Addicted to medication: What to do?

In Germany, the number of people who are addicted to medication is creeping up. It is striking that it is particularly easy for older people to take pills. Drug addiction in old age is the second most common form of addiction, immediately after alcohol addiction. According to calculations, this involves at least 1.5 million people. An extrapolation up to 1.9 million is also possible. However, the number of unreported cases is much higher. Women over the age of 50 in particular stand out clearly in these statistics. According to the DHS, they are particularly at risk and make up a large part of this statistic. The drugs themselves range from sleeping pills to painkillers and many more.

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Which medications carry the potential for addiction?

The list of agents that can cause drug addiction is long. Many don't even know that their prescribed medication is high-risk. A tablet for headaches and one for insomnia in the evening can usually be found in every medicine cabinet. It is not uncommon for us to fall back on precisely these to relieve ourselves of the malaise. But it is precisely this circumstance that makes regular use so dangerous. A close look should therefore always be taken at the ingredients. Let's take a look together at some drugs or substances that have an increased risk:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Z-substances
  • Painkillers
  • Antidepressants



These include primarily sleeping pills. Especially in old age, restlessness and nervousness become much higher and it is easy to reach for benzodiazepines. In the evening, the person concerned can fall asleep and enjoy a peaceful and restful sleep. What initially seems like a great advantage, however, often turns completely around the next day. Benzodiazepines, in particular, with a long duration of action, leave the sufferer feeling the effects of these even the next day. Drowsiness, fatigue and general exhaustion are not uncommon. Especially in old age, this can lead to increased falls and the onset of dehydration. There are already good alternatives with a significantly shorter duration of action. Depending on the initial situation and one's own prerequisites, in consultation with the doctor, another method can lead to significantly better results.


If you cannot imagine anything under this term, you are not alone. Due to the high abuse of benzodiazepines, Z-substances have quickly become a good alternative at the time. "Z-substances" in this context mean nothing more than similar substances that begin with the letter "Z"; such as zolpidem and zopiclone, among others. Although these have a completely different chemical structure, they ultimately work in exactly the same way as benzodiazepines. What was hailed as a minor breakthrough at the time has already been disproved today. Z-substances also promote drug addiction and more and more side effects are becoming known. In addition to general fatigue, hallucinations also occur. In some cases, psychoses and slightly aggressive behavior have been reported. Zolpidem and zopiclone are still among the best-known sleeping pills and are prescribed regularly.


Besides sleeping pills, painkillers are also among the most common tablets. Not only over-the-counter, but also prescription drugs are mostly found in our cabinets at home. Headaches, back pain & Co. are eliminated by taking a single tablet and the or the affected person can breathe a sigh of relief. It is precisely this that quickly allows a cycle to develop and a drug addiction to occur. Without painkillers, pain is no longer treatable and the body adjusts to this treatment. Intense pain is even treated with opiate painkillers in an emergency. However, these not only combat the actual pain, but also leave the patient in a slightly euphoric mood. Especially in old age, this side effect becomes the undoing of many and a drug addiction develops that is difficult to break.


The number of patients treated with antidepressants usually increases with age. Common triggers here include stress and loneliness. The second point is a particularly important reason for many people in old age. The effect of the individual preparations varies greatly. The range of antidepressants extends from sleep-promoting and drive-increasing to depressant antidepressants. For many, discontinuing these drugs is no longer an option. The risk of a relapse or the fear of renewed consequences is too great. In the process, the medication itself promotes these consequences and an unconscious addiction develops.

Addiction on prescription: It's so easy to get caught in the cycle

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We do not always determine our addiction ourselves - we almost hand it over to strangers. A prescribed medication is often carelessly accepted and used without question. Subsequent checks are usually not carried out by the user, and medications are used for far too long in old age. Almost 80% of drugs with addictive potential are actually prescribed by a doctor and not purchased over-the-counter. This is referred to as "addiction on prescription". Constant changes of doctors also favor this circumstance. It is therefore difficult to determine which medications a patient is already taking and which may be prescribed.

When addiction goes unnoticed

For many, the word "addiction" is expressed exclusively through clearly visible symptoms. Trembling, nausea and malaise are just a few of the symptoms associated with drug addiction. Anyone who resorts to treatment with opiate painkillers, for example, due to intense pain should also find out about the duration of use at the same time. Many individuals in old age continue to use them well beyond the pain. The pain has long passed, but the opiate-containing medication continues to be taken. A routine has developed and it is impossible to imagine everyday life without the drug. Although no other symptoms have yet become apparent, this is already referred to as drug addiction in old age.

The frequency of use is also a first indication of a drug addiction. In some cases, the body can develop a certain habit. Where once one tablet before sleep was enough, over time it slowly becomes two tablets. This creeping process often goes unnoticed, but gradually increases. One tablet has long since ceased to bring success. This starts a cycle from which it is often difficult to break out...

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