Selenium: What functions does the trace element perform in the body?

Selenium is one of the essential trace elements. Humans need selenium so that their organism functions smoothly. However, selenium is one of the trace elements for which not only an undersupply but also an oversupply can have serious effects on your health. This article is intended to provide an overview of the tasks that selenium performs in the human body.

Table of contents:

- Background: How does selenium work in the body?

- Effects on different organs and structures:

  • Hair loss due to selenium deficiency
  • Thyroid gland and selenium - important influence
  • Selenium is one of the most important antioxidants
  • Selenium for the muscles
  • Selenium for fertility
  • Selenium for a strong immune system
  • Selenium: the effect on skin and nails
  • Selenium cure for skin and hair
  • Selenium - effects on the psyche

Background: How does selenium work in the body?

Humans absorb the essential trace element selenium through food or drinking water. How much selenium a person takes in depends on how high the selenium content of the food is. If too little selenium is consumed over a long period of time, selenium deficiency will result. This has far-reaching consequences for our well-being and health: selenium deficiency can lead to hair loss, thyroid dysfunction and even heart muscle disease or cancer. But what is the reason for this?

The importance of selenium for the human organism has not been known for long: It was not until the second half of the 20th century that physicians recognised the importance of selenium on the human metabolism. And even today, not all mechanisms of action have been sufficiently researched. One thing is certain, however: selenium causes a reduced function of the selenium-dependent enzymes that are found in most organs. This is why a selenium deficiency has such far-reaching consequences.

Effects on the different organs and structures

If you have a selenium deficiency, this can affect the entire organism in different ways. It is difficult to determine the deficiency with certainty from the symptoms, which is why, in case of doubt, the doctor should always do a blood count and determine the selenium level. This will tell him immediately how much selenium is in the blood.
Possible signs are that the hair becomes thin and shaggy, the nails crack or get white spots, the skin becomes sallow. But signs of a selenium deficiency are not only found on the outside; nerve damage, muscle weakness, anaemia and kidney damage can also be the result of too little selenium in the blood. In the worst case, a prolonged selenium deficiency can increase the risk of cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Hair loss due to selenium deficiency

Hair loss is often not only a visual problem, but can also cause psychological problems. Especially when hair loss occurs at a younger age, good advice is expensive. There are many possible causes, but a possible selenium deficiency should always be taken into consideration when hair loss occurs.
Selenium contributes to the health of hair and nails. In the hair roots, selenium supports growth. Not only hair loss, but also thin or brittle hair could be a sign that there is too little selenium.
But be careful: if you overdose on selenium, you may achieve exactly the opposite. Too much selenium can also be responsible for hair loss.
So before you take selenium supplements, you should have your selenium level checked by your doctor. This can be done very easily by taking a blood sample. If the selenium level is far below 120 micrograms per litre, you have a deficiency. In this case, selenium could be helpful against hair loss.

Thyroid and selenium - important influence

Selenium, along with iodine, is a trace element of particular importance for the thyroid gland. Selenium is so important because it is the only way the thyroid gland can fulfil its main task, namely to produce hormones. In addition, the thyroid gland uses selenium to convert the hormone thyroxine into triiodine thyronine. This in turn is responsible for many processes in our body, it increases the energy metabolism and strengthens the bones, among other things.
If the body lacks selenium, the risk of developing certain thyroid diseases increases.

Selenium is one of the most important antioxidants

Selenium is even more than "just" a mineral. It also has a particularly antioxidant effect. This intercepts free radicals that can damage the body and protects the cells from damage. This benefits the whole body. On the skin, it is noticeable, among other things, that the ageing process progresses more slowly.

Selenium for the muscles

Selenium is found in all tissues - including the muscles. About 60% of the selenium in the body is in the kidneys, liver and muscles. It is therefore largely responsible for the function of the muscles. If you suffer from a deficiency, this can be noticeable in a restriction of muscle function.

Selenium for fertility

Selenium is considered a building block for normal testicular development and for maximum sperm motility and function. Selenium also protects the sperm from oxidative stress.
A selenium deficiency can lead to a disturbance in sperm production. The result: the sperm are less mobile and the number also decreases.
So it could indeed be that infertility is due to an existing selenium deficiency. If you want to have children, it is therefore particularly important to make sure you have a sufficient supply of selenium.

Selenium for a strong immune system

Even our immune system benefits from a sufficiently high selenium level. In combination with zinc, selenium is the perfect duo to strengthen immunity and make the body fit against various viruses and bacteria. This is due, among other things, to its antioxidant effect, because selenium protects the cells from stress. Free radicals attack cells and tissue, make them susceptible to diseases and lead to a weakened defence system.

Selenium - effects on the psyche

If your selenium level is too low, depressive moods and listlessness may be the result.
The reason is that selenium is a necessary building block for happiness hormones in the brain, especially serotonin. If selenium is missing, the body can produce less serotonin and this has an effect on the psyche.

Selenium: the effect on the skin and nails

Not only the hair benefits from a sufficiently high selenium supply, selenium is also an important trace element for the nails and skin. If you have enough of it, you will notice it in your radiant skin, shiny, healthy hair and strong nails.

Selenium cure for skin and hair

Selenium is very important for the body, skin, hair and nails. Therefore, a cure for skin and hair can be helpful in case of a selenium deficiency. But please only if there really is a deficiency and only in the recommended dose.
Selenium powder or capsules are available in different dosages and compositions. Often, other minerals such as zinc and biotin are added to food supplements.
A selenium cure can contribute to healthy hair and radiant skin. It is important that the product is organic selenium, as this is particularly well absorbed by the body.
A dosage of 200 micrograms per day makes sense for a cure lasting several weeks. However, you should consult your doctor if you take the product for more than 4 weeks.

At a glance:

Selenium is an essential trace element that the human body absolutely needs. Here are the organs and functions that selenium influences:

  • Immune system
  • Growth of the fingernails
  • Skin texture
  • Hair texture
  • Muscles and tissues
  • Normalisation of blood pressure
  • Function of the heart muscle
  • Fertility in men
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