Homeopathy in menopause

Hot flashes, weight gain, sleep disturbances - menopause is a challenging time for many people. In order to get the occurring physical and psychological complaints under control, many affected people take homeopathic preparations. There is a wide range of single or complex remedies on the market specifically for menopause. But how do I find the right preparation for my symptoms?

The principle of action of homeopathy

The aim of homeopathy is to activate the body's self-healing powers through the transmission of stimuli with the help of highly diluted active substances and thus to bring about recovery. This therapy was founded by the German physician and chemist Dr. Samuel Hahnemann (*1755), when he translated medical writings into German and discovered interesting treatment recommendations. After several self-experiments and studies on volunteers, he designed some basic rules according to the principle "similar things should be cured by similar things". This means that a substance that causes certain symptoms in a healthy person should alleviate the same complaints in a sick person.

Popular preparations for menopausal problems

Homeopathy is well suited for self-treatment. But sometimes it is difficult for a layman to find the right remedy for his symptoms. Then a homeopath, alternative practitioner or doctor with additional homeopathic training is the right contact. He can analyze the complaints and also the personality of the patient in more detail during the conversation. In addition, the effectiveness of the appropriate remedy also depends on the choice of the right potency level and frequency of use. For menopausal symptoms, the following preparations have proven effective:

Homöopathisches Mittel Anwendungsgebiet
Acidum sulfuricum
Schweißausbrüche, Hitzewallungen, Vergesslichkeit, Haarausfall
Calcium carbonicum
Stimmungsschwankungen, Heißhunger und Gewichtszunahme, Schweißausbrüche, Osteoporose, Zahnfleischbluten, Schlafstörungen
Calcium fluoratum
Krampfadern, Hämorrhoiden, Haarausfall, Nagelstörungen, Zahnzerfall, Gichtknoten in den Gelenken, Bindegewebsschwäche, Krampfadern, Arthrose
Calcium phosphoricum
Schmerzen in Knochen und Gelenken, Osteoporose
Rheumatische Gliederschmerzen, Haarausfall, Hitzewallungen, Stimmungsschwankungen, Osteoporose, depressive Verstimmungen mit Angst, Sorgen, Verwirrung oder Verzagtheit
Hitzewallungen, Herzklopfen, Kopfschmerzen, Bluthochdruck
Gewichtszunahme, spröde und rissige Nägel, Muskelkrämpfe
Hitzewallungen mit rotem Gesicht, Bluthochdruck, Herzbeschwerden, Kreislaufschwäche, Schlafstörungen
Konzentrationsschwäche und Vergesslichkeit, Scheidentrockenheit, Gewichtszunahme, Blasenbeschwerden, Blähungen, Haarausfall
(Gelber Phosphor)
Konzentrationsstörungen, Bluthochdruck, Osteoporose
Störungen des Hormonsystems, Menstruationsbeschwerden, Rheuma, Blasenbeschwerden
Hitzewallungen, erhitztes und gerötetes Gesicht, Kopfschmerzen, Erregtheit und Ungeduld
Senkungsgefühl der Organe (z. B. Blase, Gebärmutter oder Verdauungsorgane), Hitzewallungen, Haarausfall, Schweißausbrüche, Menstruationsbeschwerden, Schwäche und Erschöpfung, Libidoverlust
Schlafstörungen, Hämorrhoiden, Hitzewallungen, Gewichtszunahme

Why are there different potencies?

Dr. Hahnemann observed in his experiments that the effect of his preparations was stronger and occurred more quickly the more diluted, i.e. "potentized" the substance was. The potency thus indicates the degree of dilution of the starting substance. There are D, C, M and Q potencies. For acute physical complaints, low potencies (such as D6 or D12) are used, for emotional upsets, highly diluted substances are used (mostly C30 potencies).

Suddenly I sleep so badly....

Sleep disorders during menopause are not uncommon. Some people take a long time to fall asleep or wake up frequently at night. With age, the phases of deep sleep shorten and the depth of sleep decreases. During the day, those affected then feel tired and exhausted. The hormone melatonin also plays an important role in the sleep rhythm. It is produced by the body at night and has a sleep-promoting effect. With advancing age, the body produces less and less of it. Many people in menopause also have to struggle with night sweats and have to put on fresh clothes more often. This also disturbs sleep at night. In homeopathy, the remedies Lachesis, Sulfur, Sepia, Calcium carbonicum and Cimicifuga are often used against sleep disorders during menopause.


Ensure a good sleeping climate in your bedroom! It should be well ventilated and at a comfortable temperature. A room temperature of 18 °C is optimal. Cotton bedding absorbs night sweat better than synthetic covers. You will also sweat less in a breathable comforter. Keep a change of clothes next to the bed for when you need it. Then you don't have to get up.

Typical during menopause: Hot flashes and sweats

The causes of hot flashes are not exactly known. It is probably due to the changed hormonal balance during menopause. The hot flashes can develop an intense heat. Within a short time, the body temperature skyrockets, beads of sweat form on the forehead and the skin turns red. This "attack" lasts on average about three minutes, but can also last much longer. For many, the heat wave begins in the chest area and spreads through the neck and head into the upper arms. Heart palpitations may also occur.

After the so-called "flying heat," sweat production provides evaporative cooling, which can result in shivering or cold chills. This is a sign that the body is readjusting the temperature to the environment. For the treatment of these typical menopausal symptoms, the remedies Sepia, Sulfur, Lachesis, Acidum sulfuricum and Cimicifuga have proven particularly effective in homeopathy.

What to do about mood swings?

In women, mood swings are often strongest during menopause, shortly before the ovaries finally stop producing estrogen. In addition to fertility, this hormone also controls the release of serotonin, a messenger substance that ensures a good mood. Anyone who feels depressed or sad during menopause need not worry. But constant irritability or mood swings can end in depression. Here homeopathy tries to bring the soul back into balance with the remedies Cimicifuga, Lachesis or Sepia. Anyone in a deep crisis should definitely seek psychological help.

How to take homeopathic preparations

Homeopathic remedies are available as drops, tablets, powders or globules (small scattering pellets). Globules are among the most popular dosage forms. For self-treatment, the intake in D6-potencies and D12-potencies has proven itself. For acute complaints, 3 - 5 globules in D6 potency can be taken several times a day, but not more than 6 times a day. From D12 globules 3 - 5 globules 2 x daily are sufficient. For drops the same dosage applies as for globules, for tablets 1 - 2 tablets are taken per administration.

Since the remedy is already absorbed by the oral mucosa, it should be kept in the mouth for a few minutes if possible (let it melt on the tongue). If you take several preparations at the same time, make sure that they are taken about 15 - 30 minutes apart. In order not to influence the effect of the preparations by other substances, they should not be taken directly after meals or after brushing teeth. Smoking can also weaken the effect.

Are there any side effects?

Due to the strong dilution, homeopathic remedies can be considered free of side effects. However, a so-called "initial worsening" of the symptoms may occur. In homeopathy, this is taken as a sign that the body's self-healing powers have been stimulated. The initial reaction subsides after a few hours to days. The administration of the homeopathic remedy should be suspended for this length of time. An exacerbation of the symptoms can also occur if an incorrect potency was chosen or the remedy was taken too frequently.

If you are unsure about choosing the right remedy or if the selected remedy does not work, you should consult a homeopath. He will take a full medical history to find the right remedy for you. Make sure he has enough professional experience. </p>

For bone loss, the remedies Calcium phosphoricum, Aurum chloratum natronatum, Aurum colloidale, Aurum iodatum or Aurum metallicum may be considered. </p>

In women, the remedies Acidum phosphoricum, Causticum, Sepia, Sulfur or Lycopodium are particularly suitable. For men, Acidum phosphoricum, Acidum muriaticum, Caladium or Lycopodium. </p>

Cimicifuga is a commonly used remedy for menopausal symptoms. The uses of black cohosh range from acute symptoms such as menstrual pain, neck pain, hair loss, hot flashes and sweats to psychological complaints such as low spirits, anxiety, confusion and sadness. </p>

For acute, physical symptoms, low potencies, such as D6 or D12, are used. For emotional upsets, strongly diluted substances are used, such as C30 potencies. </p>


Menopause is a special time in life, which is accompanied by physical changes and emotional upheavals. Nevertheless, this phase of life is different for each person. Some experience only occasional discomfort, while others are severely impaired in their quality of life. But we are not helplessly at the mercy of these problems. Many symptoms can be treated well with homeopathic preparations. Also complementary to conventional medicine.

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