MSM - a miracle cure?

For some it is a miracle cure, others do not believe in its special effect. We are talking about methysulfonylmethane, or MSM for short. What is so special about the organic sulphur compound and why is its effect so controversial?

What is MSM?

MSM stands for methylsulfonylmethane, also known as dimethysulphone or sulfonylbismethane. MSM is an organic sulphur compound found in the environment, in plants and in animals. Many foods you consume daily contain MSM, for example fruits, vegetables, grains, coffee or milk.

Pure MSM forms colourless, odourless, water-soluble and slightly bitter-tasting crystals.

Is MSM a cure?

MSM is not an official medicinal product and has not undergone any corresponding approval studies. These studies examine the efficacy, safety and side effects of newly developed medicines. Even though MSM is not a medicinal product, there are numerous studies on the organic sulphur compound, but the scientific mode of action has not been fully clarified. However, observations and the results of some laboratory and animal experiments show that further investigation of MSM may be promising.

MSM is on the market as a dietary supplement without indication, and health-related advertising claims may not be used by dietary supplement suppliers.

Does the body need MSM as a food supplement?

From the point of view of conventional medicine: No

Our body needs sulphur. The essential mineral is a component of amino acids, enzymes, hormones, vitamins and antioxidants and thus fulfils important functions in our body. Sulphur is present in many foods and a normal diet provides the body with sufficient amounts of the mineral. In fact, it is so safe that there is no guideline for the recommended daily intake. Sulphur deficiency is rare and only possible in an extremely low-protein diet. Moreover, there is no evidence that a lack of sulphur has a harmful effect on health. Only in countries where there is famine do many people suffer a general nutrient deficiency, which can manifest itself in skin inflammation, nail problems and growth disorders. From a medical point of view, there is no additional need for sulphur in industrialised countries and therefore no need for MSM.

From the point of view of alternative medicine: Yes

In alternative medicine, organic sulphur is considered a natural antioxidant and painkiller that can be used for many purposes. Many alternative practitioners and also some doctors swear by the effectiveness of MSM. They say that organic sulphur has the following effects:

  • MSM strengthens the immune system
  • MSM alleviates symptoms of allergies
  • MSM helps with arthrosis
  • MSM is important for cartilage and joints
  • MSM reduces muscle damage
  • MSM for beautiful skin

Many of these effects have been proven in studies, but the scientific mode of action is not fully understood.

MSM against joint diseases

Among the many alternative medical applications of MSM, one has emerged as particularly effective: the treatment of joint diseases. This is because sulphur is part of the cartilage structure and thus cartilage-building effects are possible. MSM is also said to have a pain-relieving and detoxifying effect. The effectiveness of MSM in osteoarthritis has been investigated in various studies. The results indicate that MSM has pain-relieving effects and improves mobility, but the data could not be statistically validated.

Many osteoarthritis patients report positive experiences with MSM. However, it is often the combination of various medications, a special diet and moderate exercise that brings about an improvement in general well-being.


MSM is not only interesting for humans, but also for animals. Horses need MSM primarily for strong joints, but it is also involved in numerous other processes. In spring and summer, the animals take in MSM with the fresh pasture grass, in the winter months they get a daily nutrient mixture that contains MSM along with other substances. It has a healing and preventive effect on arthrosis and arthritis, strengthens ligaments, tendons and cartilage and ensures optimal movement.

What is the recommended dosage?

The dosage depends on the area of application and varies greatly in individual cases. Basically, a low dosage should be started and slowly increased in steps up to the prescribed dose. At the beginning of an application, symptoms of poisoning may occur, which should indicate that toxic substances are leaving the body.

The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has, after a review, classified the intake of up to 4.8 grams of MSM per day as safe. In Germany, the limit is much lower: the Federal Office of Consumer Protection and Food Safety has permitted MSM as an additive in food supplements if the amount contained does not exceed 50 milligrams per day. However, significantly higher dosages with up to 2000 milligrams per capsule are offered on the internet.

Detoxify the body with MSM

A high dose of MSM is recommended by naturopaths along with other substances as part of a detoxification cure. The detoxifying effect of sulphur is well known, it binds toxins and promotes excretion with the urine. During a detoxification cure, there is often an initial worsening at the beginning, which is supposed to indicate that toxic substances are leaving the body. Headaches, flatulence, skin rash, circulatory and sleeping disorders are typical symptoms. The initial worsening and also the detoxification are only insufficiently scientifically proven.

MSM for external use

MSM is not only available as a food supplement in the form of capsules, tablets or powders, but also as a paste, ointment or gel for external use. According to the manufacturers, the skin becomes radiant and firm, age spots and pigment disorders disappear, acne visibly improves. In addition, the ointment helps against joint pain in arthrosis patients.


The organic sulphur compound MSM is said to have numerous effects. Studies have partially proven the positive effects, but the scientific effectiveness has not yet been fully clarified. MSM is not approved as a medicine and is sold as a food supplement without indication. While conventional medicine is of the opinion that the body is sufficiently supplied with sulphur in a normal diet, alternative medicine is convinced that many ailments, especially joint diseases, can be alleviated or even cured with MSM. MSM in high doses can cause symptoms of poisoning.

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