest....

You may be showing the first vague signs of menopause, or you may already be suffering from confirmed menopausal symptoms. If you would like to remedy these as gently and carefully as possible, then a search for the right remedies for you begins. To do this, it is important that you familiarize yourself with the processes of your body and the ups and downs of your hormones in order to approach your own personal situation.

This guidebook - created with a lot of care and knowledge - will accompany you on this exciting path of change. It will accompany you in the process of understanding yourself, rediscovering yourself, and give you courage for the journey to a new stage of life that will set you free from problems you have long overcome. This path cleanses you of negative feelings that you have been carrying around for a long time. Thus, it paves the way for greater well-being and a new zest for life.

What you can expect at Alterix and what help you can hope for during menopause...

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Alterix wants to go the way with you! No matter what: Here you will find rich information about menopause and everything it entails. From hormones to symptoms and social life to sexuality and other aspects, we leave nothing neglected. We do all this to help you maintain a high quality of life.

The wild dance of hormones and symbiosis in women

How female hormones change towards the end of a woman's fertile life: A hormone guide to what the changes bring for you. What changes, due to the hormone situation, in how you feel during the change- an explanation for your understanding.

The different phases of menopause

How menopause can happen: The differences between women as well as biological backgrounds for the variations.

Possible menopausal symptoms and how they occur

How you counter night sweats and hot flashes, altered sleep, and sleep disturbances and insomnia. What natural and helpful emergency measures there are against psychological upsets, headaches and lack of concentration.

About the social influence of menopausal symptoms and how to deal with them.

Your options when you are looking for confidence and want compassion, care as well as tolerance. Your proactive approach to your situation towards those around you. A word to your partner.

Sexuality during menopause

How the most beautiful thing in the world changes with your body and soul. What possibilities this opens up for you and your partner. The new lightness and intense pleasure for your love life.

When psychological complaints threaten to manifest: Learning to control the dark clouds

Recognizing menopause as a trigger for psychological disorders and treating it effectively. Where to find professional help.

The classic hormone replacement therapy

Your doctor as a confidant and how to make your problems and complaints heard. How hormone therapy works, what medications are available on the market, what side effects to expect, and how to make a sensible decision. Education and your right of co-determination as well as the right choice of medication and monitoring of the therapy until success.

Alternative therapies and what they can do for your well-being.

A guide through the jungle of natural therapies for menopausal symptoms. What they are suitable for and how you can combine them.

Influencing the complaints through diet and lifestyle - a chance

How to effectively prevent most of the symptoms and how to avoid long-term health problems such as osteoporosis.

What is the sum of 1 and 5?