Magnesium salts as a food supplement

An adult man should consume 350 mg of magnesium daily, a woman 300 mg. The essential mineral magnesium is vital, but the body cannot produce it itself. Often the requirement can be covered by food (see table: Magnesium in food), alternatively a sufficient supply can be ensured by taking food supplements. But be careful: an overdose of magnesium can cause gastrointestinal problems. The Federal Institute for Risk Assessment recommends a maximum daily dose of 250 mg per day through food supplements, as part of the daily requirement is already covered by food.

What are magnesium salts?

The element magnesium is very reactive and does not occur in nature in elemental form. It is mainly present as magnesium salt in the form of carbonates, silicates, chlorides and sulphates, for example as dolomite, kieserite or magnesite. Food supplements also contain magnesium in the form of magnesium salts, which are formed from the reaction of magnesium with organic or inorganic acids. The type of acid has a decisive influence on the property of the magnesium salt and can be used specifically in food supplements.

Organic magnesium salts are formed from the reaction of magnesium and organic acids, for example malic acid or citric acid. Inorganic magnesium salts are formed with the help of inorganic acids, for example sulphuric acid or hydrochloric acid. The type of acid, namely organic or inorganic, determines the water solubility of the magnesium salt and thus the speed of absorption of the preparation.

Organic magnesium salts with immediate effect

Organic magnesium salts are highly soluble in water. They are dissolved in the stomach, magnesium ions are absorbed in the small intestine and thus enter the bloodstream. The absorption time is only a few hours. These magnesium preparations are often advertised as "direct" or "immediate action". Taken a few hours before sports or before sleeping, they can prevent annoying cramps.Magnesium citrate or glutamate are often used in food supplements.

Inorganic magnesium salts with long-term effect

Inorganic compounds such as magnesium oxide or magnesium carbonate are poorly soluble in water. The magnesium contained is continuously released throughout the intestinal passage and it can take several days for the body to absorb it. The preparations are often advertised as "depot" or "long-term effect". They are particularly suitable for filling the magnesium stores in the long term.

Combined products

More and more suppliers are launching products with a combination of fast-acting organic magnesium salts and inorganic salts with a long-term effect. They have advantages for the customer: the organic component is not dosed so high that laxative side effects occur, and at the same time the body is supplied with magnesium for several days by the inorganic component. A combination of fast-acting magnesium citrate and inorganic magnesium oxide is often used.

Observe the dosage

More than half of the dietary supplements containing magnesium on offer contain a higher amount of magnesium than the amount recommended by the Federal Institute for Risk Assessment. Harmful side effects only occur with a significant overdose (approx. 8 times the daily requirement), but even small overdoses can have an effect on the gastrointestinal tract. For better tolerance, the daily dose should be divided into 2-3 portions. If you eat a diet rich in magnesium and drink mineral water rich in magnesium, half a daily dose of a food supplement is often sufficient.


Magnesium in food supplements is present as organic or inorganic magnesium salt. The organic compounds are quickly available, while the inorganic ones stay longer in the intestine and pass more slowly into the blood. Combination products combine the properties of organic and inorganic salts and offer you immediate and depot effect.

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