Schüßler salts: the "abbreviated" homeopathy

The alternative medical Schüßler therapy is known as a tolerable healing method with a wide range of applications. The tablets made from natural mineral salts are popular for self-treatment, as they are easy to use and have few side effects. But for which complaints are Schüßler salts suitable? And how do they differ from classical homeopathy?

How the Schüßler therapy came into being

Schüßler therapy was founded by the Oldenburg physician Dr. Wilhelm Heinrich Schüßler (*1821). He studied homeopathy intensively and eventually developed his own method of treatment, which has much similarity with classical homeopathy. It follows the principle that the human organism itself must cope with a disease and the treatment can only support it. Dr. Schüßler assumed that diseases are caused by the loss of inorganic salts  from the cells and thus the mineral metabolism of the body is disturbed.

What is the difference with classical homeopathy?

While homeopathy knows many different individual active ingredients, the Schüßler salts include only 17 active ingredients. Dr. Schüßler used 12 salts to treat diseases, his successors added 5 more. Another difference is that Schüßler therapy uses only three potencies (degree of dilution of the active ingredients). However, these simplifications have the consequence that the preparations, unlike classical homeopathy, can not be so individually tailored to the patient. These preparations are available:

Salt no. 1 Calcium fluoratum
Salt no. 2 Calcium phosphoricum
Salt no. 3 Ferrum phosphoricum
Salt no. 4 Kalium chloratum
Salt no. 5 Kalium phosphoricum
Salt no. 6 Kalium sulfuricum
Salt no. 7 Magnesium phosphoricum
Salt no. 8 Natrium chloratum
Salt no. 9 Natrium phosphoricum
Salt no. 10 Natrium sulfuricum
Salt no. 11 Silicea
Salt no. 12 Calcium sulfuricum

This is how the different potencies are created

The potency indicates the degree of dilution of the original substance. The mother tincture is first mixed with a solution of water, alcohol and lactose in a ratio of 1:10. This produces a D1 potency. This is diluted again with 10 units of the solution to produce a D2 potency. This procedure is continued until the desired potency is obtained. Many different potencies are commonly used in classical homeopathy. Therefore, it is often difficult for a layman to select the appropriate remedy in the correct potency. This tedious task is not necessary with the Schüßler salts, because there are only the potencies D3, D6 and D12. For self-treatment, the potencies D6 and D12 are particularly suitable.

The areas of application at a glance

Akne Kalium jodatum D6, Kalium bromatum D6, Natrium muriaticum D6, Natrium chloratum D6
Bindegewebsschwäche Silicea D12, Calcium fluoratum D12
Blähungen Natrium sulfuricum D6, Silicea D12
Bluthochdruck (Hypertonie) Kalium jodatum D6, Magnesium phosphoricum D6
Bronchitis Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Magnesium phosphoricum D6, Natrium sulfuricum D6, Silicea D12
Durchfall Calcium phosphoricum D6, Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Natrium phosphoricum D6, Natrium sulfuricum D6
Erbrechen Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Natrium phosphoricum D6
Erkältung Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Manganum sulfuricum D6
Erschöpfung, Müdigkeit Kalium phosphoricum D6, Manganum sulfuricum D6, Natrium muriaticum D6, Natrium sulfuricum D6
Haarausfall Silicea D12
Hämorrhoiden Calcium fluoratum D12, Kalium chloratum D6
Heiserkeit Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Kalium jodatum D6
Herzjagen Kalium phosphoricum D6, Kalium bromatum D6, Natrium phosphoricum D6
Heuschnupfen Ferrum phosphoricum D12
Husten Ferrum phosphoricum D12, Silicea D12
Konzentrationsschwäche Kalium phosphoricum D6, Calcium phosphoricum D6, Manganum sulfuricum D6
Kopfschmerzen Magnesium phosphoricum D6, Calcium phosphoricum D6, Natrium muriaticum D6
Krampfadern Silicea D12, Calcium fluoratum D12
Kreislaufstörungen Ferrum phosphoricum D12
Nasennebenhöhlenentzündung Kalium chloratum D6, Silicea D12
Schlafstörungen Kalium phosphoricum D6, Natrium phosphoricum D6
Schnupfen Calcium phosphoricum D6, Kalium chloratum D6, Natrium muriaticum D6, Silicea D12
Sodbrennen Magnesium phosphoricum D6, Natrium phosphoricum D6
Zahnschmerzen Magnesium phosphoricum D6

Manageable active ingredients - many applications

Schüßler salts are basically suitable for self-treatment, because the potentized active ingredients are well tolerated. In the case of chronic or unclear clinical pictures as well as severe courses, however, a doctor or homeopath with sound training and practical experience should be consulted. This is because the patient can only ever treat himself on suspicion and cannot make a definite diagnosis.

Ferrum for the blood:

The chemical element Ferrum (iron) transports the oxygen absorbed by the alveoli in the blood to the body cells and tissues. To do this, it builds itself into the red blood cells. Bleeding, inflammation, diarrhea, vomiting and fever are among the most important indications of the Schüßler salt Ferrum phosphoricum.

Calcium for bone building:

Calcium (also: calcium) plays a role in building and maintaining bones and is essential for nerves and muscles. The Schüßler salts Calcium fluoratum, Calcium phosphoricum and Calcium sulfuricum  are administered for bone disorders, connective tissue weakness, varicose veins and hemorrhoids, among other conditions.

Potassium for the body cells:

Potassium participates in protein formation and carbohydrate metabolism. Among other things, it is responsible for the production of energy from food. It also supports bioelectrical processes in muscle and nerve tissue. The main areas of application of the Schüßler salts Kalium chloratum, Kalium phosphoricum and Kalium sulfuricum are glandular, skin and mucous membrane disorders, sleep disorders, fatigue and exhaustion as well as nervous heart complaints.

Magnesium for bones, nerves and muscles:

Magnesium participates in many enzyme processes and influences nerve and muscle excitability. It also regulates blood lipid and blood clotting levels, which is why it is particularly important for the heart and blood vessels. Furthermore, magnesium is needed for the strength of bones and tooth enamel. This is where the Schüßler salt magnesium phosphoricum comes into play.

Silicon for connective tissue and beautiful nails:

Among other things, the body needs silicon for the bones, lungs, adrenal cortex, connective tissue, blood vessels and spleen. Nail and hair growth also benefit from this chemical element. For ailments in these areas, the Schüßler salt Silicea is administered.

Sodium for water balance:

Sodium is known to many people in conjunction with chloride as sodium chloride, also known as table salt. It regulates the water balance of the body and plays an important role for the cardiovascular system. Nerve functions are also influenced by sodium.

Dosage and intake of the Schüßler salts

Schüßler salts are available without prescription in pharmacies. In acute diseases, one tablet is taken every 1 - 2 hours (let it dissolve on the tongue). In no case rinse down with liquid, because the active ingredient is already absorbed through the oral mucosa. As soon as the symptoms improve, the dose is reduced to 3 - 4 times a day. In chronic diseases, it is recommended to take one tablet 3 - 4 times a day. Sometimes a lower dosage would also be indicated, which is why it is always advisable to seek the advice of a doctor or homeopath before treating chronic diseases.

The salts should not be taken just before or immediately after meals. Even if several Schuessler salts are taken in combination, there should be a time interval of at least 30 minutes between the administrations.

When should I not take Schüßler salts?

Since the therapy aims at activating the body's own defense and self-healing forces, the preparations cannot be used in cases of chronic immune deficiency. Also, in cases of malnutrition and old age, the body's own regulatory mechanisms may only partially function. As a result, the organism responds less to the medicinal stimuli of Schüßler therapy and the administration of conventional medicines is necessary. The risk would be too great that a life-threatening course of the disease would occur.

The „Heiße 7“ refers to a solution of 10 tablets of the Schüßler salt Magnesium phosphoricum D6 in boiled, lukewarm water. It is said to help especially with acute cramps and colic, but also with nervousness and sleep disturbances. For umrühren must not be used metal löffel, because metallic substances are to influence the effectiveness of the Präparat. </p>

Yes, this is possible. However, there should be an interval of at least 30 minutes between individual doses. In addition, they should not be taken directly before or after meals. </p>

Lactose (milk sugar) is classically used as the carrier substance for Schüßler tablets. Since more and more people suffer from an intolerance or prefer a vegan diet, there are now also lactose-free drops on the market. </p>

1 knife tip of powder or 5 – 10 drops correspond to 1 tablet. A dosage löffel facilitates the measurement. </p>

For cold symptoms, the Schüßler salts No. 3 (Ferrum phosphoricum), No. 5 (Kalium phosphoricum), No. 4 (Kalium chloratum), No. 6 (Kalium sulfuricum) and No. 12 (Calcium sulfuricum) have been said to help. </p>


Although Schüßler therapy knows only a few active ingredients and only three potencies, quite a few people have already achieved good treatment successes with it. The "simplified homeopathy" can also be used as a supplement to conventional medicine. Therefore, Schüßler salts are already part of the standard repertoire of the medicine cabinet in many households.

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