Vitamin B6 in old age - Metabolism as a parade discipline

Vitamin B6 is a very important vitamin in numerous metabolic processes. It is true that a reasonably varied diet already ensures sufficient intake. But there can be individual deviations as well as unforeseeable obstacles that endanger a sufficient supply. Why vitamin B6 is so important, how it is composed and what you can do to ensure that your intake meets your needs - even in old age.

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The calorie requirement in brief

Vitamin B6 plays a major role in several metabolic processes in the body. It has an effect in supporting the homocysteine metabolism already known in connection with the vitamin folic acid. In the article on folic acid and folate, we learned that too much homocysteine can be the cause of mental illnesses such as depression. In addition to working with folic acid in homocysteine metabolism, vitamin B6 is also involved in smooth fat metabolism. Other important tasks:

  • Support in hormone activities
  • Positive effect on the immune system
  • Formation of messenger substances in the nerves
  • Conversion & incorporation of proteins

As important as vitamin B6 is in itself, it is also important to store it correctly. Long storage in heat and daylight as well as in sunlight impairs the vitamin's effect.

Since it is essential for the healthy functioning of the body, care should always be taken to ensure an adequate daily intake. Especially during pregnancy or in case of travel sickness, the vitamin has already proven to be of great help. But where can you find the vitamin and what is the recommended intake?

Where can you find vitamin B6?

The occurrence of vitamin B6 is abundant and can therefore be flexibly ensured through natural nutrition. Vegetarians and vegans also have enough options for vitamin B6 intake. The following overview shows the most common sources of vitamin B6 (cf . Stover & Field, 2015):

  • Fish
  • Liver & other organs
  • Potatoes
  • Vegetables
  • Nuts
  • Bananas
  • Avocados
  • Whole grain products

Additional supplementation via food supplements is therefore usually unnecessary. However, in special cases it may be that the vitamin is poorly absorbed or that the diet offers too little variety. In this case, you should consult your doctor if you are deficient. He or she will give you the best advice. But how does a deficiency actually become noticeable?

What are the deficiency symptoms of too low a vitamin B6 intake?

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In fact, a vitamin B6 deficiency is rather rare. However, especially with increasing age, an insufficient intake crystallises in some cases. In this case, the following symptoms result (cf. University Medical Centre Göttingen):

  • Poorer mood up to and including depression
  • Pain in the muscles
  • Increasing tiredness
  • Low energy
  • Greater menstrual discomfort
  • Increased symptoms of anaemia

Older people who want to keep fit and live healthily in old age are thus absolutely dependent on vitamin B6. Otherwise, emerging and intensified muscle and mood complaints cause considerable problems with health ambitions and goals.

How much vitamin B6 do you need for a healthy life?

The recommended amounts of vitamin B6 vary with age. Studies have shown that there is already a deficiency in our population between the ages of 20 and 50. This picture intensifies with age, as the body's supply of vitamin B6 is simply linked to many other conditions that are disregarded in the diet with increasing age. These include, for example, sufficient protein intake.

Therefore, the following recommendations for vitamin B6 consumption apply depending on age: Below 50 years of age, you should consume 1.3 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day. Above the age of 50, however, 1.7 milligrams of the vitamin are recommended daily. To illustrate how you achieve this 1.7 milligrams in practice:

  • 170 grams of beef liver
  • 255 grams of lentils
  • 850 grams of vegetables

These are just a few of the sources and amounts of food required to meet your needs. Of course, if you know from the start that your vitamin B6 intake is too low, you can supplement your diet with the appropriate supplements. But make sure you follow the dosage recommendations carefully. If the doses are too high for a long period of time, you could potentially damage your nerves and have a negative effect on your skin. But you would have to overdo it with 500 milligrams per day. That's why you can use supplements without worrying. The highest recommendation is 3.5 milligrams of vitamin B6 per day.

About vitamin B6 advertisements

In connection with vitamins, the pharmaceutical industry is in full swing. This is especially the case with vitamin B6. It is often claimed that the vitamin is a pure "happiness vitamin" or a "brain vitamin". It is clear that especially people who are of a certain age or who are in certain health problems feel addressed by the advertising. Accordingly, the question arises: Are the promises made in the advertisements to be taken at face value or are they just money-making?

To give a clear answer: In fact, several health promises are even allowed. This applies in particular to the nervous system, mental function and recovery. Because vitamin B6 is said to have widely proven positive effects on humans everywhere. For example, it plays a role in the release of the hormones dopamine and serotonin, which are essential for the feeling of happiness and joy. Thus, there is a lot of truth behind the advertising, which can help especially with numerous problems of ageing:

  • Menopausal symptoms
  • Depression
  • Intestinal problems
  • Sleep problems

For optimal storage and processing of food with vitamin B6

To help you get the most out of vitamin B6, here are some tips on how to store and process foods with vitamin B6:

  • Cool, dry & dark storage is recommended!
  • Do not split or chop products before use, otherwise the ingredients will be lost!
  • Stew only briefly in water so that the vitamins do not escape!

If you follow all these points, you are absolutely on the right track to effectively cover your daily required intake of vitamin B6.


Vitamin B6 keeps numerous healing promises very safely and reliably. Yet it is an absolute must for the healthy functioning of the body. If you do not cover your daily needs in the long run, you run the risk of experiencing unpleasant health effects. But now you know what to do and can give your health a powerful and positive boost with little effort.

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