Rezilin: marketing gimmick or effective tool?

It is currently difficult to make a clear statement about Rezilin. Obviously, opinions are divided here. While some - especially the manufacturer - claim that it is a profitable natural healing product without any side effects, others claim that the manufacturer's statements and all reports found on the Internet are based on so-called influencers. Influencers are people who have a strong influence on the public and advertise the product by writing positive testimonials. In addition, it is allegedly not possible to trace whether the dermatological tests with which the manufacturer advertises have actually taken place.

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Rezilin - A basil extract

However, what we know about Reziling is that it is a basil extract. The manufacturer advertises that regular use with this extract prevents age-related hair loss and also thin hair grows stronger. An exposure time of at least 30 minutes is necessary so that the extract penetrates deeply into the hair and scalp. Only from this time it unfolds its full effect.

The basil extract is a hair treatment on a natural basis. The manufacturer promises that with regular use, hair loss in women during and after menopause is prevented. According to the manufacturer, the enzyme responsible for hair loss (5-alpha-reductase) is inhibited in the scalp. This slows down the progressive hair loss. In addition, the intensive moisture provided by the Rezilin basil extract prevents hair from becoming thin and brittle. As a result, regular use of the product should result in strong hair.

The ingredients and mode of action of Rezilin basil extract

According to the manufacturer, the hair treatment consists exclusively of natural-based ingredients. The ingredients contained are supposed to show the following effects:

The basil extract inhibits the hormone (DHT), which is responsible for hair loss.
In turn, the valuable oils contained are intended to provide both a well-groomed scalp and supple hair.
In addition, important vitamins provide scalp and hair with the important nutrients.
Caffeine is responsible for the shortened growth phases with age.
When using Rezilin, no side effects are also expected because of the natural base. However, if in rare cases there are intolerances to one or more active ingredients, the basil extract should be discontinued.

The use of Rezilin

Before shampooing, Rezilin should be applied to the scalp and hair for at least 30 minutes. Another variant is to apply it right before going to bed. This allows the Rezilin basil extract hair treatment to be absorbed for several hours. The hair should be combed well after wetting the scalp. Thus, at the same time the hair is also cared for. With the following washing of the hair, the hair treatment is simply rinsed out again.


The found reviews and testimonials about Rezilin are quite positive both on the manufacturer's website and on the Internet. Application and effect are praised. The customers who write their own testimonial about the application and effect of Rezilin receive a Rezilin shopping voucher worth 100 euros in return for regular use.

Dermatologically tested

According to the manufacturer's claims, dermatological tests promise good skin tolerance. According to the test results, a group of test persons was observed with the Rezilin hair treatment. Here, positive results were shown.

This is what the opponents claim

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The opponents of Rezilin, on the other hand, claim that the reviews found on the manufacturer's website, which all have only positive things to say about the product, and the statements that the effect of Rezilin is inspiring, are not authentic testimonials. The people pictured there had found themselves on the Internet and the pictures were so-called stock photos that could obviously be purchased. Therefore, they are not real customers, but rather models who have nothing whatsoever to do with a Rezilin treatment. It is also accused that the manufacturer allegedly deceives consumers with fictitious customer opinions. In addition, there are hardly any reviews about Rezilin on the Internet, with the exception of a few unverified reviews on Amazon. Nor could any testimonials from genuine and credible users be found in forums. This is particularly surprising since the manufacturer advertises with thousands of satisfied customers on its website.

In a conclusion of the skeptics the following content can be found: One is very skeptical about the product Rezilin, because the manufacturer would not shy away from using dubious advertising schemes and deceiving the consumer with false testimonials and stock photos. The claim that the media and press report positively about the product is also completely misleading, as this would be a free press portal. On these portals however each offerer can publish its own messages. Therefore it would act with this representation also in no case around neutral opinions. However, it is particularly criticized here that obviously neither evidence nor sources can be found for the claim that it is a "dermatologically tested and confirmed" product.


So it is not clear whether this is now a product that really shows its effect on age-related hair loss. Unfortunately, neither the claims of one side or the other can really be proven or substantiated. Accordingly, it all boils down to subjecting it to a test yourself if necessary...

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