Keeping cats indoors

Good news for seniors in big cities who would like to keep a cat: keeping a cat purely in a flat without an outdoor area is possible.

Which cats are suitable for keeping in flats

You have never had a cat? You have probably had at least some idea of the nature of a cat since your earliest youth. Maybe you think that it has to roam through meadows and fields to be happy. In addition, you think that it does not attach itself to people, but only to its surroundings. You may also know stories of cats who just couldn't get used to being kept indoors. So you are afraid of taking a big risk when you let a cat into your home and into your heart. Don't worry. If you follow a few principles when choosing an animal, you will be able to live with a happy cat for a long time.

The kittens' childhood shapes them for the rest of their lives. A kitten that roamed fields with mama cat during this time will never get used to living in a flat. This is even true for the poor, often half-starved strays that can be found in almost every big city. But cats that were born in human care and do not know outdoor access do not miss it. Many of the cats do not leave the house even if they could leave at any time. So you need an animal that has not yet had outdoor access.

Tips for choosing a cat

Pedigree cats are very expensive. For this reason, there are hardly any breeders who allow their precious animals to roam freely. If you buy from a recognised breeder, you will usually get a cat that you can keep indoors. But beware: there are dubious sellers who pretend to be breeders and offer cats of unclear origin.

If you decide to buy a pedigree cat, look for the following signs of good husbandry:

  • The seller shows great interest in how the animal will live with you.
  • He insists on certain housing conditions, such as a secure balcony.
  • You get the opportunity to visit the cats.
  • Kittens and dams live with the breeder's family.
  • Good breeders only sell vaccinated and dewormed cats.

Never buy from a dealer who sells you a cat from the boot of a car or who gives it to you without checking the conditions under which it is kept.

Of course, there are also normal house cats that are suitable for purely indoor keeping. Since a cat that lives exclusively indoors seldom meets a male, of course no kittens are to be expected from these. Only outdoor cats come home pregnant.

If you want a regular house cat, look at cat help societies or animal shelters, as they often give away offspring from strays that have been caught pregnant. The mother cats usually stay with the kittens for about eight to ten weeks after giving birth, and the kittens themselves do not know any outdoor access. Sometimes shelters also relinquish disabled, older or sick cats that still have a long, happy life ahead of them exclusively to an apartment-only home.

One or two cats

Many cats suffer because owners assume that cats are basically solitary animals. Of course, cats do not hunt in packs like dogs, but they do interact with each other in many ways. If you look at the cat population on a farm, you can see this immediately. Some of the cats cuddle up to each other while sleeping, mutual grooming is the order of the day and it even happens that cat mothers care for the kittens together.


If you want to keep your cat exclusively in the flat, it is best to get two animals,

  • If you want to keep your cat exclusively indoors, it is best to get two cats, or you can search for cats in animal shelters that are only suitable for single-housing due to illness, disability or strong jealousy.

Demands on the flat

First clarify whether it is allowed to keep cats in the flat. If it has been individually agreed in the tenancy agreement that this is prohibited, you are not allowed to keep a cat. As a rule, you must obtain the landlord's permission, which the landlord may only refuse if he has an understandable reason for prohibiting the keeping of cats.

Please note the following:

  • The German Animal Welfare Association recommends that the flat should have at least two rooms.
  • For one cat 50 square metres is sufficient, two cats need at least 60 square metres of living space that is freely accessible.
  • Place a sturdy scratching post in a central location and allow the cat to reach high cupboards.
  • Provide enough litter trays. There should be one more than there are cats living with you.
  • Ideally, there should be a balcony or terrace that is secured on all sides with bars or nets.
  • Do not put the water bowl near the litter tray or the food bowls.
  • Make the home exciting for cats. Leave boxes out for a few days. Scatter crumpled paper around the flat.

Occupation with the cat

Cats do not challenge you as much as dogs do. Nevertheless, spend about 2 hours a day with your cats. Part of the time is taken up by cleaning the litter trays and feeding the animals. Otherwise, it's all about playing and cuddling. Spread the play time out over the day. Fishing rods with a feather game or a string that you let the cat chase after are ideal.

The cat decides for itself when it wants to be petted. Expect them to sit on you or with you when you sit down to read a book or lie down on the sofa to watch TV. Cat lovers especially appreciate this independence.

Long-haired cats need help with grooming. You must brush them, otherwise they will swallow too much hair. This leads to digestive problems. In general, brushing is an excellent way to strengthen the bond between your cat and you.

Cats can also be trained - for example with a clicker

The first step is to link sounds with positive experiences. You show the cat a treat and press the clicker. It is usually enough to do this exercise ten times a day for about a week. The cat now associates the "click" with a reward. In training, you always make the sound when the cat shows a behaviour on command that you want to reinforce.

Example: You hold a treat above the cat's head. It will rise up on its hind paws to reach it. Say "Up" and make the sound. Give the cat the treat at the same time. After a few days it is enough to hold your hand above its head and say "up". The cat has learned to respond to a gesture and a word as desired. Don't forget to give a "click" as a reward.

Think of other exercises. You can similarly encourage the cat to balance on a narrow board, jump through a hoop or give you its paw.

As you can see, even in a big city flat you don't have to give up keeping animals. As long as you get a cat that has never been outdoors, arrange the flat according to its needs and keep the animal occupied, you will be very happy together.

Adequate care for the cat is important in any type of housing. Keeping a cat in a flat with good care is a quandary if the flat has less than 50 square metres or the cat is only allowed to use a small part of the room. It also suffers if it has to be alone for several hours a day.

Breeds that are naturally very domestic and have a low urge to move are suitable for indoor living. Typical breeds that meet these requirements are British Shorthair, Sacred Birman and Persian cats.

Vaccination against rabies and feline epidemic makes sense if the cat has contact with dogs or other cats. Furthermore, in an emergency, a vaccinated cat can always be placed in an animal shelter or a cat boarding facility.

The small device produces a constant tone that the cat can easily recognise as praise. The human voice often has a different sound, for example during stress or a cold. This confuses the cat.

In flats, cats are mostly endangered by poison. Many animals are poisoned by chocolate, water in flower coasters or alcohol. Cats like to eat the latter in sweets (schnapps chocolates), otherwise they avoid it.

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