Suddenly in need of care: And now , What to bear in mind? , Getting started , Valuable tips , Basics ,
Suddenly in need of care: And now , What to bear in mind? , Getting started , Valuable tips , Basics ,
Classification into a care degree , Criteria, preparation, assessment , Alterix shows how the classification into a care degree works ,
The care degrees 1 to 5 , What does the care degree entail? , What does the care degree say? Who gets how much? ,
Care allowance and benefits in kind , Benefits from the care insurance fund? , Household help , Personal care , Assistance in everyday life ,
Reconciling care and work - is that possible? , Benefits, requirements, contact points , Alterix informs about the possibilities of combining care and work ,
How to recognise a good care service! Selection criteria, transparency, costs , Alterix shows what you should look out for when searching for and choosing care services ,
Aids in home care , Rollator, insoles and co , Aids and care aids: Who pays for what? , Medical prescription of aids and care aids , Processing times with health insurance funds and cost units , Maintenance , Medical supply store ,Care aids for consumption , Counselling ,
Buying rollators , Which rollator is the right one? ,Rollator on prescription , Health insurance model: Favourable standard , Rollator of choice: More equipment costs more. , Rollator: weight, brakes, tyres , Rollator with backrest , Rollator and accessories , Selection criteria and advice ,
Wheelchair & power wheelchair , Wheelchair: costs and prices , Wheelchair via health insurance , Which wheelchair is the right one? , Maintenance and spare parts , The multifunctional wheelchair , Rollator with backrest , Selecting a wheelchair , Sizes, dimensions, functions, accessories , Rent or hire a wheelchair? ,
Wheelchair ramps , Barrier-free at home , Different types of ramps , Fixed or mobile , Surface ramp , Rail ramp , Sleeper bridge , Ramp for car , Costs , Subsidy , Buying and renting ,
The active wheelchair , Advantages , Wheelchair sports , Selection criteria , Equipment features , Adjustable components , Flexibility , Transport , Special features ,
Pressure ulcers: what to look out for and how to prevent them? , How do pressure ulcers develop? , Body parts with increased risk of pressure ulcers , Four pressure ulcer categories , Micropositioning and macropositioning , Anti-decubitus aids
Positioning aids for pressure ulcer prophylaxis , Positioning techniques , Choosing the right aid , Positioning roll , Positioning cushion , Air cell cushion , Cube cushion , Soft positioning mattresses , Alternating pressure mattresses , Heel protection , Gel cushion , Buying and renting ,
Household help, care degree and Meals on Wheels , Meals on Wheels at a glance , Allowance for household help , Advice, support and help in the household ,
Domestic help for seniors , Cost absorption of domestic help , Health insurance or long-term care insurance , Looking for and finding a domestic helper , Tasks of a domestic helper , Registering domestic help , Additional aids in the household ,