What actually became of ...?

Elderly protagonists in literature

The question that no one would ask if he/she/it/* didn't have their nose poked at them naturally moves the Alterix editorial team in particular. But instead of serial actors from meaningless soap operas or unsuccessful athletes like Olympic participants of the past millennium, we have examined the sub-headlines from the headlines for forgotten supporting actors.

What actually happened to fine dust?

LADE ...
Je weniger weit man schauen kann, desto kürzer ist der Stau

For years, he was blamed for air pollution, was the driving force behind the diesel scandal and was an integral part of the headlines of the German world press and the filter systems of industry and diesel vehicles.
In the latter, it still ekes out an existence today and still bears great responsibility, but not for air pollution, but much better: for the climate catastrophe.
For the lack of particulate matter in the air is responsible for less precipitation in spring and instead in winter and over the seas, where it is not needed.
But the consumer is still told that it is his fault because he drives a car. But we should simply go boating and cruising more, then it would rain again over the fields and the harvests would not be poorer, which in turn contributes to the rise in food prices ...

Oh yes, what happened to 'vegan diet'?

Actually, it would be worth a whole article, but briefly summarised the highlights of recent times: After two years of no one caring about anything because of some virus thing, so sucking out soy or wheat grains was no longer the order of the day. Now it is increasingly noticeable, when in prepared food it is already not recognisable, because 'tofu' and 'saitan' as well as 'analogue cheese' are not ingredients, that overnight grain no longer grows in Germany, but only in Russia and Ukraine. Until the 18th century, cereal porridge was the staple food instead of 'our daily bread' - we can probably expect that again, because drinking the refined primeval forests and dinosaurs from petrol pumps is, after all, only half vegan and far too cheap and no one can earn money from it.

What actually happened to the dinosaurs?

Recently, in addition to all the salt layers, other millimetre-thin deposits were found in Bad Reichenhall, which are said to prove that, apart from a meteorite impact, volcanic eruptions also drastically reduced the standard of living of the earth's inhabitants at that time. 65 million years ago, 75% of animal species became extinct. Were dinosaurs among them? How do you define 'dinosaur'? I have a neighbour who hasn't been inclined to die for 65 million years, either for lack of brains or because of inhaled volcanic or diesel dust, so I think talk of the extinction of entire animal species is greatly exaggerated. But aren't we all living fossils?

LADE ...
Als Musik noch von über Vinyl kratzende Diamantnadeln gemacht wurde ...

Apropos: What actually became of the ESC?

One could have easily put housebroken dinosaurs or decorative fruit bowls on stage and announced them as Ukraine's contribution, in any case Ukraine would have won the 'song contest'. I wonder if this means the end of the youthfully fresh event? After all, it is not comparable to the Echo awards, where many years ago the jury and organisation themselves managed to catapult themselves into extinction; with such a public vote, different standards have to be applied, because no one of them thinks about the possibility of hosting the event, the musical quality or contracts.

Suggestions for forgotten supporting actors from old headlines may be sent to the editors at any time or written in the comments to the delight of all.

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