Homeopathy and its applications

Many people have become more cautious in their use of medicines. They long for well-tolerated medicine with few side effects. Some of them therefore swear by homeopathic remedies. They are particularly suitable for self-treatment, as they are easy and safe to use. In addition, the preparations can be used for both acute and chronic diseases.

How homeopathy came into being

The German physician and chemist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (*1755) was dissatisfied with the art of healing of his time. Therefore, he developed a new treatment approach according to the principle: "similar things should be cured by similar things". In the test phase, he had healthy persons take various herbal, mineral and animal substances in small amounts. From the symptoms that subsequently appeared, he deduced for which diseases the substance could be used. He produced medicines for sick people whose ingredients would cause similar symptoms in a healthy person. Interestingly, Dr. Hahnemann observed that the effect of his preparations was stronger and occurred more quickly the more diluted the substance was.

How does homeopathy differ from conventional medicine?

In homeopathy, a disease or a symptom is understood as a disturbance of the life energy in the human body. Therefore, not only the symptom is treated, but the person in its entirety. The homeopathic remedies are intended to activate the body's self-healing powers by transmitting stimuli and thus bring about recovery. For many diseases, homeopathic remedies are suitable for self-treatment. In the case of complex complaints or uncertainties in the selection, a homeopath, non-medical practitioner or doctor with additional homeopathic training is the right contact.

Proven remedies for acute and chronic complaints

Homöopathisches Mittel Anwendungsgebiete
(Blauer Eisenhut)
Akute Erkältungskrankheiten, Hexenschuss, Ischias, Nackensteife, emotionaler Stress, Panikattacken
Allium cepa
Niesreiz, Fließschnupfen mit wässrigem und scharfem Sekret, Augenbrennen, Heuschnupfen
Apis mellifica
Insektenstriche (vor allem Bienen), Hautausschläge, Gelenkbeschwerden
Prellungen, Quetschungen, Verstauchungen, Blutungen, Muskelkater
Arsenicum album
(Weißes Arsenic)
Pfeifender Husten mit Engegefühl in der Brust, Brechdurchfall, Lebensmittelvergiftung, Sorgen und innere Unruhe
Akute Entzündungen, Erkrankungen mit hohem Fieber, bellender Husten, pochende Kopfschmerzen, krampfartige Schmerzen im Bauch, Hals oder Unterleib, Ischias
(Rotbeerige Zaunrübe)
Trockener Husten mit stechenden Brustschmerzen, Gelenkbeschwerden, Verstopfung, Kopfweh, Lungenentzündung
Calcium fluoratum
Krampfadern, Hämorrhoiden, Haarausfall, Zahnzerfall, Gicht, Arthrose
Schürf-, Riss- und Schnittwunden, Geschwüre
(Spanische Fliege)
Blasenentzündung und andere Harnwegsinfekte, Verbrennungen, Verbrühungen
Ekzeme, Hautausschläge, Nesselsucht, Kontaktallergien, Verbrennungen, Gelenkentzündungen (Arthritis)
(Echte Kamille)
Zahnschmerzen, Ohrenschmerzen, Magenschmerzen, grünliche Durchfälle
Schlafmangel, geistige Überanstrengung, Erschöpfung, Jetlag, Reisekrankheit, Schwindel
Nervosität, Aufregung, Schlaflosigkeit, Herzklopfen, Ruhelosigkeit, übermäßiger Kaffeegenuss
Herzschwäche, Erschöpfung, erhöhter oder erniedrigter Blutdruck mit Schwindel, Atemnot oder Kopfschmerzen
Krampfartiger Husten, Kehlkopfentzündung, Heiserkeit mit trockenem Hals
Bindehautentzündung, grippaler Infekt, tränende oder brennende Augen bei Heuschnupfen
Ferrum phosphoricum
Grippale Infekte, Mittelohrentzündung, entzündliche Erkrankungen, Nasenbluten
(Falscher Jasmin)
Grippe, migräneartige Kopfschmerzen, Nackenschmerzen, Schwindel, Fließschnupfen
Hepar sulfuris
Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung, Ohrenschmerzen, Eiterungen, Geschwüre, Husten mit zähem Auswurf
Anhaltende Übelkeit und Erbrechen, Husten mit Enge- oder Erstickungsgefühl
Sodbrennen, kolikartige Bauchschmerzen, saures Erbrechen, brennende Durchfälle, Migräne
Magnesium phosphoricum (Magnesium) Bauchkrämpfe, Bähungen, Nervenschmerzen, krampfartige Menstruationsbeschwerden
Natrium chloratum
Depressive Verstimmungen, Migräne mit Sehstörungen, Erkältung mit Schnupfen und rissigen Mundwinkeln, unregelmäßige Periode mit Schmerzen, Sonnenallergie, Hautausschläge, Akne
Nux vomica
Magenbeschwerden durch schwere oder verdorbene Mahlzeiten oder übermäßiger Genussmittelverzehr (Kaffee, Alkohol, Medikamente), Sodbrennen, Aufstoßen, Übelkeit
Verdauungsstörungen, Aufstoßen, Störungen des Hormonsystems, Blasenbeschwerden, Rheuma, Schnupfen und Husten nach Durchnässung
Rhus toxicodendron
Grippale Infekte mit Gliederschmerzen, Verrenkungen, Hexenschuss, Ischias, rheumatische Gelenkbeschwerden
Hautausschläge, Hautjucken, Akne, Hämorrhoiden, Schlafstörungen, verschleppte Krankheiten
Herz- und Kreislaufbeschwerden, Schwindel, Ohrensausen, Reiseübelkeit, Raucherentwöhnung

Common medical conditions: Cold and gastrointestinal complaints

Aconitum is the first remedy for sudden onset of infections, rising fever with chills, and discomfort caused by drafts. Belladonna is used for acute sore throat and earache and high fever. Apis mellifica is used for a stinging sore throat with difficulty swallowing, Arnica or Eupatorium perfolatium for aching limbs. Echinacea has proven itself in homeopathy for a general increase in the immune system.

Nausea, stomach ache and belching after heavy meals or messy eating are treated with Pulsatilla or Nux vom ica. Those who get diarrhea during a long-distance trip because they cannot tolerate the food or have upset stomachs take Okoubaka. For constipation, Bryonia or Alumina are indicated. Vomiting diarrhea is often treated with Arsenicum album or Veratrum album .

When the soul needs help

Gloomy mood? Homeopathic remedies can also be used in emotionally stressful situations and depressive moods. They are intended to restore mental balance and improve general well-being. Many people use homeopathic remedies for job-related stress, mental exhaustion, dejection, inner turmoil, mood swings, sadness or guilt. However, homeopathic remedies cannot correct the cause of the problem. Therefore, serious depression requires medical and psychological care.

Which potency is the right one?

The potency indicates the degree of dilution of the starting substance. There are D, C, M and Q potencies. In self-treatment, D and C potencies are mostly used. In D potencies, the substance is first diluted 1:10 with a solution and shaken. This produces a D1 potency. This is diluted again with 10 units of the solution to produce a D2 potency. This procedure is continued until the desired potency is obtained (often D6 or D12). For the C potencies, the dilution steps are much more severe. For a C1 potency, the substance is mixed with the solution in a 1:99 ratio.

For disorders at the superficial level (for example, a cold), low potencies, such as D6 or D12, are suitable. For deeper problems (for example, chronic diseases), highly diluted substances are used, such as C30 potencies.

Tablets, drops, globules: What is suitable for whom?

Homeopathic remedies are available as drops, tablets, powder or globules (small scattering balls). Drops contain alcohol and therefore should not be used in children. Tablets should be avoided by people with lactose intolerance, as they contain lactose. Globules are among the most popular dosage forms. For self-treatment, the use of D6 potencies and D12 potencies has proven effective. Higher potencies should be taken only after consultation with a doctor. This is because the effectiveness of the appropriate remedy also depends on the choice of potency level and frequency of use.

How to take homeopathic preparations

For self-medication, the following applies: the more acute the disease or symptom, the more frequently it should be taken. If the symptoms worsen after the first dose, the remedy is discontinued until they subside. Infants receive one-third, infants up to 6 years of age half, and children between 6 and 12 years of age two-thirds of the adult dose.

  • Low potencies (up to D10/C10): For acute complaints, take 5 globules every half to full hour until improvement occurs (but no more than 6 times daily). Thereafter, and in chronic diseases, take 5 globules 1 - 3 times daily.
  • Medium potencies (up to D29/C29): 1 - 2 x 5 globules daily.
  • High potencies (from D30/C30): Only a single dose of 5 globules required.

For drops the same dosage applies as for globules, for tablets 1 - 2 pieces per administration. Since the substance is already absorbed by the oral mucosa, it should be kept in the mouth for a few minutes if possible (let it melt on or under the tongue). If you take several preparations at the same time, make sure that they are at least 15 minutes apart. In order not to influence the effect by other substances, they should not be taken directly after meals or after brushing teeth. Smoking can also weaken the effect.

Due to the strong suspicion, homeopathic remedies can be considered free of side effects. However, a so-called „first worsening“ of the symptoms may occur. This subsides after a few hours to days. The administration of the homöopathic remedy should be suspended for this long. </p>

The preparation is taken until the health condition improves. Then the intervals between the individual doses are increased. After the symptoms have subsided, the remedy should not be used again until the symptoms recur. </p>

It is possible to take up to three präparations against the symptoms. However, there should be an interval of about 30 minutes between doses. </p>

Hot spices and essential oils in foods (such as garlic, cinnamon, peppermint, or menthol) can impair the effect. A time interval of 15 to 30 minutes is sufficient. </p>

Homeopathy can also be used for chronic diseases. However, the therapy should be individually adapted and carried out by an experienced homöopath. </p>


Homeopathy is particularly suitable for self-treatment due to its simple application with few side effects. Even though critics repeatedly emphasize that the effectiveness of the preparations has not been scientifically proven, the number of homeopathy fans is increasing. In addition, more and more health insurance companies are covering the costs of homeopathic medicines, also because they are often cheaper than other medicines.

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