Stress reduction - The matter of serenity in old age

Stress in old age? Why should I have that, you might think. I finally have time and can do what I've always wanted to do ...

With retirement, life usually changes quite a bit, while flexibility decreases. If you decided early on to become a super-ager and actually set out on the path, you should hardly have a problem.

Only those who have previously fallen asleep in the daily grind will suddenly notice stress factors that he or she had not even considered before. All of a sudden, the solid structure to which body and mind had become accustomed over many years is missing. This sometimes leads to restlessness, tension or procrastination: What do I actually want to do now and what do I start with? Some people plan a lot because the body-mind system is still running at full speed after they have just given up work. Often, at the end of the day, you realise that you haven't been able to implement everything. This sometimes causes pressure and tension. The body, on the other hand, longs for rest and siesta. Allow it to do so. It will thank you for it.

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Voluntary work or what now?

As a super-ager, you probably have lots of hobbies and things you like to do, or already have a plan for what you want to try next. If not, and if you feel something like an inner emptiness, it makes sense to look around at where you might be able to get involved. Most people need a purpose in life. Because it also keeps them mentally on their toes. And retirement is the time to share your thing with others, what you enjoy doing or what you are particularly good at. Supporting others gives you a good feeling. You are needed and you do good. It is not for nothing that Walther von der Vogelweide said: "The reward of giving is like the seed that grows: a rich harvest is near when one has scattered it abundantly.

Associations and social institutions look forward to your support in voluntary work. At the same time, you'll also be building up your social contacts. We remember: these are an inexhaustible fountain of youth for super-agers who definitely do not suffer from loneliness. The stress caused by loneliness should not be underestimated. Unfortunately, friends and relatives slowly die off the older you get.

Those who become lonely and no longer feel needed often also observe their bodies more intensively and notice more strongly that they are ageing. All kinds of ailments appear and with them the fear of the diseases of old age. People are afraid of losing their physical independence. And when an illness actually demands attention, many people find it even harder not to let their fears control them. It is similar with the fear of care shortages or financial worries due to a small pension. Old-age poverty is one of the greatest stressors of all.

Dealing with the stressors of old age in a healthy way

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©Bild von cattalin auf Pixabay



First of all, more reference should be made to good nutrition: B vitamins and other preparations as well as natural remedies strengthen the nerves and help to cope better with stress and tension. But acupuncture from an alternative practitioner or progressive muscle relaxation (for example, as a VHS course) can also help. But first it is very important to admit to stress in old age, or to recognise it in yourself. There are the following signs:

  • Sleep disorders
  • Constant fatigue
  • Inner restlessness & bad temper
  • Irritability
  • Helplessness
  • Aggression
  • Stomach problems
  • Tension & pain

Do any of these complaints arise? Then it's time to do something about it. It proves effective to first stop following negative thought loops. Because that's where the stress starts. So the best way out of it is to take a "door" that takes you from the anxious, habitual thinking and rattling in your head into the body, or into spaciousness. The breath is such a door, open to us at all times. Just focus your attention on the breath and observe it, returning to it again and again as soon as you notice that thoughts have carried you away.

Focusing on the sounds of the environment is another possibility. Or on your own bodily perceptions. Exactly the same as with the breath. Just observe, do nothing. Through these and other "doors" you come into meditation and this brings really deep relaxation. In the beginning you have to be patient and keep at it, but soon you will see how good it is.

It also keeps your mind alert and trains your intelligence. It has been scientifically proven that meditators have better brain performance. This is because this state of presence (or mindfulness) - beyond (negative) thought patterns - relaxes your entire body-mind system and new energies flow to you. These energies refresh you mentally and spiritually. This also has something to do with the different frequency of the brain waves.

You can find more short, effective exercises and methods for relaxation in between here. Try out what works best for you. There is more than one way to reduce stress.

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Mindfulness and laughter keep you healthy

So mindfulness is very important. In addition to the meditation and breathing exercises described above, yoga exercises and tai chi are also highly recommended, as they promote your mindfulness in a similar way to meditation and also involve the body. Join a group - this will motivate you. In addition, you can practice in everything you do: When running ... consciously just running and not thinking, When cooking ... be completely in the moment, not distracted. Again, with writing and brain jogging, it's more challenging because we are very mentally focused and easily lose the presence of the moment. But even in these activities it is possible to maintain mindfulness.

Now, should the case arise that something doesn't work out, rather than grumble in frustration, laugh at yourself. Laughing relaxes you immensely, reduces stress and makes you mentally more efficient again. With stress in our system, we definitely can't perform at our best mentally, but instead feel blocked.

So you see: the stressors of old age can be countered and even turned into something really beautiful. All it takes is the decision to apply a few methods in the direction of mindfulness and you will reduce stress and, if you keep at it, be rewarded with relaxation and joy of life.

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