Hair loss - diet

Hair loss & Nutrition: Our entire organism is a complex chemical factory. However, this can only function properly if it is optimally supplied at all times. If the opposite is the case, deficiency symptoms occur in the most diverse areas of our body, which usually express themselves through symptoms of illness. If it comes to hair loss, then as a rule only the loss of the hair is seen. Hardly anyone gets the idea that this is a clear signal of the human body. It indicates that something is wrong and out of balance.

The human organism is certainly capable of compensating for short-term overloads. However, it must have sufficient energy available for this work. In this way, it can sufficiently activate all regulatory mechanisms and we have good health.

Unfortunately, this condition is often different from what it should be. The consequences of stress, tension, fear, or resentment not only burden the psyche, but also the body. Other factors that cause imbalance are lack of exercise and relaxation in combination with an unhealthy diet. This leads more and more often to a significant energy deficit.

Lack of energy and, what it triggers

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Permanent loads require an enormous amount of energy. A permanent energy deprivation leads to an imbalance in the body and illnesses are the result. Although the body is not immediately and immediately seriously ill, it immediately sends signals that require a reaction:

  • Persistent colds
  • Frequent headaches
  • Deterioration of the skin
  • Intestinal problems
  • Hair loss
  • And many more...

It is important to understand these connections in order to realize that hair loss is also a serious signal from the body. While it is fine to treat the symptoms alone - i.e. the hair loss. But ultimately, this appearance must be viewed holistically. Here, the body is calling for a balance of energy.

Acidosis shows a clear malnutrition

In our latitudes, many foods are on the everyday menu, which are among the so-called acid-formers:

  • Meat, sausage, cheese, fish
  • eggs, dairy products
  • White flour products
  • Confectionery Coffee, Black tea
  • Sweet drinks
  • Alcohol & Nicotine

These quickly cause over-acidification of the body, if at the same time the base-forming products are neglected. Other factors for hyperacidity are also stress, anger, negative thoughts and lack of exercise. Overacidification has extreme effects. These include fermentation in the small intestine and putrefaction in the large intestine, which causes ammonia gases to develop. These very toxic gases burden the entire organism. Normally, all acids formed in the body are neutralized with the help of minerals, which are then discharged through the kidneys.

Now what does this have to do with hair loss? Quite a lot! Because our organism uses, among other minerals, the minerals stored in the hair follicle to neutralize these acids. This is then already the beginning of hair loss. Here it is shown that it is a massive degradation of minerals within the hair soil. With the appropriate diet or with a nutritional supplement, one can successfully counteract this, whereby the healthy and balanced diet should be in the foreground in any case.

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Hair soil and the intestinal flora are close allies

In naturopathy, it is said that each hair papilla has an energetic connection to the intestinal villus. Therefore, conclusions can be drawn about the condition of the intestine via the condition of the scalp. Often, various symptoms related to the intestine occur together with hair loss:

  • Flatulence
  • Constipation
  • Diarrhea

However, there may also be a nutrient deficiency in the scalp without the stomach and intestines reacting to it. But one thing is certain: If intestinal dysfunction occurs, the absorption and utilization of food is impaired. The consequence is a disturbed metabolism. In such a case, the organism ensures that primarily the vital organ systems such as the heart and brain are supplied. Hair, on the other hand, is not essential for the organism to survive. Therefore, the hair base is first deprived of nutrients.

In addition, the acid-base balance also has a considerable influence on the hormone balance. Chronic acidosis can be the decisive moment that makes hair follicles so sensitive to hormonal influences in the first place. It has already been possible in some cases to regulate hyperacidity with a healthy diet and thus optimally supply the hair follicles with minerals without the need for additional hormone treatment with medication.

Hair needs nutrients

Hair needs many nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids and trace elements for healthy growth. With a deficiency of these nutrients, the hair follicles become smaller and thinner or the hair even begins to fall out. By eating a healthy diet that includes the appropriate nutrients, many forms of hair loss are successfully reduced.

B vitamins

All vitamins of the B group are important for healthy hair growth. These vitamins strengthen the hair and control as well as regulate the metabolism in the hair roots. Biotin (vitamin H) makes hair resistant and it keeps its shine. Biotin also has a preventive effect against inflammation of the hair root. This is especially important because inflammation of the hair root could lead to hair loss. A change in the color of hair may be the first sign of a biotin deficiency.


The amino acid arginine is also very important, as it ensures better blood circulation to the hair root. The better the blood circulation, the better the hair is supplied with nutrients.


Glutamine contributes to hair growth. However, this amino acid may be produced in insufficient quantities with age and additional stress.


Zinc is a trace element that ensures faster formation of new hair cells. Thus, it promotes hair growth. In addition, zinc is involved in the formation of keratin and protects the hair root, as it has an anti-inflammatory effect.


Iron deficiency leads to hair loss. This has now been shown by many studies. The trace element iron is a component of hemoglobin and is responsible for the transport of oxygen in the blood. Hair growth is only possible with sufficient oxygen. Vitamin C ensures that the iron can bind to the red blood cells at all and thus reach the hair.

Hair Loss & Nutrition Conclusion

Hair is alive. Like all living things, hair must be nourished sufficiently and in a balanced way. Here, everyone is the architect of his own happiness. If you follow the advice in this article, then you will do everything necessary from the nutritional side to maintain your hair splendor.

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