Cat breeds for seniors

Which cat suits me best. And what do I have to consider when choosing the right cat?

How different are pedigree cats

Just as all dogs are descended from the wolf, the origin of all domestic cats can be traced back to the Egyptian dun cat. While about 400 recognised dog breeds developed from the wolf, there are only about 40 cat breeds.

These do not differ as much as dog breeds, which include both a tiny Chihuahua and a gigantic Irish Wolfhound. Nevertheless, there are physical and character differences that characterise each breed. Some breeds have a rather plump and heavy body, others are extremely slender and elegant. There are also great differences in the coat and the length of the noses. Character traits range from cosy like a teddy bear to wild and always up for an adventure.

Before buying a cat, think about what is important to you:

  • Do you want the cat to be rather wild and lively or are you looking for a calm and thoughtful companion?
  • Can you offer a temperamental animal enough variety? Is your home suitable for a rambunctious cat?
  • Are you looking for a cat that is very cuddly and likes to cuddle with you?
  • Do you have the time and energy to brush a cat thoroughly every day? Do you prefer a low-maintenance cat?
  • How sensitive are you to tidiness and cleanliness? Do you have problems if there is cat hair everywhere?

Selection according to the nature of the animal

In the table the traits of typical representatives of certain cat breeds are assigned. However, there is no guarantee that every pedigree cat behaves in a typical manner.

Erwünste Eigenschaft Katzenrasse
very playful Bengal cat, Siberian cat, Sacred Birman, Naked cats (Sphinx cats), Siamese cat
somewhat playful Norwegian Forest Cat, Maine Coon
calm and hardly playful British Shorthair, Persian, Russian Blue, Ragdoll
does not actively or loudly demand attention Siberian Cat, British Shorthair, Russian Blue, Norwegian Forest Cat, Main Coon
„redet“ ständig Main Coon, Siamese
seeks owner's nähe Bengal cat, Sacred Birman, Persian cats, Russian Blue. Main Coon, Naked cats (Sphinx cats), Ragdoll, Siamese
wants to sleep in the owner's bed Holy Burmese, Main Coon
seeks attention insistently and becomes pushy Bengal cat, Sacred Birman, Naked cats (Sphinx cats), Ragdoll, Siamese cat
Keeping in flat without balcony or garden possible British Shorthair, Persian, Maine Coon

You know your life best. Look for a cat of a breed that largely harmonises with your needs.

Physical characteristics relevant to decision-making

Besides the cat's temperament, there are also physical characteristics that are relevant for a decision. In a small flat, for example, you should not keep cats that are very large, as the animals quickly feel cramped. However, it also depends on the nature of the animal. A Siamese cat that likes to move around may be smaller than a British Shorthair, but it needs a lot of room to move around.

Your attitude towards cat hair on furniture and carpets is also important. Some cats leave an incredible amount of hair behind, at least during shedding. If you have problems with this, choose a breed without a dense undercoat, such as a Siamese. If you are very sensitive, a naked cat is more suitable.

Important for allergy sufferers

Unfortunately, there is no cat breed that is suitable for people who have a cat hair allergy. The reaction is to a protein (allergen Fel d1) in cat saliva. Since sphinx cats also groom themselves regularly, they also spread the allergen. Some breeds are known to produce little Fel d1, including Balinese, Oriental Shorthair and Siberian cats.

Often, allergy sufferers do not react to all cats. So you have a good chance of finding a cat that will not cause you any health problems. However, you will not be able to tell with a kitten, because older animals produce more allergen. So there is a risk that an allergy will only become apparent after a few years.

Look for an adult cat to move in with you and play with it intensively for about half an hour. If you don't notice any reaction, you are probably not allergic to this cat.

To be on the safe side, take a saliva and hair sample from this cat to have an allergy test done by a professional.

Typical characteristics of some cat breeds

The short breed portraits should help you to find a cat that suits you.

Bengal cat: These very large and strong cats are extremely temperamental. They need a large flat with sturdy furniture and a secure balcony or outdoor enclosure in the garden. You can expect some breakage in the beginning when the cat romps through the flat. Once accustomed, the animals are very affectionate. They insist on attention and will gladly follow you wherever you go. They do not need grooming. Bengal cats' love of water can be problematic. Some learn to open not only doors and drawers but also taps on their own.

British Shorthair: A British Shorthair is considered an ideal indoor cat, because it is calm and balanced. Their urge to move is low, so they are also suitable for smaller flats without a balcony. The animals also do not tend to open doors or drawers. However, the British does shed a little more than other cats and therefore needs to be brushed more often.

Sacred Burmese: This very affectionate cat is often called a "bed cat", because it seeks the closeness of humans. It is ideal if you prefer a playful cat, because representatives of this breed play until old age. In doing so, they also open doors, drawers and packages. Typical for these cats is that they indicate their need for attention with soft mewing and nudging. As the coat tends to mat easily, daily brushing is important, at least in winter and when the coat is changed.

Maine Coon: These very large and gentle cats are often called "gentle giants". They are affectionate, want to sleep in the bed with humans and beg for attention in a low voice. In general, coonies "talk" to all their housemates, even the animal ones. This is done in a soft high-pitched voice and includes a large repertoire. They meow, hiss, coo, trill and chirp. As the coat does not tend to mat, grooming is easy. But Maine Coon cats do make a little more mess than other cats, as they pick up food with their paws and carry it to their mouths. They also tend to wash food and toys in the water bowl.

Naked cats (Sphinx cats): This generic term covers several breeds that are not necessarily genetically related. Canadian Sphynx and Don Sphynx are hardy cats, while Kohona, Peterbald, short-legged Bambino cats, floppy-eared Ukrainian Levkoy and Elf cats are considered to be torture-bred. Representatives of the breed that do not originate from torture breeding are very playful and cuddly. They sometimes become pushy. As the cats have little or no fur, grooming is easy. Many owners wipe the skin with a damp cloth and also clean the earlobes regularly, because the earwax is not removed to the outside due to the lack of hair. It is not true that naked cats are particularly suitable for allergy sufferers.

Norwegian Forest Cat: These very large cats need a larger home with a secure balcony or fenced terrace. The cats are affectionate and cuddly, but also need a quiet retreat. They demand attention in a low voice and retreat sulkily if no one responds to them. In autumn and winter, intensive daily brushing and combing is important, otherwise the coat will become matted.

Persian: Cats of this breed are extremely calm and very reserved towards strangers. Due to their low urge to move, they are also suitable for smaller flats without a balcony. As the coat quickly becomes matted, grooming is not easy. It can pull when combed and the cat resists comb and brush. There are also breeds of Persian cats that are considered to be torture breeds.

Ragdoll: The English name means rag doll, because the cats like to be carried. They hang relaxed in the arm of the human being. The very large and calm cats are only playful in their younger years. The animals tend to besiege their owners, their attachment can become annoying. As the coat has little undercoat, it does not tend to mat. Never use metal combs or brushes for grooming, as the extremely delicate hair is sensitive and breaks easily.

Russian Blue: This cat breed has a special feature. Kittens up to one year old are very playful, moody and sometimes pushy. As soon as they become yearlings, this changes abruptly. The animals are now cuddly and take part in your life, but do not become pushy. They are more the "quiet observer" type who loves peace and quiet and don't like hustle and bustle. As there is no typical seasonal coat change, brushing is not necessary.

Siamese: These cats are suitable for people who love a noisy, very playful and people-oriented breed. The animals chatter almost incessantly in a relatively loud voice. A Siamese cat needs company of a cat of the same or similar breed such as Balinese or Thai cats. In this company, the animals occupy themselves very much with each other, thus demanding less attention from humans. The thin coat without undercoat does not require grooming, but the cats need a warm environment, as they freeze easily.

Siberian cat: These large cats need a lot of space and a climbing opportunity as well as a secured balcony or an outdoor enclosure in the garden. The animals are playful and affectionate, but hardly pushy. On the other hand, they easily open cupboards, doors and drawers. In winter and during the coat change, daily brushing is important.

Find good breeders

Unfortunately, you will find many sellers on the internet who claim to be breeders but offer animals from unsecured origins. Since the demand for pedigree cats exceeds the supply, many serious breeders do not look for buyers through classified ads. For this reason, view the numerous ads with great caution.

It is better to contact a breeders' association and ask for addresses of breeders in your area. Have a look at their homepage. This will tell you everything about their breeding goals and whether they have cats for sale. It is important to him that the kittens are in good hands. He will ask you about the planned keeping of the kittens and will tell you the basic conditions that the future cat owner has to fulfil. In return, he will help you if you have a problem with the attitude.

Particularly problematic breeds

Cats that come from a cruelty breed face a short and painful life. Owners spend a lot of money at the vet to alleviate the suffering. Some of these breeds are fold-eared cats like the Scottish Fold cats or and the Ukrainian Levkoy. Fold ears are due to a hereditary disease that causes damage to all cartilage tissue. This means a lifetime of severe, incurable suffering for the cats, they need constant painkillers and usually have to be euthanised at a young age.

Severely shortened noses in British Shorthair and Persian cats are also very popular because the cats look childlike. Especially when the breeding goal peke-face is pursued, where the nose line is almost on the line of the upper eyelid, the cats have extreme problems. The animals suffer from misaligned teeth, severe respiratory problems, permanent eye discharge and conjunctivitis.

Breeds with shortened legs like the Munchkin or Bambino cat cannot jump high and can only walk slowly. A normal cat life is not possible for them.

Contrary to what is often assumed, naked cats do not suffer from hairlessness. They do not freeze faster than other cats that do not have a dense undercoat. Naked cats even occur again and again in litters of hairy cats. The animals develop normally and often lead the life of a free roamer. Only if the tactile hairs are missing, the cats are impaired.

As you can see, there is a lot to consider when choosing your animal roommate. But with the appropriate care, you will find the cat that will enrich your life for many years.

Every animal brings variety into your life and is a great conversation starter. Cats are particularly suitable because they are more interesting than small animals and do not demand as much of you as a dog.

Whether a breed is suitable for you depends on your health, fitness and attitude towards cleanliness and activity. For this reason, any breed can be suitable for seniors.

When a cat lives exclusively indoors, the risk of illness and injury is low. In general, it means less stress for the owner and he has the animal's company at all times.

There are huge physical differences, some breeds are very small, others extremely large. The breeds also differ in hairiness, from very hairy like the Persians to naked like the Sphinx cats. Some pedigree cats are very cuddly and people-oriented, others tend to be secluded and go their own ways.

Äolder people usually take in a cat because they want companionship. This is offered by breeds such as Ragdoll, British Shorthair or Siamese. European Shorthair or Norwegian Forest Cats are also cuddly, but these cats also like to retreat or go on outdoor walks.

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