Folic acid in old age: probably the most fascinating vitamin

Folic acid is a fascinating vitamin from birth to old age. Already in the womb, the vitamin protects against numerous defects: Heart defects, malformations of the urinary tract, limb defects and many more are prevented in children when pregnant women take folic acid regularly. But recent studies reveal that folic acid is also of great help in diseases of advanced age. The evidence for the range of effects varies. But in any case, folic acid as a vitamin in old age is worth a close look.

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What is folic acid? - The most important at a glance

If we want to be completely correct, we must replace the term folic acid with folate. This is because both terms are usually used with the same meaning, although they are different. Folate refers to all substances in food that our body can convert into folic acid. Folic acid, on the other hand, is a single substance. You can find it in vitamin preparations or as a product of the body.

Folic acid is absolutely necessary for the body. Because the vitamin fulfils the following tasks:

  • Prevention of malformations in children during pregnancy
  • Division and formation of cells
  • Prevention of anaemia
  • Prevention of mental and age-related diseases

The vitamin is abundant in a varied diet. Moreover, an overdose is only possible through preparations. In this case, however, the requirement would have to be greatly exceeded. Risks of overdose are gastrointestinal complaints and insomnia.

How can folic acid positively influence older people and be such a great help?

Folic acid is a help on many different levels in old age. Positive effects can be identified through the intake of the vitamin, ranging from the psyche and mental performance to the prevention of diseases. We take a closer look at several of these effects below.

With folic acid to an improved psyche!

One of the functions of folic acid is to lower homocysteine levels. This is responsible for the development of many diseases and health problems. There is also a connection to depression. Namely, people with depression have high homocysteine levels. Therapeutic studies have shown that an additional administration of folic acid has positive effects on these patients.

Become more flexible and nimble in thinking with folic acid!

Mental capacity in particular is the most important asset in old age. Most people get used to the physical decline, although it does not have to be. But the loss of mental abilities up to the total nightmare "dementia" is the horror scenario par excellence.

In view of this fact, it should be particularly gratifying to have a means of prevention at hand in the form of folic acid. The vitamin is convincing in the prevention of dementia and the general preservation of mental performance. A study in the Netherlands showed the positive influence of folic acid:

  • Perception and reaction speed improved.
  • A performance equal to that of people several years younger was achieved.
  • A better memory came to light

The study was conducted over a period of three years with 818 men and women aged 50 to 75. Other sources also confirm the beneficial effect of folic acid in the fight to maintain mental performance in old age.

Reduce the risk of strokes and heart attacks thanks to folic acid!

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If you know about vascular diseases, you will know about their serious nature. Vascular diseases are caused by deposits in the blood vessels. These deposits, in turn, are due to the consumption of a high-fat and high-sugar diet and a generally unhealthy lifestyle. But hereditary predisposition can also play a role: It is possible that people who live a completely healthy life are also affected by vascular diseases. For this reason, countermeasures must be taken where possible. A diet rich in folic acid helps here. One reason for the effect of folic acid in this area is again to be found in the lowering of the homocysteine level as well as in the good cooperation with vitamin B12. Research has shown that folic acid reduces the risk of stroke by as much as 10%! In the same studies, the risk of cardiovascular diseases was reduced by 4% through the intake of folic acid.

Folic acid is also a potential help with diabetes!

Very little research has been done and a new approach - but all the more interesting for that - is the help of folic acid with type 2 diabetes. This is a diabetes in which the cells do not react to insulin. As a result, blood sugar rises. A constantly high concentration of sugar in our blood has a damaging effect on numerous structures. There are very many people who are affected by diabetes. Recent statistics indicate a number of 6.7 million people in Germany.

A review from 2018 now showed a positive effect on the insulin resistance of the cells through folic acid.

How can you recognise a folic acid deficiency?

In the long run, deficiency of the precious vitamin can manifest itself in many ways. However, the goal is to detect the deficiency as early as possible. Here, the early recognisable symptoms are the following:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Rapid weight loss
  • Weakened immune system
  • Heart and breathing problems

Of course, this is no substitute for advice from a doctor. Since the symptoms of folic acid deficiency are similar to those of other vitamins, it is advisable to consult a doctor if you suspect it.

Reasons for a folic acid deficiency can be alcohol abuse, digestive disorders, taking certain medicines and liver diseases, in addition to insufficient nutrition.

Where can you find folic acid?

Folic acid is mainly found in vegetables and legumes. But milk and dairy products as well as wheat products also contain the vitamin. Folic acid is also present in egg yolk and liver.

Of course, supplementation is also conceivable. There are numerous preparations available in pharmacies, online and in shops. It is interesting to note that folic acid supplements sometimes have a better effect than folate from food. This can be seen, for example, in connection with cancer: here, moderate supplementation, in contrast to dietary folate, can have positive health effects against cancer.

short Persistent folic acid deficiency leads to anaemia (technical term = anämia). acid is involved in more than one metabolic and growth process


A lack of folic acid can cause damage to cells, blood development, or DNA, since folic acid plays a central role in blood formation.

short Yes.


Taking too much folic acid can cause irreversible damage


What causes increased folate intake? The careless intake of food supplements, medicines or fortified foods with the wrong dosage.

short Tomatoes, lettuce, asparagus, cabbage, soybeans, peas, wheat bran, whole grain products, egg yolk and liver.

short Folic acid is needed for the central nervous system for the formation of blood and cells.


Folic acid is a valuable B vitamin. As mentioned at the beginning and explained in the article, this can be seen in the most diverse age groups and modes of action. It has an effect from before birth in the mother's belly right up to old age. It fulfils vital functions as well as many additional preventive effects. Among the additional preventive effects, the effectiveness against dementia and vascular diseases should be noted. Interestingly, the supplementation of folic acid in addition to folate in the diet has even more positive effects.

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