Alternatives to conventional medicine: Natural medicines & Co in old age

Not every ailment is so bad that you have to resort directly to conventional medicine. Especially natural remedies and medicines often come in a more gentle way and often promise relief or elimination of the complaints in old age. With not quite so serious complaints, as for example colds and infections, one can create here uncomplicated and fast remedy. In the case of very serious illnesses, conventional medicine remains the measure of all things, but natural medicines offer an excellent supportive effect. For many elderly patients and physicians, the question of "black or white" is thus not posed, but one focuses on a togetherness.

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Examples of natural medicines

Just as there is a suitable and curative treatment option for almost every complaint in conventional medicine, there is also a wide-ranging portfolio in the world of natural medicines. Even in old age, this approach can be used to effectively and specifically combat complaints of any form:

  • St. John's wort
  • Schüßler salts
  • Neurodoron tablets
  • Calendula
  • Valerian

St. John's wort

Doctors agree that St. John's wort preparations have an excellent effect on mild to moderate depression. Even in the case of the so-called "old-age depression", a quick and more gentle effect can be achieved. During the production of the natural medicine the whole herb is used. All parts except the root are thus used during this process. The mood of the affected patients brightens and anxious attacks gradually give way. Agitated phases are also significantly reduced by taking the remedy.

Schuessler salts

Schüßler salts have almost the same production processes as known from the homeopathic side. The initial production substance is diluted more and more. However, the effect is not affected in any way. On the contrary, the strength of the effect is to be increased by this procedure. The salts are offered in various dosage forms, including globules, tablets and drops. Schüßler salts serve the purpose of balancing mineral deficiencies so that the empty cells are successfully replenished from the inside.


Especially in nervous phases, stomach upsets, neck problems and concentration disorders Neurodoron tablets are often used and recommended. The nervous and sensory system is consciously stabilized.


Calendula is often used for inflammations and relieves the discomfort quickly and noticeably. Especially complaints of the oral and pharyngeal mucosa can be excellently alleviated with the application. Only if allergies to the so-called "daisy flowers" are known, should be refrained from using.


The plant genus valerian is often used within the natural medicinal world and promises improvement in cases of sleep disorders and tension, among others. The popular and well-known medicinal plant is often administered in tablet form and enjoys widespread popularity.

Consider compatibility & interactions

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Even though most natural remedies promise a very gentle application, one should always exercise caution. Consultation with the doctor is also advisable. The ingestion is not of a treacherous nature, but rather the mixing with other medications. While the mode of action of natural medicines can bring about rapid relief of symptoms, it can also be in battle with other medicines, some of which are essential for survival. 

Complications often occur in combination with natural remedies, especially with conventional medicines used for heart conditions, HIV and also depression. Often the natural helpers cause a drug breakdown via the liver to occur differently than it would without them. This leads to dangerous situations, so the advice of a doctor in advance is definitely beneficial.

Homeopathy in old age : worthwhile alternative?

Homeopathy can also be a worthwhile treatment option for older patients. Just as one is already accustomed to from conventional medical dosage forms, homeopathic medicines also have differences in their appearance. However, ointment, injection, drops, tablet and globules all have something in common. The standardized rules of the official homeopathic pharmacopoeia apply.

In homeopathy, the starting substances used are divided into 5 groups, which are used during the production process:

  • Herbal
  • Animal
  • Inorganic
  • Organic
  • Nosodes

Production also consists of manufacturing and potentizing. If production is mainly concerned with the extraction of the actual medicinal power into a container and is carried out by various methods, potentizing is more concerned with the awakening of the powers. This "awakening" and amplification of the medicinal action, is ensured by shaking and rubbing the diluted starting materials. Dilution and shaking cause hidden dynamic forces to unfold and the health-promoting properties of the later remedies are guaranteed.

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How does a homeopathic treatment proceed?

No matter whether a homeopathic therapy is approached in old age or at a younger age: Especially at the beginning, there is no way around the anamnesis. The homeopath examines the body like a detective. He wants to find out as much as possible about the person seeking help. Physical and mental symptoms are analyzed specifically, so that the appropriate treatment remedy can be selected on the basis of these findings. The current emotional state as well as the generally considered well-being also play a major role in the decision-making process. Especially in the case of treatment at an advanced age, it is often unavoidable that conventional medicine continues to be used. Homeopathy and conventional medicine do not have to be mutually exclusive, but rather go hand in hand. Accordingly, the homeopath will include and consider these medications in his anamnesis. A concomitant treatment can only be opposed in very few cases.

Health in old age: lifestyle change as the best remedy

Even if in natural medicines and in homeopathy much success-bringing, alleviating and partly also healing potential is to be recognized, then one is above all in the age also always his own luck foreman. Older people can turn the tide by consciously changing their own lifestyle. It is not uncommon to see improvements or elimination of ailments through this constant and goal-oriented lifestyle change.

For example, what a more athletic lifestyle can do is evident in the case of many hypertension patients. More sport can be instrumental in bringing blood pressure back into a normal or more normal range. This is an important pillar in an overall treatment, especially in old age. However, since not all sporting activities can be considered at an advanced age, a doctor should be consulted in advance. On the basis of the clinical picture and the values, he will tell you whether and, if so, which options are possible. Complication-free and very mild forms of hypertension are usually very well improved.

Whether it's stopping smoking, drinking less alcohol, or eating better, the list of improvements can go on and on. It makes you realize that you contribute a lot to your own happiness.

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