Dog or cat - which is suitable for whom?

Demands of a dog

Before you make a decision, think about how getting a dog will affect your life. A dog needs at least three walks a day. For you, that means whether it's storming or snowing, you have to get out of the house and brave the weather. Depending on the breed, three short walks of 30 minutes each are sufficient, but if you choose an active breed, one walk should last at least an hour and a half.

Whether you take in a puppy or an adult dog, you will need to train it. Dogs that don't know boundaries develop into bullies, some even become aggressive. A dog therefore needs a lot of attention and great consistency.

Keeping a dog will also affect your holiday plans. Ideally, you should go on trips where the dog can accompany you. As long as it travels with you, you can travel as often as you like. However, you must find out whether a dog is allowed in the planned accommodation. As a rule, you will always find hotels, guesthouses, holiday homes or flats where dogs are allowed. Some campsites also allow dogs, but they are rarely allowed to roam freely on the site.

Cruises are usually not possible with a dog. Some shipping companies do allow a dog on board, but the animal is unlikely to enjoy the trip. Usually it has to stay in the cabin or in a special box. A walk is only possible if the ship is moored at a pier. A water bowl and treats provided by dog-friendly operators in the cabin are of little comfort when the bladder is squeezing.

Travelling to the sea or a lake in the high season is usually not pleasant for dogs. Only a few places offer a dog beach. Most of the time, dogs are not allowed anywhere near the water. In the low season, when people are no longer on the beach, things are often different. Your dog is also not happy when you go on city tours with sightseeing. They are usually not allowed in museums, churches or castles.

Since dogs are very attached to their owners, they suffer from separation. For this reason, boarding in a kennel is hardly advisable. A dog that is very attached to you will even feel separation pain if you leave him with good friends he knows.

Claims of a cat

Keeping a cat is easier because it doesn't expect you to walk it. This is especially beneficial if you can't manage longer walks for health reasons.

Of course, you also have to train a cat, but inconsistency has less effect. Animals have a mind of their own anyway. This usually requires major changes in the home. The cat needs a scratching post, you have to set up litter trays and occasionally the animal will do some rearranging. Many a cherished memento becomes a toy and gets broken in the process.

The daily effort is limited to cleaning the litter trays, feeding, cuddling and playing with the animal. Keeping a cat generally takes less time than keeping a dog. In addition, a cat does not resent your absence as much as a dog. Therefore, only a few cat owners take them with them on holiday. In any case, this is only possible in some holiday homes or flats. Only if the cat walks on a leash can you take it with you on holiday in a mobile home.

Ideally, a person who knows the cat will take care of it. For a shorter trip, it is sufficient if this person comes by once a day to feed the cat and clean the toilet. If you are away for more than a week, someone should look after the animal intensively three times a day. Since the cat will be cared for at your home, you can arrange the trip according to your wishes. Cruises, beach holidays in high season, air travel and city tours are also possible. But you should not leave the cat alone for a longer period of time more than twice a year.

Which animal is suitable for me?

Think about what the pet needs and whether you can provide it.

A dog is a good choice for you if you are

  • are good on your feet and can walk with him for long periods of time every day,
  • are willing to train him consistently and lovingly,
  • you want to take it with you on holiday
  • you like to spend your holidays in the low season by the sea or lakes
  • you like hiking holidays in nature
  • you can do without city trips, air travel or cruises.

A cat is a good choice for you if you

  • cannot go for long walks,
  • are willing to rearrange your home to make it cat-friendly,
  • you don't mind cleaning a litter box,
  • you can limit yourself to a maximum of two trips of about three weeks a year.

Of course, keeping a pet generally means responsibility. You will also have to make friends with hair on furniture and carpets and generally put up with mess and some dirt. The bottom line, however, is that a pet always adds to your enjoyment of life.

If you live alone and would like to keep a dog, you should look around for people in your circle of acquaintances who are willing to walk the dog. If no one can be found there, animal shelters can help. These usually have dog walkers who take the dogs from the shelter out for walks. They are usually happy to take another dog with them.

This is possible with a human-oriented cat that has learned to walk on a leash. But a walk with a cat is different from a walk with a dog. It tends to go forward step by step, examining every stone.

As long as the children behave respectfully towards the dog, they usually make friends with children very quickly. But it depends on the individual case. A dog that has had bad experiences tends to keep children at a distance.

Most cats tend to ignore children at first. This usually changes when the little ones play with something that interests them. The animals then like to join in.

In terms of feeding, playing and cuddling, dogs and cats spend about the same amount of time. Dogs may need a longer walk, while cleaning the cat's litter box is done quickly.

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