Natural home remedies for hair loss

There is still the opinion that hair loss is an inevitable fate. Yet research and testing have already proven that there is one or the other effective remedy against it. Almost every hair loss is reversible from a naturopathic point of view. Especially the success of holistic hair loss concepts confirm this again and again.

Therefore, remedies for hair loss - be it shampoos, tinctures, capsules, baths or ointments - are often underestimated products. As a rule, they help to balance the existing imbalance in the human body. The modes of action of all these products can be better understood if you understand the relationship between hair loss, your own body and the products. The products and also the natural home remedies are not miracle cures, but they can start exactly at the point where a deficiency has occurred in the body.

Frequently, however, it also comes to statements that all effort completely fails and absolutely nothing positive happens on the head. In any case, patience is required, because hair grows very slowly. Therefore, it is impossible to see the first successes after just two weeks.

Many different reasons for hair loss

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Although hair loss can have very different causes, the current cause of hair loss is almost irrelevant, because hair loss is always a symptom of a system out of balance. Regardless of whether hair loss has bacterial, hormonal or immunological causes, it is important to recognize why, for example, bacteria can suddenly settle, why the hormonal system is out of balance or why the immune system is disturbed.

Behind all this there is almost always a chronic hyperacidity and in addition a considerable lack of vital substances. These two factors are extremely unfavorable for hair and scalp, because they provide for an imbalance of the immune system and promote among other things the circular hair loss. The same applies to the hormonal situation of the human organism, because the hormones also become unbalanced due to such an imbalance. So, it may be that hormonal hair loss has been diagnosed, yet the hormonal imbalance may be triggered by the overall physical imbalances. If the organism is brought back into harmony, the hormones also gradually regulate themselves better.

For this reason, holistic hair loss remedies attack at the base. In this way, the supply of the necessary nutrients is ensured in order to regain a healthy and harmonious balance. The hormone system is regulated and bacteria also no longer find a breeding ground. The body's own defense system calms down again.

What are the natural home remedies?

Although the pharmaceutical industry is large and brings some very efficient active ingredients. But side effects are possible here and there. Therefore, we would like to devote ourselves to the natural home remedies that promise relief from hair loss. Because here side effects are excluded. The following belong to the select circle of these home remedies:

  • Silica
  • Argan oil
  • Thyme
  • Coconut oil
  • Nettle
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Aloe Vera



Silica has an extremely high content of silicon. This trace element is obtained from the deposits of fossil remains. It has a wide range of uses:

  • Prevention of broken nails
  • Moisture for connective tissue
  • Strengthening of bones

However, siliceous earth is particularly suitable for use against hair loss. Silica not only moisturizes and thus fights against dry and brittle hair and split ends, but also acts directly against hair loss. Here you can choose different dosage forms. Silica is available, for example, in capsules, as a powder or in the form of gel. The gel is simply worked into the hair. The growth of the hair is promoted by taking silica capsules and they also have a preventive effect on hair loss. If silica is applied externally, inflammation is inhibited and itching is relieved.

Argan oil

Hair growth is stimulated by argan oil in a natural and herbal way. Argan oil often consists of an oil-water combination. In case of hair problems and also in case of severe hair loss, successes are often visible within a short time. The healing of the skin after diseases is supported and the regeneration is stimulated, because the skin absorbs the argan oil completely. At the same time, however, no greasy layer remains on the scalp or in the hair. This prevents the pores from becoming clogged. Even thin and fine hair benefits from argan oil. In addition, argan oil contains omega-6 fatty acids and also vitamin E. These ingredients counteract hair loss, skin impurities and also gray hair. Argan oil is available as a shampoo or as a hair mask.


Thyme is one of the effective medicinal herbs that can be used very well against hair loss. In addition to the important nutrients such as zinc, vitamin A, potassium and also calcium, thyme has sufficient essential oils that provide blood circulation and thus nutrient supply to the hair root. It is this supply that avoids hair loss in the long term.

Coconut oil

Coconut oil has many positive properties. These include, for example, the ability to contain fungi and viruses. Hair loss, which is caused for example by an overacidified scalp environment as well as by an excessive amount of scalp fungi, can be reduced very well with the help of coconut oil. Either the coconut oil is left to work overnight or it remains on the scalp for at least 30 minutes. Afterwards, the hair is washed as usual. Since coconut oil also has an antifungal effect, it also has a positive internal effect on the acid-base balance and the intestinal flora. For a hair loss cure, one to two teaspoons of coconut oil once a day on an empty stomach is recommended.


Traditionally, nettle has been used for decades against hair loss and other hair problems. The active ingredients contained in the plant, such as potassium, calcium, iron, vitamins B1, B5, C, D and vitamin E, stimulate scalp circulation and nourish the hair to the root. Nettle is used as a hair treatment or as a hair tonic.

Apple cider vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is also one of the tried and tested household remedies. Because it balances the acid-base balance and thus promotes healthy hair growth. The apple cider vinegar is diluted in a ratio of 1:5 and massaged into the scalp as a rinse after shampooing. Those who do not like the smell can rinse the hair again after an exposure time of about 10 minutes.

Aloe Vera

Aloe vera is known for its many beneficial properties. Among other things, it has a moisturizing effect on the scalp and at the same time eliminates germs. If you have your own aloe plant, you can cut the gel from the leaves as needed and then use it as a beneficial cure for hair loss. Of course, there are also many ready-made extracts on the market for immediate use. Used internally, aloe vera has a positive effect on metabolism. This in turn supports hair growth.

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